Read and translate the dialogue. DISCUSSING A CONTRACT


     The export department of Goldman & Co. sent their offer of compressors. Mr. Bunin came back from Edinburgh, he and Mr. Zotov considered the prices, the ter of payment and delivery and the technical information of the offer. They found that the compressors were the latest design. So Bunin decided to meet Mr. Lipman again to disci the offer.

Bunin: Good afternoon, Mr. Lipman.

Lipman: Good afternoon, Mr. Bunin. Will you take a seat? Have a cigarette, please.

Bunin:   Thank you.

Lipman: Did you enjoy your trip to Edinburgh?

Bunin: Yes, it was pleasant, indeed. I also had a good opportunity to contact business»!

            men of different British companies.

Lipman: I see. Now, Mr. Bunin, what do you say to your offer?

Bunin:   On the whole your terms and conditions are acceptable to us. But I'm afraid

              your prices are not quite competitive. They are somewhat higher then the  

              prices of other firms. Could you reduce your price by 7 per cent?

Lipman: I say, Mr. Bunin, we've sold our compressors at the price of $2000 each. They

             are the best on the world market at this price. However, if you increase your

             order, we'll give you a discount of 5 per cent.

Bunin:   I believe we can buy 15 more compressors.

Lipman:   Fine. That will settle the price problem.

Bunin: Quite so. Now there is another point, Mr. Lipman. Your delivery

            dates don't suit us. We require the first parcel of 20 compressors a

             month after we sign the contract.

 Lipman: So I understand that we are to ship the first parcel in December. And what

            about the remaining goods?

 Bunin: We can accept them in March.

 Lipman: Very good. Well, Mr. Bunin, as regards the terms of payment I hope you'll pay

            against shipping documents by a Letter of Credit. You are to open it with the  

            London Bank after our fax that the goods are ready for shipment.

Bunin:   Quite right. I'll be glad to sign the contract when you get it ready.

Lipman: We can sign it tomorrow. I'll be glad, Mr. Bunin, if you and Mr. Zotov join our

             Sales Manager and me for lunch after we sign the contract.

Bunin:  Thank you.

Lipman:  So we hope to see you at our office at 12 tomorrow.

Bunin:  Good. See you



III. Post-reading stage:

3. Consult a dictionary, read and translate the following words:

to consider offer to increase shipment
to discuss order to reduce Letter of Credit
to accept discount to sign term


Англійська мова

4. Match the expressions on the left with those on the right that have a similar meaning:


a) to sign a contract а) збільшити замовлення
b) to settle the price problem б) конкурентоспроможні ціни
c) to increase the order в) прийнятні умови
d) acceptable conditions г) платити за акредитивом
e) competitive prices ґ) надавати знижку
f) to be ready for shipment д) обговорювати ціни
g) to give a discount ж) бути готовим до відвантаження
h) to pay by a Letter of Credit з) врегулювати проблему цін
i) to consider the prices и) підписати контракт


А: В:

А: В: А: В: А: В: А:

В: А:

Complete the dialogue.

Good afternoon Mr. Lake.


Will you sit down, please?


What can I do for you, Mr. Lake?

You see, Mr.Pospelov, my firm is interested in your boilers.

What do you say to our offer?


You want a discount, don't you?

________________________Could you reduce price_________________?

Surely, if you________________________________________,we'll


Fine. That will settle the price problem.


6. Fill in with the prepositions and make up a dialogue on the basis of the text:

I work ... "Avantis". A lot... foreign firms are interested ... doing business ... us. We have made some contracts ... boilers ... latest design lately. Our boilers are ... a great demand now, and we sell them... high prices.

The other day Mr.Gray ... Roberts &Co. came ... Kherson to negotiate ... us. As soon as he came ... Kherson he phoned our secretary and made an appointment... us ... the next day.

He came to see us ... half ... nine. We discussed a lot ... different questions. Our terms ... payment and delivery were acceptable ... him. When the negotiations were over we asked Mr. Gray to have dinner ... us ... Saturday.

