Выполнение контрольной работы

(Учащиеся выполняют контрольную работу № 10 из сборника контрольных заданий Spotlight Test Booklet 6. Учитель также может предложить ученикам контрольные задания, приведенные ниже (2 варианта).)

Вариант 1

· Fill in the gaps with the words: raining, windy, coats, sunny, raincoats, sun hats.

· It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Here is the weather news. It’s very cold outside. Wear warm (1)... and hats. Have a nice morning!

· Here is the weather at nine o’clock. It’s (2)... now. Don’t forget your umbrellas and your (3).... Don’t get wet! .

· It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. The weather is (4)... and hot. Don’t forget your (5)... and sunglasses. Have a nice afternoon in the sun!

· It’s seven o’clock and here is the weather. It’s very (6)... outside now. It’s a good time to fly a kite. But don’t let your hats fly away!

· Choose the correct item.

· It’s too cold. I will / am going to put on gloves.

· He is flying / will fly to Rome on Wednesday.

· Kate is at the supermarket. She will / is going to buy some food for dinner.

· Tonight my parents will have / are having dinner with their friends.

· Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

A: Last summer we (1. go)... to Paris.

B: (2. you/have)... a good time?

A: It (3. be)... fantastic! We (4. not/want)... to leave.

B: What (5. you/do)... there?

A: We (6. stay)... in a luxurious hotel and we (7. see)... the Eiffel Tower.

B: (8. you/plan)... anything for this summer?

A: Well, I (9. not/think)... so. We (10. be)... too busy this year.

· Complete the exchanges.

· Can I take this seat? - Yes,....

· May I use your bike? — No, I’m ....

· Can I borrow your book? — Yes, that’s ...

· Can I go home earlier? — OK. No ....

Вариант 2

1. Fill in the gaps with the words: sunglasses, hot, windy, umbrellas, cold, wet.

· It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Here is the weather news. It’s very (1)... outside. Wear warm coats and hats. Have a nice morning!

· Here is the weather at nine o’clock. It’s raining now. Don’t forget your

· ... and your raincoats. Don’t get (3)...!

· It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. The weather is sunny and (4).... Don’t forget your sun hats and (5).... Have a nice afternoon in the sun!

· It’s seven o’clock and here is the weather. It’s very (6)... outside now. It’s a good time to fly a kite. But don’t let your hats fly away!

· Choose the correct item.

· My aunt is visiting New York. She will / is going to see the Empire State Building.

· It’s hot outside. I am going to / will wear a T-shirt.

· Look! He’s running really fast. He will / is going to win!

· We haven’t got any bread. Will you buy / Are you buying some?

· Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

A: Last weekend we (1. go)... to Moscow.

B: (2. you/have)... a good time?

A: It (3. be)... fantastic! We (4. not/want)... to leave.

B: What (5. you/do)... there?

A: We (6. visit)... the Moscow Zoo and we (7. see)... the Kremlin.

B: (8. you/plan)... anything for this weekend?

A: Well, I (9. not/think)... so. We (10. be)... too busy this week.

· Complete the exchanges.

· Can I play with your dog? — Yes,....

· May I use your phone? — No, I’m ....

· Can I borrow your pencil? — Yes, that’s ....

· Can I do it tomorrow? — OK. No ....


Вариант l

1.1— coats; 2 — raining; 3 — raincoats; 4 — sunny; 5 — sun hats; 6 — windy.

· 1 — will; 2 — is flying; 3 — is going to; 4 — are having.

· 1 — went; 2 — Did you have; 3 — was; 4 — didn’t want; 5 — did you do; 6 — stayed; 7 — saw; 8 — Are you planning; 9 — don’t think; 10 — are.

· 1 — sure; 2 — afraid you can’t; 3 — fine; 4 — problem.

Вариант 2

· 1 - cold; 2 — umbrellas; 3 — wet; 4 — hot; 5 — sunglasses; 6 — windy.

· 1 — is going to; 2 — will; 3 — is going to; 4 - Will you buy.

· 1 — went; 2 — Did you have; 3 — was; 4 — didn’t want; 5 — did you do; 6 — visited; 7 — saw; 8 — Are you planning; 9 — don’t think; 10 — are.

· 1 — sure; 2 — afraid you can’t; 3 — fine; 4 — problem.)

· Подведение итогов урока

· Have you all finished? Leave your worksheets on my desk as you go out.

(Ученики сдают работы на проверку.)

Today I’m not going to set you any homework.





Наговицына Ольга Вениаминовна


к УМК Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули и др. («Spotlight»)


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Дата добавления: 2019-09-08; просмотров: 202; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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