Espresso machine / кофеварка эспрессо

on–off switch двухпозиционный выключатель Button for turning the device on or off.
tamper трамбовка Tool used to pack the ground beans into the filter.
drip tray каплесборник Compartment into which excess liquid drains.
steam control knob кнопка регулировки пара Device used to regulate the steam coming out of the nozzle.
filter holder держатель фильтра Removable part with a handle into which the metal filter containing the ground beans is inserted.
water tank бак для воды Reservoir where the water is kept before it is required for heating.
steam nozzle паровое сопло Device that emits steam used to foam milk.

Event platform / гимнастическая арена

approach runs дорожки для разбега 25 m runs made of foam matting; they allow gymnasts to gain the speed they need to execute an exercise.
floor exercise area помост для вольных упражнений 12 m2 pad on which the gymnast performs exercises on the floor.
line judge судья на линии Official who ensures that the gymnasts on the floor stay within the floor exercise area.
balance beam гимнастическое бревно Women’s gymnastics apparatus made up of a long horizontal bar, on which the gymnast performs static and dynamic balance exercises.
pommel horse гимнастический конь Men’s gymnastics apparatus with two handles (pommels), around which the gymnast maneuvers.
overall standings scoreboard табло общего зачета Board on which the performances and the gymnasts’ marks are posted.
uneven parallel bars брусья разной высоты Women’s gymnastics apparatus made up of two horizontal bars of different heights for performing various acrobatic exercises.
vaulting horse конь для опорных прыжков Men’s and women’s gymnastics apparatus that is similar to a pommel horse; after a run, the gymnast supports the body on it with both hands to make a jump.
horizontal bar перекладина Men’s gymnastics apparatus composed of a horizontal bar attached to uprights, around which the gymnast maneuvers (rotations, flight elements).
floor mats акробатическая дорожка Padded carpets that cushion falls and provide balance when landing.
judges судьи Officials who evaluate performances on the uneven parallel bars.
magnesium powder порошкообразный магний White magnesium–based powder that absorbs sweat from the gymnasts’ hands; this provides a surer grip on the apparatuses.
parallel bars параллельные брусья Men’s gymnastics apparatus made up of two horizontal bars set at the same height; they are for performing various acrobatic exercises.
rings кольца Men’s gymnastics apparatus made up of two rings that hang from cables, which are fixed to a frame; they are used especially for power elements and fast swing exercises.
vaulting horse конь для опорных прыжков Men’s and women’s gymnastics apparatus that is similar to a pommel horse; after a run, the gymnast supports the body on it with both hands to make a jump.
current event scoreboard табло счета текущих соревнований Judges grade exercises performed by the gymnasts based on execution, technique and artistic value.

Eye / глаз

upper eyelid верхнее веко Thin movable muscular membrane descending from the upper edge of the eye. The eyelids protect the eye, emit tears and discharge waste. Batting of the eyelashes is very frequent.
lacrimal gland слезная железа Organ secreting tears that flow over the surface of the eye to lubricate and cleanse it (eliminate dust and germs).
eyelash ресничка Each of the hairs lining the free edge of the eyelid; they prevent dust and other particles from entering the eye.
iris радужная оболочка (глаза) Colored central portion of the eyeball composed of muscles whose dilation or contraction controls the opening of the pupil.
pupil зрачок Central orifice of the eye whose opening varies to regulate the amount of light entering the eye; light causes the pupil to contract.
lacrimal canal слезный тракт Duct opening out into the nasal fossae through which tears produced by the tear glands are discharged.
lacrimal caruncle слезное мясцо; слезное мясцо (возвышение у медиального угла глаза) Small reddish mass located at the inner corner of the eye formed by the fold of the conjunctiva.
sclera склера (белочная оболочка глаза) Strong fibrous opaque membrane covered by the conjunctiva; it surrounds the eyeball and protects the inner structures.
lower eyelid нижнее веко Thin muscular membrane that is translucent and movable; it rises from the lower edge of the eye to protect and cleanse it.