DIALOGUE 2 I. 1.Pre reading stage:

1. Read and learn the new words and set expressions:


Англійська мова                                                                       67

1. transaction - операція

2. we were inclined to consider the prices - ми вважали за необхідне обговорити ціни

3. power consumption - енергоспоживання

4. reliability - надійність

5. trouble-free performance - безперервна робота

6. to assure - запевняти

7. we won't let you down - ми вас не підведемо

8. the Release Note for Shipment - документ, що дозволяє завантаження, накладі

9. to submit - передавати, надавати у розпорядження


10. our good will - наша добра воля

11. discount - знижка

12. the amount of the Contract - сума контракта

13. concession - поступка

14. profit - прибуток

15. currency - валюта

16. terms of payment - умови платежу

17. cash- готівка

18. Letter of Credit - акредитив

19. Telex Transfer - переказ телексом

20. Certified Check - завірений чек

21. Invoice - рахунок-фактура

22. a Packing List - пакунковий лист

23. a Certificate of Origin - сертифікат виникнення

24. a Certificate of Quality - сертифікат якості

25. an Insurance Policy - страховой поліс

26. cargo - вантаж

27. shipment - відвантаження

2. Learn the terms of contracts:

CIF (Cost, insurance, freight) - СІФ - умова продажу товару, згідно з якою , ціни реалізації товару включаються його вартість, витрати на страхування та транс- портування до місця призначення.

FOB (Free on board) - ФОБ - комерційні умови постачання та оплати товарі за яких ціна реалізації включає ціну самого товару і транспортні витрати (оплата дос- тавки та завантаження товарів на борт судна).

FOB Airport - вільно в аеропорту - умови, за якими продавець доставляє товар авіаційному перевізнику, укладає угоду з перевізником від свого імені, отримує; експортну ліцензію та виконує митні формальності, передає покупцю комплект до- кументів (включаючи авіонакладну). Покупець повинен оплатити товар та всі витрати, пов'язані з його транспортуванням, після передачі його перевізнику. Ризик таправо власності переходить від продавця до покупця після передачі товару перевізнику.

FAS (Free alongside Ship) - різновид комерційних умов постачання та оплати товарів, за яким продавець несе всі витрати за доставку товару до борту судна, а також продавець за свій рахунок здійснює:


Англійська мова


• поставку товару з доданими документами, які підтверджують його відпо-відність вимогам контракту;

• упаковку товару для транспортування;

• доставку товару у вказані у контракті строки до порту і складування його на причалі вздовж борту судна;

• повідомлення покупця про розміщення товару на причалі і передачу йому розписки порту про прийняття вантажу.

Крім цього, продавець зобов'язується за проханням покупця і за його рахунок надати останньому допомогу в отриманні додаткових документів, які необхідні для ввозу товарів у його країну.

Покупець за свій рахунок:

• фрахтує судно та сповіщає продавця про дату прибуття судна до порту;

• страхує вантаж та оплачує завантаження товару на судно;

• здійснює оплату товару.

Ризик пошкодження та втрати вантажу, а також право власності на нього пе-реходить до покупця у момент розміщення товару на причалі.

II. While reading stage:

3. Read, translate and act the dialogue:


Mr. Rogers: Good afternoon, Mr. Bunin. I am happy to come back from the Exhibition.

Mr. Bunin: Didn't you enjoy it, Mr. Rogers?

Mr. Rogers: Not really. It was tiring. I don't like traveling, you know.

Mr. Bunin: Let's discuss the commercial side of our transaction. We were inclined to

consider the prices today.

Mr. Rogers: You find them attractive, don't you?

Mr. Bunin: Unfortunately, no. Comparing them with those of your competitors, they are

5 - 10 % higher.

Mr. Rogers:   I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. Don't you know that we've made

some modifications and reduced the power consumption of our equipment? Mr. Bunin: Sure, I know that, but you can't say that the power consumption of your

                 equipment is very low. However, our main requirements are reliability and

                 trouble-free performance of the equipment. It involves the problem of Test

and Guarantee.

