Incandescent lamp / лампа накаливания

filament нить накаливания (лампы) Very thin metal wire, usually made of tungsten, emitting light rays when an electric current passes through it.
button сферическая головка End of the stem; the filament supports are attached to it.
stem ножка Button support.
heat deflecting disk диск отклонения нагрева Metal disc placed at the entrance of a lamp’s neck to protect the pinch and the base from the heat.
exhaust tube штенгель (электровакуумного прибора) Glass tube used to empty the air from the bulb and then to fill it with inert gas before it is sealed.
inert gas инертный газ Gas inserted in the bulb to slow down evaporation of the filament.
support опора Metal wire holding the filament.
lead–in wire вводной провод Electric conductor carrying the current to the filament.
pinch гребешковая ножка Part in which the lead–in wires are attached.
base цоколь (электровакуумного прибора, лампы) Metal end of a lightbulb inserted into a socket to connect it to the electric circuit.
bulb груша (лампы накаливания) Gas sealed in a glass envelope into which the luminous body of a lamp is inserted.
bayonet base байонетный разъем Base fitted with two short metal pins so that it can be placed in the corresponding socket.
screw base винтовой цоколь Base fitted with a screw pitch so it can be inserted into the corresponding socket.

Kitchen / кухня

sink раковина Basin with a water source and a drain, essential for cooking tasks.
freezer морозилка Appliance used to freeze and preserve food.
ice cube dispenser дозатор кубиков льда Appliance with a water source that makes and distributes ice cubes.
drawer выдвижной ящик Sliding compartment encased in a piece of furniture.
countertop столешня рабочего кухонного стола Flat work surface designed primarily to prepare food.
pantry буфетная Storage place for food not needing refrigeration.
patio door дверь на террасу Window at ground level whose sliding panel serves as a door.
base cabinet напольный шкафчик Storage cupboard, usually with shelves, located below the countertop.
microwave oven микроволновая печь Appliance that generates high–frequency waves to quickly heat or cook food.
cooktop конфорки Top surface of the oven on which heating elements are located.
refrigerator холодильник Appliance for storing food at low temperatures.
wall cabinet пристенный шкафчик Storage cupboard, usually with shelves, located above the countertop.
range hood надплитный вытяжной зонт Ventilation appliance expelling or recycling air that contains cooking fumes and odors.
oven духовка Closed part of the range, equipped with an upper heating element (broiler) and a lower heating element, in which food is cooked or heated.
footstool скамеечка для ног Seat with legs, having neither arms nor back, of various heights.
dinette обеденный уголок Part of a kitchen reserved for eating meals.
island прилавок–витрина островного типа Extra work surface used to prepare food.
dishwasher посудомоечная машина Appliance designed to automatically wash and dry dishes.

Laboratory equipment / лабораторное оборудование

Erlenmeyer flask коническая колба Эрленмейера Graduated cone–shaped container that is used very frequently in laboratories; it can have a stopper and is used especially for mixing and measuring liquids.
beaker лабораторный химический стакан Graduated container with a spout; it is used to create reactions (precipitation, electrolysis) and to measure approximate amounts of liquid.
round–bottom flask круглодонная колба Spherical container used mainly for boiling liquids.
wash bottle промывная склянка Flexible container that is squeezed lightly to squirt a liquid; it is used especially for cleaning equipment (test tubes, pipettes).
bottle бутыль Container of various sizes and shapes and usually with a straight neck for holding liquids.

Laptop / дорожный компьютер

display дисплей Liquid crystal display screen on which graphics or text data are displayed.
power button кнопка питания Button for turning the device on or off.
keyboard клавиатура Keys corresponding to letters, numbers, symbols and functions that are used to generate characters or control operations.
touch pad трекпад, тачпад. Touch Pad (тач пад) — по сути, манипулятор для компьютера, по функции схожий с обычной компьютерной мышью (mouse). Если Вы хоть раз пользовались портативным компьютером (ноутбуком), то знаете, что вместо мыши там используется именно тачпад. Surface that is sensitive to finger motion; it is used to direct the movements of the cursor on the screen.
touch pad button кнопка тачпада Key used to transmit various commands to the computer by clicking.
display release button кнопка отпирания дисплея Button freeing the screen from the device to keep it closed.
CD/DVD–ROM drive накопитель высокой емкости для дисков Playback device using a laser beam to read the data recorded on a compact disc (CD) or digital versatile disc (DVD).
speaker динамик Integrated device used to generate sound.
cooling vent вентилятор охлаждения Openings allowing air to enter to cool the computer’s internal components.
PC card slot гнездовой разъем PC–карты Space designed in accordance with PC standards; it accepts an expansion card so that functions can be added to the computer (network card, memory card).

