Look at the letter of application written by Viola Hathaway. Make up the letter ofap-plication for Susanna J. Patrick.
Flat 2, Midsummer Court, Primrose Gardens, Charchester CH8 3UB 4th September 19 | ||
Fox No. 342 | ||
Charchester Evening Post | ||
Dear Sirs, | ||
I would like to apply for the position | of shorthand- | typist. I have just completed a |
one-year course in commercial studies at the Appleby School of Commerce. | ||
I enclose my curriculum vitae. | Yours faithfully, Viola Hathaway (Miss) |
Using the examples, write out your own CVand the letter of application for any job you want.
Here is some advice how to apply by letter:
1. Remember that first impressions are important.
2. Write clearly and neatly on good notepaper, underlined if possible.
3. Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a word.
4. Describe yourself, your qualifications and your experience clearly.
Англійська мова
5. If the advertisement asks you to write for an application form, you will not need to give detailed information in your letter.
6. Address the letter and the envelope clearly.
TEXT 2. ABOUT INTERVIEWS I. Pre-readingstage:
1) What are the steps of choosing the candidates?
2) What are the aims of the interview?
1. Study the following words and combinations:
1. lengthy - довгий
2. to match - підходити, відповідати
3. attribute - властивості, ознака
4. to discount - ігнорувати, відкидати
5. tidy - акуратний, охайний
6. adequate - адекватний, рівнозначний
7. to draw up (drew, drawn) - складати
8. judgment - судження
9. to make a judgement on smith - судити про що-небудь
10. to fit - підходити
11. ability - здатність
12. to find out - з'ясовувати, визначати
13. neat - акуратний
П. While-reading stage:
2. Read and translate the following text:
Once the company has obtained the resumes and completed form of the candidates, the next step is to compare them. This can be a lengthy process, trying to match the attributes of the applicants to the post. Some CVs and forms will be discounted straight away because, for example:
• they are badly written, perhaps they have poor spelling and are untidy
• the applicant's qualifications may be inadequate for the post
• the applicant may be too old or too young.
These applicants will be sent letters informing them that they were unsuccessful in their application. Of the CVs and application forms remaining, a "short" list will be drawn up. This is a list of the applicants seen as best suited for the post. Letters will be sent to those listed, inviting them for interview on a certain date. At the same date the company will usually send for references.
The interview is the major way the companies assess whether a candidate is suitable for a particular post. It allows the company to make a judgement on:
• the candidate's personality (will he fit into the company and be able to mix with
the other staff?)
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• the ability of the candidate to communicate
• whether the information on the CV or application form is correct.
It also gives the candidate the chance to find out more about the company, such the working condition, hours of work, pay and training.
Ш. Post-reading stage:
3. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents:
• unsuccessful | • безрезультатний | |
• untidy | • неправильний | |
• uncertain | • неакуратний | |
• unusual | • невизначений | |
• unsuitable | • незвичайний | |
• unable | • нездатний | |
• incorrect | • неналежний | |
• inattentive | • неввічливий | |
• inadequate | • незаконний | |
• illegal | • недостатній | |
• impolite | • неуважний |
4. Write down what steps the company takes after it obtains the resumes. Thefollowin, may be of help:
1. First the company considers and compares____________________________
2. Then it sends_________________________________________________
3. Then the company invites________________________________________
4. At the same time it sends for__________________________________________
5. Write down the questions for the following answers:
1.;_________________________ ? 1. Yes, this can be a very lengthy process.
2. ____________________ ? 2. Then they will be discounted.
3. __________________ ? 3. A short list will be made then.
4. ____________________ ? 4. No, they will be invited for interviews.
5._________________________ ? 5. Yes, some good advice is given then.
6. Answer the following questions:
1. What does the process of choosing the candidates include? Name the steps.
2. Why will some CVs and forms be discounted straight away?
3. What does the interview allow the company?
1. Pre-reading stage:
1) What questions will you be asked at the interview?
2) What questions will you ask at the interview?
3) What are the steps of getting ready for the interview?
4) What are the Do's and Don'ts for job seekers?
Англійська мова
1. Study the following words and combinations:
1. to put in some thoughts - зібратися з думками
2. employer - роботодавець
3. spare-time - вільний час
4. previous - попередній
5. prospects - перспектива
6. conditions - умови
7. to find out - дізнаватися
8. to involve - включати
9. tidy - охайний
10. to arrive - прибувати
11. to hold up - затримувати 12. to slouch - згинатися
13. to look bored - виглядати втомленим
14. to chew – жувати
П. While-reading stage:
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