Farmstead / фермерский двор

vegetable garden огород Land where edible plants are grown to feed the household.
hen house курятник Building where poultry are housed; a distinction is often made between laying units and fattening units.
farmyard двор фермы Open area around which the farm buildings are situated.
hive улей Shelter constructed to house a bee colony that produces honey and pollinates fruit trees.
fruit tree плодовое дерево Tree that bears edible fruit, usually intended for human consumption.
sheep shelter загон для овец Building where ovines (rams and ewes) are housed; these sheep are raised mainly for their meat and wool, and sometimes for their milk.
greenhouse теплица Structure with translucent walls where vegetables are grown under controlled conditions that promote their growth.
orchard фруктовый сад Land planted with fruit trees.
enclosure загон Fenced–in space where animals can move about.
pigsty свинарник Building used to house pigs, usually raised to be slaughtered.
bunker silo бункерное силосохранилище Long flat structure used to store silage; filling it requires no specialized equipment.
tower silo силосная башня Cylindrical structure used to store silage; it is always filled from the top, using a specially constructed apparatus.
cowshed коровник Building where bovines are housed; the animals are often separated by age or type (raised for meat or for milk).
dairy молочный Room where milk is stored and refrigerated before it is collected; it is also the place where milk is converted into butter and other by–products.
meadow луг Ground covered in grass, which the farmer mows to produce fodder (hay, alfalfa, etc.) for cattle.
fodder corn фуражная кукуруза Variety of corn used as cattle feed.
farmhouse дом фермера House where the farmer and the farmer’s family live.
ornamental tree декоративное дерево Tree planted for decorative purposes.
machinery shed Гараж для сельхозтехники Building usually meant to house farm machinery.
barn сарай Building used mainly to store harvested crops, straw and hay.
hayloft сеновал Part of the barn, often the equivalent of an attic, where hay is stored to protect it from bad weather.
fence забор Wooden or metal barrier used to delimit a section of land so it can be used for a particular purpose.
permanent pasture постоянное пастбище Fenced–in grassy tract of land set aside for cattle to graze on.
fallow земля под паром Arable land temporarily left unsown to allow the soil to replenish its reserves.

First aid kit / аптечка

splints шина Small strips of wood, metal or plastic used to immobilize a limb that is fractured, sprained or dislocated.
aspirin аспирин Salicylic acid tablet used to treat pain, fever and inflammation.
adhesive tape клейкая лента Sticky tape used to fasten bandages, compresses and other materials to a wound.
absorbent cotton гигроскопическая вата Absorbent white cotton containing no fatty or resinous substances; it is used to clean wounds.
rubbing alcohol спирт для растирания Alcohol used to clean and disinfect skin or wounds after scarring.
antiseptic антисептик Substance that kills pathogenic microorganisms on living tissue.
peroxide перекись Antiseptic used to clean and disinfect wounds.
elastic support bandage эластичный бинт Extensible fabric that is rolled around a limb to reduce an edema (swelling) or to secure a bandage or splint.
scissors ножницы Instrument with two movable overlapping shanks having sharp inside edges; they are used for trimming and cutting.
tweezers пинцет Instrument used to remove fragments of a foreign body (usually splinters) accidentally introduced under the skin.
triangular bandage косыночная повязка Triangular piece of fabric used to dress wounds.
sterile pad тампон Piece of sterilized gauze that is folded into several layers and used to dress wounds.
cotton applicators ватодержатель Stick whose ends are covered with cotton wadding; they are used to clean and disinfect wounds.
adhesive bandage лейкопластырная повязка Adhesive strip with a piece of gauze for dressing wounds.
gauze roller bandage марлевый бинт Roll of extremely light, transparent cotton fabric used to make compresses or dress wounds.
first aid manual пособие по оказанию первой помощи Booklet describing how to treat common injuries and illnesses.

Food chain / пищевая цепь

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