6. Hello! I’ve waited / been waiting for you for hours!

7. How long have you played / been playing tennis?

8. How many games have you played / been playing?

Ex. 5. Put in the present perfect or present perfect progressive.

Pattern: I have had these shoes for a year. (have)

How long have you been waiting? (wait)

1. It ______________________ all day. (snow)

2. We ____________this dog for years. (have)

3. Ann ________________all day. (work)

4. John ________________ill this week. (be) 5. How long______you_______Andrew (know)?

Ex. 6. Put in the present perfect or continuous, using short forms where appropriate.

1. A. How long have you known (you/know) Alison? B. We (be) friends since we were children.

2. A. Who (use) the car?

B. I have. Is there a problem?

3. A. What are Andrew and David doing?

B. They (work) in the garden for three hours 4. A. Why is Sally upset?

B. She (lose) her bag

5. A. I (always/believe) that exercise is good for you.B. Of course, it’s good to keep fit.

6. A. Emily (teach) maths since she left university.B. Yes, and she’s a very good teacher, too.

7. A. Fred (open) a new shop.B. Really? Where is it?

8. A. This pie is delicious.

B. Is it? I (not/taste) it yet.

9. A. Have you found your umbrella yet?B. No, I (look) for it for an hour now.

10. A. You look exhausted.

B. Well, I (clean) the windows since 8 o’clock this morning.

11. A. Can I have some more lemonade, please?B. Sorry, your brother (just/drink) it all.

12. A. Have you got new neighbours?B. Yes, they (just/move) to the area.

Ex. 7. Choose the correct answer.

1. “What time does the train leave?” “I think it A at 2 o’clock”.

A. leaves В. has been leaving С. has left 2. “Where are Tom and Pauline?” “They ____ to the supermarket”.

A. have just gone В. have been going С. go 3. “What is Jill doing these days?”

“She ______ for a job for six months”.

A. is looking В. has been looking С. looks

4. “Is Mandy watching TV?”

“No. She ______ her homework right now”.

A. is always doing В. is doing С. does

5. “Have you been for a walk?”

“Yes. I often ______ for walks in the evenings”.

A. have gone В. am going С. go

6. “Have you seen any films lately?”

“Yes. Actually, I _________ two this week”.

A. have seen В. am seeing С. see

7. “What ______ ?” “It’s a piece of cherry pie. Mum made it yesterday?”

A. are you eating В. do you eat С. have you eaten

8. “Are you going on holiday this summer?” “Yes. I ______ enough money”.

A. am saving В. have already saved С. save 9. “Is Todd reading the newspaper?”

“No. He _______ dinner at the moment”.

A. has been making В. makes С. is making

10. “Have you bought any new CDs recently?” “Yes. Actually, I _________ two this week”.

A. have bought В. have been buying С. am buying 11. “What time does the play start?” “I think it ________ at 8 o'clock”.

A. has been starting В. starts С. has started

12. “Where is Mark?”

“He ______ to the library to return some books”.

A. has gone В. has been С. is going

Ex. 8. Underline the correct tense.

1. Liz and I are good friends. We know/have known each other for four years.

2. Sarah is very tired. She has been working/is working hard all day.

3. “Whеге is John?” “He’s upstairs. He does/is doing his homework”.

4. I can’t go to the party on Saturday. I am leaving/ have been leaving for Spain on Friday night.

5. Jane has finished/is finishing cleaning her room, and now she is going out with her friends.

6. I didn’t recognize Tom. He looks/is looking so different in a suit.

7. I don’t need to wash my car. Jim washes/has washed it for me already.

8. Ian has been talking/is talking to his boss for an hour now.

9. Claire’s train arrives/has arrived at 3 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

10. “Would you like to borrow this book?” “No, thanks. I have read/have been reading it before”.

11. “Where are you going/do you go?” “To the cinema. Would you like to come with me?”

12. Have you seen my bag? I am searching/have been searching for it all morning.

13. “Is Colin here?” “I don’t know. I haven’t seen/ haven’t been seeing him all day”.

14. Sophie is very clever. She is speaking/speaks seven different languages.

15. We are moving/have moved house tomorrow. Everything is packed.

Ex. 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. A. What are you doing (you/do)?

B. Nothing. I (just/finish) my lunch.

2. A. Where (you/be) all morning?

В. I (clean) my house since 8 o’clock.

