In course of metabolic process active forms of oxygen including superoxide anion radical are formed in the human body. By means of what enzyme is this anion inactivated?

A. Peroxidase

B. Glutathioneperoxidase

C. Catalase

D. Glutathionereductase

E. Superoxide dismutase

A patient who was previously ill with mastectomy as a result of breast cancer was prescribed radiation therapy. What vitamin preparation has marked radioprotective action caused by antioxidant activity?

A. Ergocalciferol

B. Thiamine chloride

C. Tocopherol acetate

D. Folic acid

E. Riboflavin

Tuberculosis can be treated by means of combined chemotherapy that includes substances with different mechanisms of action.What antituberculous medication inhibits transcription of RNA into DNA in mycobacteria?

A. Streptomycin

B. Rifampicin

C. Isoniazid

D. Ethionamide

E. Para-aminosalicylic acid

 134 In course of prophylactic medical examination a 7-year-old boy was diagnosed to have daltonism. Parents are healthy, color vision is normal. But grandfather from the mother's side has the same disorder. What is the type of inheriting of this anomaly?

A. Recessive, sex-linked

B. Autosomal-dominant

C. Autosomal-recessive

D. Incomplete domination

E. Dominant, sex-linked

A 25-year-old woman with red and itchy eczematoid dermatitis visits your office. She had a dental procedure one day earlier with administration of a local anesthetic. There were no other findings, although she indicated that she had a history of allergic reactions. Which of the following drugs is most likely involved?

A. Etidocaine

B. Cocaine

C. Bupivacaine

D. Lidocaine

E. Procaine

Synthesis of phospholipids is disturbed as a result fatty infiltration of liver. Indicate which of the following substances can enhance the process of methylation during phospholipids synthesis?

A. Glucose

B. Methionine

C. Glycerin

D. Ascorbic acid

E. Citrate

An 18-year-old patient came to the out-patient department with the complaints of bleeding trauma in the vestibule of his nose. On examination: the mechanical injury of the mucous layer of the vestibule without continuation into nasal cavity proper. What is the boundary between the vestibule and nasal cavity proper?

A. Nasal septa

B. Nasal limen

C. Choanes

D. Nasal roller

E. Nostrils

 138 Low level of albumins and fibrinogen was detected in the patient's blood. Decreased activity of what organelle of the liver hepatocytes can most probably cause it?

A. Golgi complex

B. Agranular endoplasmatic reticulum

C. Mitochondrions

D. Lysosomes

E. Granular endoplasmatic reticulum

A patient with diabetes mellitus has been delivered in hospital in the state of unconsciousness. Arterial pressure is low. The patient has acidosis. Point substances, which accumulation in the blood results in these manifestations:

A. Amino acids

B. Monosaccharides

C. Ketone bodies

D. High fatty acids

E. Cholesterol esters

 140 A patient experienced a sudden temperature rise up to 390 С . After 6 hours the temperature normalized. On the 2-nd day the attack recurred: in the period of paroxysm the temperature reached 410 С , apyrexial period began after 8 hours. What type of temperature profile is it?

A. Recurrent

B. Hectic

C. Septic

D. Continued

E. Intermitting

 141 Healthy parents have got a fair-haired, blue-eyed girl. Irritability, anxiety, sleep and feeding disturbance developed in the first months of the infant's life. Neurological examination revealed developmental lag. What method of genetic investigation should be used for the exact diagnosis?

A. Cytological

B. Genealogical

C. Biochemical

D. Population-statistical

E. Gemellary

A woman who was infected with toxoplasmosis during the pregnancy has born a child with multiple congenital defects.This is a result of:

A. Recombination

B. Cancerogenesis

C. Chemical mutogenesis

D. Teratogenesis

E. Biological mutogenesis

A 38-year-old woman was admitted to the admission-diagnostic department with uterine bleeding. What are the most likely changes of blood?

A. Reduction of haematocrite rate

B. Leukopenia

C. Polycythemia

D. Leucocytosis

E. Increase of haematocrite rate

The ovary specimen colored with hematoxylin-eosin contains a follicle, in which cubic-shaped follicle epithelium cells are placed in 1-2 layers, and scarlet membrane is seen around the ovocyte. Name this follicle:

A. Primary

B. Secondary

C. Primordial

D. Mature

E. Atretic

 145 In the blood of a 26-year-old man 18% of erythrocytes of the spherical, ball-shaped, flat and spinous shape have been revealed. Other eritrocytes were in form of the concavo-concave disks. How is this phenomenon called?

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