Linen / постельное белье

comforter стеганое одеяло Cloth case stuffed with down, feathers or synthetic material and often quilted; it is used as a cover or for decorative purposes.
neckroll затылочный валик Ornamental cylindrical cushion.
blanket шерстяное одеяло; попона Covering for the sheet made of various warm fabrics; it protects against the cold.
scatter cushion декоративная подушка Stuffed piece of fabric to lie against or decorate a bed.
flat sheet простыня (после правки) Piece of fabric between the body and the blanket.
fitted sheet простынь на резинке (простыня с резиночками внизу, идеально фиксирующаяся на матрасе) Piece of fabric whose corners and edges are designed to tuck snugly under the mattress.
pillowcase наволочка Cloth envelope covering a pillow.
sham подушечка для сидения Decorative cloth envelope covering a pillow that matches the bedcover.
valance оборка Strip of fabric, usually pleated, trimming the base of the bed.

Monopoly / монополия

bank Банк. Помимо денег у Банка имеются также карточки Документов на право собственности, Дома и Отели до тех пор, пока они не будут приобретены игроками. Банк также выплачивает зарплату и премии, дает ссуды под залогнедвижимости и собирает все налоги, штрафы, возвращает ссуды и процентык ним. При проведении аукциона Банкир выступает в качестве аукциониста. Банк никогда не может стать банкротом, но может выдать столько денег,сколько нужно, в виде долговых расписок, написанных на обычном листке бумаги. Place where the money, title deeds, houses and hotels are stored until a player acquires them.
hotel Отель. Прежде, чем вы можете купить Отели, вам нужно иметь четыре Дома на каждом участке полностью принадлежащей вам цветовой группы. Отели можно купить также, как и Дома, но стоят они четыре Дома, которые возвращаютсяв Банк, плюс ту цену, которая указана в Документе на право собственности. Object that increases a property’s value; to buy a hotel, a player must own four houses on each of the properties in a color group.
house Дом. Когда у вас есть все участки Недвижимости одной цветовой группы, вы можете купить Дома, чтобы поставить их на любом из имеющихся у вас участков. Это увеличит арендную плату, которую вы можете взимать с арендаторов, останавливающихся на вашей Недвижимости. Стоимость дома показан показана на соответствующем Документе на право собственности. Object that increases a property’s value; to buy a house, a player must own all the properties in a color group.
jail Тюрьма. Вас отправят в Тюрьму, если вы остановитесь на поле «Отправляйтесь в Тюрьму», или вы взяли каточку Шансов или Общественной казны, на которой написано «Отправляйтесь в Тюрьму», или у вас выпало одинаковое число очков на обоих кубиках три раза подряд за один ход. Space where a player is sent if that person lands on the space marked "e&go to jail"e&, draws the card marked "e&go to jail"e& or throws doubles three times in succession.
Community Chest card поле «Общественная казна» Card the player draws at random after landing on a space specifying the player must do so; these cards give the player instructions (move a token, receive money, etc.).
Chance card поле «Шансы» Card the player draws at random after landing on a space specifying the player must do so; these cards give the player instructions (make a payment, go to jail, etc.).
go Поле «Вперед». В начале игры участники выставляют свои фишки на поле «Вперед», затем перемещают их по игровому полю в зависимости от выпавшего на кубиках количества очков. Space from which the players start out to begin the game; each time a player passes "e&go"e& or lands on that space, the bank pays the player a salary.
banknote специальная купюра денег для игры Paper money used as currency to make and receive payments.
title deed Карточка на право собственности. Помимо денег у Банка имеются также карточки Документов на право собственности, Дома и Отели до тех пор, пока они не будут приобретены игроками. Proof that a property has been purchased; a player who owns a property can charge the other players rent when they land on that space.
card карточка акций Piece of cardboard with information regarding title deed (purchase price, rental cost, house and hotel prices, mortgage value, etc.).
space Квадрат игрового поля. Каждый квадрат – это либо участок недвижимости, которую можно купить у банка для застройки домами и отелями, либо какое–то событие. В процессе игры вам придется платить налоги, при необходимости закладывать недвижимость, участвовать в аукционах. Each of the areas into which the game board is divided; they correspond to properties (big city streets), public utilities, railroads, jail, etc.
game board игровое поле Playing surface that is divided into spaces around which the tokens move; houses, hotels, Chance and Community Chest cards are laid out on it.
die одна из двух игральных костей One of the two small cubes marked on each side with one to six pips.
token фишка Small object representing a car, locomotive, hat, etc. that is used by players to move around the board.