3. A. (you/do) anything next weekend?B. No, I (not/make) any plans yet.

4. A. Jane looks great (she/lose) weight?B. Yes, she (exercise) a lot recently.

5. A. (be/you) busy fight now?

B. Yes, I (just/start) typing this report.

6. A. Where is Peter?

B. He (wash) the car at the moment.

7. A. Who (be) your favourite actor?

В. I (like) Sean Connery since I was a child.

8. A. (you/do) your homework yet?B. Almost, I (do) it now.

Ex. 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. Who has been using (use) my toothbrush?

2. “What (you/do)?” “I (write) a letter”.

3. Samantha (play) tennis with friends every weekend.

4. Tim and Matilda (be) married since 1991.

5. Uncle Bill (just/decorate) the bathroom.

6. Pauline and Tom (sing) in the school choir twice a week.

7. Who (you/speak) to?

8. Sarah is very happy. She (win) a poetry competition.

9. He (drink) two cups of coffee this morning.

10. My friend (live) in America at the moment.

11. They (usually/change) jobs every five years.

12. I (normally/cut) my hair myself.

13. Linda (study) in the library for three hours.

14. We (play) in a concert next weekend.

15. Who (read) my diary?

16. Tim (leave) the house at 7 o’clock every morning.

17. (your mother/work) in a bank?

18. (you/drink) coffee with your breakfast every day?

19. We (make) plans for our summer holidays right now.

20. They (move) house in September.

Ex. 11. Choose the correct answer.

1. “Have you seen your sister recently?

“Yes, she came to visit last weekend”.

A. Have you been seeing B. You have seen C. Have you seen

2. “I didn’t know Sarah could drive”.

“Oh, yes, she ______ since last April”.

A. has been driving B. has driven C. is driving

3. “Where is Jason?”

“He ________ at the swimming pool”.

A. is being B. is C. has been

4. “This is a great book.”.

“I know. I ____________ it twice already”.

A. have read B. am reading C. have been reading

5. “Hello, Jane. I’m home”.

“Where have you been? I _________ for you all day”.

A. have been looking B. look C. am looking 6. “Are you having a holiday this year?” “Yes, I ________ to Hawaii”.

A. am going B. have been C. have gone 7. “Who does your hair for you?”

“My mother usually _____________ it”.

A. is cutting B. cuts C. has cut

8. “Your socks are all wet!”

“Don’t worry I ____________ another pair with me”.

A. am bringing B. bring C. have brought Ex. 12. Correct the mistakes.

1. They have been to the shops. They’ll be home soon.

2. Joe plays in the garden at the moment.

3. I am going to work by car every day.

4. The builders finish the block of flats already.

5. He has been breaking his arm.

6. Sam have just finished reading a very interesting book.

7. Water is boiling at 100 oC.

8. John is living here since 1986.

9. I study this subject for five years.

10. Who has use me scissors?


Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous Ex. 1. Translate into English.

1. В этой части света солнце садится рано. 2. Джойс едет вЛондон завтра, потому что ее дядя хочет ее видеть. 3. Некоторым людям больше всего нравится лето, некоторые любят весну или осень, а другие предпочитают зиму. 4. «Где Лиззи?» – «Она катается верхом на лошади». 5. «Что делают дети?» – «Они слушают сказку и рисуют». 6. Джейн прекрасно рисует. 7. Отец обычно ездит на работу поездом, но сегодня он на машине. 8. Каждый год он проводит каникулы в горах. 9. Я пишу, чтобы пригласить вас к нам на лето. 10. Я сижу у окна и смотрю на море. Какое-то судно уплывает (sail away) в вечернее золото горизонта.

Ex. 2. Translate into English.

1. «Когда он обычно приходит домой?» – «Он обычно приходит домой в 7 часов вечера». 2. Каким поездом вы уезжаете в Петербург на следующей неделе? 3. В следующее воскресенье ко мне приезжают друзья из Шеффилда. 4. Алекс делает новую полку для книг. Он всю мебель для своей комнаты всегда делает сам. 5. На ней сегодня шляпа и голубое платье. 6. Я не могу сейчас дать вам эту книгу, потому что я ее читаю. «Вы много читаете?» – «Да, много». – «Вы покупаете книги или берете их в библиотеке?» – «Я обычно беру по пять книг в центральной библиотеке и меняю их через месяц». «Что вы делаете под столом?» – «Я ищу иголку». 9. «Что у вас обычно на завтрак?» – «Я обычно ем бутерброд и выпиваю чашку кофе». 10. «Куда ты так бежишь?» – «Я бегу на десятичасовую электричку. Я встречаюсь сегодня с Ником. Он не любит, когда я опаздываю».

