Pinkish-white colour along the acoustic nerve. The tumour contains cell bundles with oval nuclei.

Cellular fibrous bundles form rhythmic structures made up by parallel rows of regularly oriented

Cells arranged in form of a palisade with cell-free homogenous zone (Verocay bodies) between

Them. What tumour is it?

A Neurinoma

B Malignant neurinoma

C Ganglioneurinoma

D Neuroblastoma

E Ganglioneuroblastoma


A 23 year old man has perforation of hard palate. In the area of this perforation there was a

Compact well-defined formation. Microscopic examination of the resected formation revealed a

Large focus of caseous necrosis surrounded by granulation tissue with endovasculitis, cellular

Infiltration composed of lymphocytes, epithelioid cells (mainly plasmocytes). What is the most

Probable diagnosis?

A Syphilis

B Tuberculosis

C Scleroma

D Sarcoma

E Leprosy


A 50 year old man who was referred to the hospital for treatment of cervical lymphadenitis

Underwent test for induvidual sensitivity to penicillin. 30 seconds after he went hot all over, AP

Dropped down to 0 mm Hg that led to cardiac arrest. Resuscitation was unsuccessful. Autopsy

Results: acute venous plethora of internal organs; histological examination of skin (from the site

Of injection) revealed degranulation of mast cells (tissue basophils). Degranulation was also

Revealed in myocardium and lungs. What type of hypersensitivity reaction is it?

A Anaphylactic

B Delayed-type hypersensitivity

C Complement-mediated cytotoxic

D Immunocomplex-mediated

E -


A 2 year old child had acute respiratory viral infection and died from cardiopulmonary

Decompensation. Autopsy revealed that his right lung was hyperemic; in the 2nd, 6th and 10th

Segments and on the incision there were airless yellowish foci of irregular form, from several

Mm up to 1 cm large. Microscopical examination revealed exudate consisting mainly of

Neutrophils in the given areas of pulmonary tissue in the alveoles, bronchioles and bronchial

Tubes. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A Focal pneumonia

B Interstitial pneumonia

C Croupous pneumonia

D Acute bronchitis

E Pulmonary abscess


The upper lobe of the right lung is enlarged, grey and airless, the inscision surface is dripping

With turbid liquid, the pleura has many fibrinogenous films; microscopical examination of alveoles

Revealed exudate containing neutrophils, desquamated alveolocytes and fibrin fibers. The

Bronchus wall is intact. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A Croupous pneumonia

B Interstitial pneumonia

C Pulmonary abscess

D Focal pneumonia

E Influenzal pneumonia


A 28 year old patient had high arterial pressure, hematuria and facial edemata. In spite of

Treatment renal insufficiency was progressing. 6 months later the patient died from uremia.

Microscopic examination of his kidneys and their glomerules revealed proliferation of capsule

nephrothelium and of podocytes with "demilune" formation, sclerosis and hyalinosis of

Glomerules. What disease corresponds with the described picture?

A Subacute glomerulonephritis

B Acute pyelonephritis

C Nephrotic syndrome

D Chronic glomerulonephritis

E Acute glomerulonephritis


Autopsy of a man ill with severe hypothyroidism revealed that connective tissue, organ stroma,

Adipose and cartilaginous tissues were swollen, semitransparent, mucus-like. Microscopic

Examination of tissues revealed stellate cells having processes with mucus between them. What

Type of dystrophy is it?

A Stromal-vascular carbohydrate

B Stromal-vascular adipose

C Stromal-vascular proteinaceous

D Parenchymatous proteinaceous

E Parenchymatous adipose


Examination of the anterior abdominal wall of a pregnant woman revealed a tumour-like

Formation that arose on the spot of a tumour that was removed two years ago. The neoplasm

Was well-defined, dense, 2 х 1 cm large. Histological examination revealed that the tumour was

Composed of differentiated connective tissue with prevailing collagen fibres. What tumour might

Be suspected?

A Desmoid

B Lipoma

C Fibrosarcoma

D Hibernoma

E Leiomyoma


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 510; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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