 Mr. Rogers: We can assure you, Mr. Bunin, that we won't let you down. On our part, we

                  expect the Release Note for Shipment to be signed immediately after the

tests are carried out and the Test Report is submitted

Mr. Bunin: I see, but as we are in close touch with the market now we are informed that

                  other companies can quote lower prices. We expect understanding of our

                   good will and of the fact that our company is rather new and intends to have

long-term relations with yours.

Mr. Rogers: Right, but business is business. What are your reasons for the discount? Mr. Bunin:           I've already mentioned your competitors' prices. Besides your price must

depend on the amount of the Contract.

Англійська мова



Mr. Rogers:

Mr Bunin: Mr. Rogers:

Mr. Bunin:

Mr. Rogers: Mr. Bunin:

Mr. Rogers:

Mr. Bunin: Mr. Rogers:

Well, if you increase your order to €500 000 we will be able to give you a 2 % discount.

It's better, but we expected at least a 4 % discount. Let us make some calculations.... 3 % and no more, Mr. Bunin. Even this concession leaves only a very small profit for us. This price is final. CDF Odessa, isn't it? Now the terms of payment. We accept: Cash, Letter of Credit, Telex Transfer, Certified Check.

Unfortunately, cash is out of question. It isn't allowed in our country for for­eign trade. The Letter of Credit appears to be the most acceptable. All right. What currency can you pay in: Euro or dollars? We insist on Euro. It's possible. But we need a Bill of Lading, an Invoice, a Packing List, a Cer­tificate of Origin, a Certificate of Quality and an Insurance Policy to be faxed within 2 days after the cargo is ready for shipment. Good. We could meet tomorrow. What time could you come here again Mr. Bunin?

I suppose I can make it only after two. Then see you at 3. Good buy.

III. Post reading stage:

4. Match the equivalents in two columns:


1. transaction вимога
2. competitor готівка
3. requirement гарантія
4. Test and Guarantee завірений чек
5. discount страховий поліс
6. Letter of Credit операція
7. Certified Check вантаж
8. Cash конкурент
9. Certificate of Quality знижка
10. Insurance Policy акредитив
11. cargo сертифікат якості

5. Answer to the questions while reading the dialogue:

1. What was the subject of negotiations between Mr. Bunin and Mr. Rogers?

2. Who was the Seller?

3. Who was the Buyer?

4. What were the reasons for the discount asked by Mr. Bunin?

5. Did the parties reach agreement as to the discount?

6. What amount of discount did Mr. Bunin insist on?

7. What did the parties agree as to the terms of contract?


• Terms of payment;

• Terms of delivery;

• Documents required;


8. How do you think were these negotiations successful?

9. Who was the most successful negotiator? Why do you think so?

70Англійська мова

6. Complete the following statements:

1. Let's discuss the commercial side of__________________________ .

2. We were inclined_____________________________________ today.

3. Comparing prices with those of your_________ they are 5 - 10 % higher.

4. We can assure you, Mr. Bunin, that________ ;__________________ .

5.1 see, but as we are in close touch with the market now we are informed that other
companies_________________________________ .

6. We expect understanding of_____________________ and of the fact that our

company is rather new and intends to have_____________________ .

7. Right, but business is______________ . What are your__________ for the


8. Well, if you________________________ to €500 000 we will be able to give

you a 2 %___________________ .

9. The Letter of Credit appears to be the most______________________ .

7. Add question-tags to the following statements:

1. Mr. Black came to London on business,...?

2. Both parties agreed to a 5 % discount,...?

3. The Buyers didn't receive the goods at the agreed time,...?

4. The manager made a correct decision,...?

5. Last year your customs' tariffs were too high,...?

8. Translate the following into English.

1. Вони часто ведуть переговори з іноземними фірмами.

2. Вони зараз ведуть переговори.

3. Вони вели переговори з цією компанією минулого тижня.

4. Коли ми повернулися до офісу, вони все ще вели переговори.

5. Ми збираємося вести з ними переговори наступного тижня.

6. Наша компанія відвантажує обладнання вчасно.

7. Наша компанія відвантажила обладнання минулого місяця.

8. Наша компанія відвантажить обладнання в наступному місяці.


1. Make up your own dialogue "Negotiating contract". Try to use phrases, you have

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