11. В следующее воскресенье я уезжаю в Данию.

Ex. 3. Translate into English.

1. Почему у тебя черные губы? – Я ела чернику. 2. Ты съелвесь кекс? 3. Что вы делаете? – Мы собираем яблоки. – Сколько вы уже собрали? – Мы собрали 5 корзин. 4. Я сегодня делала покупки и наконец нашла тебе летние туфли. 5. Какой чудный запах! Бабушка варит варенье. 6. Я полирую этот стол с самого завтрака. Я очень устала. 7. Что ты делаешь в гараже так долго? – Я накачиваю шины (pump the tires). Я уже накачал три. Ты поможешь мне с четвертой? 8. Ты знакома с Томом? – Я знаю его целую вечность. 9. Почему вы так шумите (make a horrible noise)? – Я потерял ключ и пытаюсь разбудить жену, поэтому я бросаю камни в окно спальни. – Вы бросаете камни не в то окно. Вы живете в следующем доме. 10. Он только что продал две свои картины. – Ему повезло. Мой муж рисует уже пять лет и еще не продал ни одной картины. 11. Я все утро занимаюсь домашней работой и еще ничего не сделал. 12. Почему вы не принесли мне письма? Вы их еще не напечатали? 13. Куда ты дела мои ботинки? Я нигде не могу их найти. – Майк только что ушел в них. 14. Тот человек стоит на автобусной остановке последние полчаса. Сказать ему, что последний автобус уже ушел? 15. Мой муж собирает картины современных художников с тех пор, как мы поженились. Он уже собрал так много, что не знает, куда их повесить.

Pronouns A.

Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps in the following grammar table:

I me my mine myself
he   his   its

Ex. 2. Insert the appropriate pronouns:

1. I made up ... mind to enter the university.

2. You made up ... mind to enter the university.

3. He made up ... mind to enter the university.

4. She made up ... mind to enter the university.

5. We made up ... mind to enter the university.

6. They made up ... mind to enter the university.

Ex. 3. Circle the correct answer.

Pattern: I /Me don’t understand.

1. “Who said that?” “It was she / her”.

2. Tell we / us your address.

3. This isn’t for you, it’s for he /him.

4. I don’t think they / them are here today.

5. “Where’s your brother?” “That’s he / him over there”.

6. Where are the children? Can you see they / them?

7. Ask she / her why she / her is crying.

Ex. 4. Put in he, him, she, her, they or them.

1. “Does your father speak English?”... understands a little”.

2. “I’m seeing Lucy and Pete on Tuesday.” “Oh, give ... my love”.

3. “Mr. Carter’s here.” “Ask ... to wait downstairs”.

4. Where are your friends?... ’re very late.

5. “Have you spoken to Mrs. Lewis?” “Not yet. I'm going to phone ...

this evening”.

6. “Where’s Ann?” “... ’s in Germany all this week”.

Ex. 5. Put in it, they or them.

1. “Where are my keys?” “... ’re on that chair”.

2. “Where did that cat come from?” “... came in through the window”.

3. “What did you think of the film?” “...’s not very good”.

4. “What shall I do with these letters?” “Just put ... on the table”.

5. “Can I have John’s address?” “I’ll give ...to you this afternoon”.

6. “Did you enjoy your holiday in Ireland?” “Yes, ...’s a wonderful place”.

7. “Where are your glasses?” “I’ve lost ...”.

8. “Would you like tickets for the concert?” “How much do ... cost?”Ex. 6. Put in the correct possessives.

Pattern: Ann’s lost her keys.

Would you like to wash your hands?

1. Peter says ... wife is ill.

2. We’re taking ... holiday in June.

3. ... car is that outside?

4. My bank has changed ... name.

5. I’m going to sell ... motorbike.

6. My students have got ... exam next week.

7. John writes to ... girlfriend every day.

8. Ann lives with ... father in Portugal.

9. Please put ... coats upstairs.

10. Robert broke ... leg skiing last winter.

11. “What film did you see?” “Sorry, I’ve forgotten ... name”.

Ex. 7. Circle the correct answer.

1. She doesn’t love him / himself.

2. She likes looking at her / herself in the mirror.

3. Old people often talk to them / themselves.

4. I’m going out tonight, so you will all have to cook for yourself / yourselves.

5. I like Bill, but I don’t understand him / himself.

Ex. 8. Put in myself, yourself etc.

1. I’m teaching ... to play the guitar.

2. “Who’s John talking to?” “...”.