Movie theater / кинотеатр

ticket clerk билетный кассир  
stairs лестница Structural element for moving from the entrance to the auditorium and its rows of seats, arranged in tiers.
projector проектор Instrument that projects film images on a screen.
snack bar буфет  
ladies’ toilet женский туалет Women’s room designed to satisfy basic functions and equipped with toilets and sinks.
speaker акустическая система Device that broadcasts a film’s soundtrack.
entrance doors входная дверь  
pay phone платный телефон–автомат Telephone located in public places; it functions when coins or payment cards are inserted into the phone box.
poster плакат Large–format illustrated sheet publicizing a film.
gentlemen’s toilet мужской туалет одевание Men’s room designed to satisfy basic functions and equipped with toilets and sinks.
box office театральная касса Counter where admission tickets are purchased.
movies’ titles and schedules репертуар кинотеатра  
quick ticket system билетный автомат Machine for using a debit card to purchase a ticket, without waiting at the box office.
escalator эскалатор Installation that consists of articulated steps on a continuously turning chain; it allows movement between two levels of a building.
projection room просмотровый зал Movie theater’s main room, where the public sit during a movie screening.
projection booth будка киномеханика Soundproof room used to house the projection equipment.
seat место Armchair used to view a movie screening.
projection screen проекционный экран White surface on which still or moving images are projected.

Newspaper / газета

deck строка с дополнительной информацией о статье Short block of text under the headline that completes it.
headline газетный заголовок Word or group of words in large print that introduces an article.
magazine журнал Specialized or general publication thatis usually abundantly illustrated and deals with a variety of subjectsfor a mass audience.
tabloid малоформатная газета со сжатым текстом, большим количеством иллюстраций и броскими заголовками Publication whose format is about half the size of a regular newspaper.
caption подрисуночная подпись Short explanatory text accompanying a photograph, image or illustration.
color supplement цветное приложение Separate publication that is insertedinto a newspaper regularly or from time to time; it is printed in colorand often on glossy paper.
kicker короткая строка над заголовком, набранная мелким кеглем Short text appearing above the headline that puts the article in context or highlights certain key points.
literary supplement литературное приложение Separate publication dealing with books and authors that is inserted into a newspaper on a regular basis or from time to time.
section раздел All the pages of a newspaper that are devoted to one subject such as the arts, the economy, sports, tourism or finance.
front page первая полоса, титульный лист, первая страница First page of the newspaper.
nameplate логотип (название издания, выполненное фирменным шрифтом) Title of the newspaper presented in a specific graphic style.
heading шапка Upper portion of the front page; it usually features the nameplate, the volume number and the date.
banner газетный заголовок во всю ширину полосы Area located immediately below the heading and in which the main title appears in bold.
front picture фото на главной странице  
article статья Stand–alone text forming a whole; it usually presents information, explanation or commentary.
subhead подзаголовок Secondary title that separates and introduces the various parts of an article.
index указатель, алфавитный индекс Brief summary of the contents of a newspaper, usually in the form of a table of contents.

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