Vagus nerves of an experimental animal have been cut on the both sides. What respiratory changes will result from this?

C. *Respiration will become deep and infrequent

40. Life cycle of a cell includes a process of DNA autoreduplication. As a result of this process monochromatid chromosomes become bichromatid. This phenomenon is observed within the following period of the cell cycle:

A. *S

41. You are studying functioning of a bacteria operon. The operator gene has been released from the repressor gene. Immediately after this the following process will start in the cell:

B. *Transcription

A patient presents with icteritiousness of skin, scleras and mucous membranes. Blood plasma the total bilirubin is increased, stercobilin is increased in feces, urobilin is increased in urine. What type of jaundice is it?

D. *Haemolytic

In a histological specimen parenchyma of an organ is represented by lymphoid tissue that forms lymph nodes; the latter are arranged in a diffuse manner and enclose a central artery. What anatomic formation has such morphological structure?

E. *Spleen

Autopsy of a man who died from sepsis revealed a phlegmonous inflammation in the femoral bone of lower extremity. The inflammation was seen in the bone marrow, haversian canals and periosteum. There were also multiple abscesses underneath the periosteum; the surrounding soft tissues of the thigh were also affected by the phlegmonous inflammation. What pathological process is it?

B. *Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis

Retrospective diagnostics of bacterial dysentery involved serological analysis of blood serum intended for determination of Shigella antibody titre. Which of the following reactions should be applied for this purpose?

D. *Passive haemagglutination

46. A 65-year-old man has purulent abscess on his neck. Analyses revealed a culture of gram-positive cocci with plasmocoagulase activity. This culture relates most likely to:

D. *Staphylococcus aureus

47. After a disease a 16-year-old boy is presenting with decreased function of protein synthesis in the liver as a result of vitamin K deficiency. This may cause disorder of:

B. *Blood coagulation

A patient has a transversal laceration in the spinal cord. What respiratory changes will result from this?

B. *Respiration will present no significant changes


49. A patient has lost skin sensitivity in the region of the medial surface of his shoulder. This is the result of dysfunction of the following nerve:

A. *Medial brachial cutaneous nerve

50. Examination of a patient admitted to the surgical department with symptoms of acute appendicitis revealed the following changes in the white blood cells: the total count of leukocytes is 16 • 109/1. Leukocyte formula: basophils - 0, eosinophils - 2%, juvenile forms - 2%, stabnuclear - 8%, segmentonuclear - 59%, lymphocytes - 25%, monocytes - 4%. The described changes can be classified as:

A. *Neutrophilia with regenerative left shift

51. A 28-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist about sterility. Examination revealed underdeveloped ovaries and uterus, irregular menstrual cycle. Analysis of the sex chromatin revealed 2 Barr's bodies in most somatic cells. What chromosome disease is most likely?

B. *Triple X syndrome

A 46-year-old patient suffering from the diffuse toxic goiter underwent resection of the thyroid gland. After the surgery the patient presents with appetite loss, dyspepsia, increased neuromuscular excitement. The body weight remained unchanged. Body temperature is normal. Which of the following has caused such a condition in this patient?

E. *Reduced production of parathormone

While examining a patient an otolaryngologist noticed hyperaemia and significantly edematous tonsils with a grayish film upon them. Microscopical examination of this film revealed some gram-positive bacilli placed at an angle with each other. What disease might be suspected?

E. *Diphtheria

54. After inoculation of the material obtained from the pharynx of an angina patient onto the blood-tellurite agar, grey colonies could be observed. They were 4-5 mm in diameter, radially striated (in form of rosettes). Microscopical examination revealed grampositive bacilli with clavate swollen ends arranged in form of wide-spread fingers. Identify these microorganisms:

E. *Diphtheria corynebacteria

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 428; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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