3. Get a drink for... .

4. We really enjoyed ... last night.

5. Mary talks about ... all the time.

6. Find chairs for ... and sit down.

7. They just want to make money for... .

Ex. 9. Rewrite the sentences in brackets so that the noun is not repeated. Use one or ones.

Model. These cups are nice. Each one is hand-painted. (Each cup is hand-painted.)

1. I need to fill in a form about my driving test, but ... (I haven’t gota form.)

2. I’ve watched all these videos. ... (I must get some new videos.) 3. These photos are good. ...(Have you seen this photo?)

4. I need a dinner-jacket for the party, so ... (I’ve hired a dinnerjacket.)

5. Those socks are horrible. ...(Can you find any nice socks?)

6. This map isn’t very good. ... (The map in the car is better.)

Ex. 10. Rewrite the repeated noun by one (the one) or ones in the following sentences:

1. This picture is more beautiful than that picture.

2. As to the students’ reports made at the conference I liked thereport on the economic struggle in capitalist countries.

3. These are yesterday’s papers. Take fresh papers.

4. This article is not so difficult to translate as the article you gaveus last week.

5. Put all the books except that book on the shelf.

6. You have got several maps of the Roman Empire. Will you giveme a map for a short time? B.

Ex. 1. Choose the correct form of the pronouns in brackets.

I. 1. It may be (our, ours) dictionaries. 2. He has not read a line of (your, yours). How can he criticize (your, yours) poems? 3. His composition is much more interesting than (your, yours) or (my, mine). 4. (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to (our, ours).

5. I’m afraid they will take (her, hers) advice not (your, yours). 6. All (our, ours) clothes were extremely dirty, and (my, mine) especially so. 7. Will you help me to sort out the things? I cannot tell which are (your, yours) and which are (my, mine). 8. This is (your, yours) notebook, but where is (my, mine)?

II. 1. She got to (her, hers) feet and took (his, him) hand. 2. “Let me see your passports”, I gave him and Catherine got out of handbag (my, mine; her, hers; her, hers). 3. Mind (your, yours; my, mine) own business and I’ll mind (your, yours; my, mine). 4. Mr. Black gave (his, him) wife a leather bag for (her, hers) birthday. 5. The next voice to speak up was not the Lieutenant’s but (my, mine). 6. I looked at (her, hers) and at none other from that moment. 7. _____was not a marriage that could last (their, theirs). 8.____ nerves are as bad as_____(your, yours, my, mine). 9. His eyes were as bright as ____ (her, hers). 10. After all, this is_____ home just as much as____(your, yours, my, mine). 11. My sister likes much sugar in___ tea, but I like little in____ (her, hers, my, mine). “Who can drink tea as sweet as (your, yours)”, I wonder. 12. His own hand shook as he accepted a rose or two from___ and thanked her (her, hers).

Ex. 2. Use the appropriate form of personal pronouns in the following sentences.

1. He patted Jack heartily on (he) shoulder. 2. He put (he) hand in (she). 3. “This foolish wife of (I) thinks I’m a great artist”, said he.

4. (They) say there’s been a great earthquake in the Pacific. 5. Then he stopped and pointed and said: “Those are peas”. I said, “We’ve got some peas, too”. “I expect (you) are bigger than (our)”, he said politely. 6. Don’t show this letter to (you) brother. 7. There’s, a ghastly article of (he) in the evening’s paper. 8. She folded the letter and replaced it in (it) envelope. 9. The children had had (they) tea. Kate was late for (she) as usual, Mary and Paul were having (they). 10. This demand of (they) is quite ridiculous. 11. She makes all (she) clothes herself. 12. There was a cold wind blowing so I put on (I) heavy coat.

Ex. 3. Complete these sentences using myself/yourself, etc.

Pattern: Here is the money, go and buy yourself an ice-cream.

1. Be careful! That pan is very hot. Don’t burn______ .

2. I want to know you better. Tell me about_________ .

3. It isn’t her fault. She really shouldn’t blame ______.

4. Did you make the dress______________________ ?

5. The boy was lucky when he fell down the stairs. He didn’t hurt ____.

6. Tom cut _______ while he was shaving this morning.

7. He spends most of his time alone, so it’s not surprising thathe ________.

8. Don’t worry about us. We can look after_________ .

Ex. 4. Complete these sentences, using myself, etc. only where necessary.

Pattern: I really don’t feel well today, I’ll stay in bed.

1. Tom is growing a beard because he doesn’t like shaving_____ .

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