A pathological process in bronchi resulted in epithelium desquamation. What cells will regenerate bronchial epithelium?

D. *Basal

Examination of a man who had been working hard under higher temperature of the environment revealed abnormal quantity of blood plasma proteins. What phenomenon is the case?

C. *Relative hyperproteinemia

123. A 70 year old man is ill with vascular atherosclerosis of lower extremities and coronary heart disease. Examination revealed disturbance of lipidic blood composition. The main factor of atherosclerosis pathogenesis is the excess of the following lipoproteins:

A. *Low-density lipoproteins

For the purpose of myocardium infarction treatment a patient was injected with embryonal stem cells derived from this very patient by means of therapeutic cloning. What transplantation type is it?

A. *Autotransplantation

A 40 year old man noticed a reddening and an edema of skin in the area of his neck that later developed into a small abscess. The incised focus is dense, yellowish-green. The pus contains white granules. Histological examination revealed drusen of a fungus, plasmatic and xanthome cells, macrophages. What type of mycosis is the most probable?

B. *Actinomycosis

An embryo displays disturbed process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation and somite formation. What part of skin will have developmental abnormalities?

B. *Derma

127. In course of a conditional experiment the development of mesenchyma cells was completely inhibited. Development of the following muscular tissue will be disturbed:

B. *Smooth muscular tissue

128. A girl is diagnosed with adrenogenital syndrome (pseudohermaphroditism). This pathology was caused by hypersecretion of the following adrenal hormone:

D. *Androgen

Golgi complex exports substances from a cell due to the fusion of the membrane saccule with the cell membrane. The saccule contents flows out. What process is it?

A. *Exocytosis

130. An oncological patient was prescribed methotrexate. With the lapse of time target cells of the tumour lost susceptibility to this drug. There is change of gene expression of the folowing enzyme:

C. *Dehydrofolate reductase

An infant has apparent diarrhea resulting from improper feeding. One of the main diarrhea effects is plentiful excretion of sodium bicarbonate. What form of acid-base balance disorder is the case?

A. Metabolic alkalosis

E. *Metabolic acidosis

132. Workers of a hothouse farm work under conditions of unfavourable microclimate: air temperature is +37°C, relative humidity is 90%, air speed is 0,2 m/s. The way of heat emission under these conditions will be:

E. *Evaporation

Examination of a 70 year old patient rrevealed insulin-dependent diabetes. What drug should be administered?

A. *Glibenclamid

A 59 year old patient is a plant manager. After the tax inspection of his plant he felt intense pain behind his breastbone irradiating to his left arm. 15 minutes later his condition came to normal. Which of the possible mechanisms of stenocardia development is the leading in this case?

A. *High catecholamine concentration in blood

A 44 year old woman complains of general weakness, heart pain, significant increase of body weight. Objectively: moon face, hirsutism, AP is 165/100 mm Hg, height - 164 cm, weight - 103 kg; the fat is mostly accumulated on her neck, thoracic girdle, belly. What is the main pathogenetic mechanism of obesity?

A. *Increased production of glucocorticoids

A 20 year old patient died from intoxication 8 days after artificial illegal abortion performed in her 14-15th week of pregnancy. Autopsy of the corpse revealed yellowish colour of eye sclera and of skin, necrotic suppurative endometritis, multiple pulmonary abscesses, spleen hyperplasia with a big number of neutrophils in its sinuses. What complication after abortion was developed?

C. *Septicopyemia

There are several groups of molecular mechanisms playing important part in pathogenesis of insult to cells which contributes to the pathology development. What processes are stimulated by proteinic damage mechanisms?

C. *Enzyme inhibition

138. A patient takes digoxin for treatment of cardiac insufficiency. What diuretic may increase digoxin toxicity due to the intensified excretion of K+ ions?

E. *Hydrochlorothiazide

A patient ill with amebiasis was prescribed a certain drug. The use of alcohol together with this drug is contra-indicated because the drug inhibits metabolism of ethyl alcohol. What drug is it?

B. *Metronidazole

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 418; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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