Days after labour a woman developed shock along with DIC syndrome that caused her death.

Autopsy revealed purulent endomyometritis, regional purulent lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and

Purulent thrombophlebitis. There were also dystrophic alterations and interstitial inflammation of

Parenchymal organs. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A Septicemia

B Syphilis

C Tuberculosis of genital organs

D Chorioadenoma destruens

E Hydatid mole


A patient who abuses smoking has chronic bronchitis. Biopsy of his primary bronchus revealed

Multilayer pavement epithelium. What pathological process was revealed in the bronchus?

A Metaplasia

B Physiological regeneration

C Reparative regeneration

D Hyperplasia

E Dysplasia


Hours after a skeletal extension was performed to a 27 year old patient with multiple traumas

Closed injury of chest, closed fracture of right thigh) his condition abruptly became worse and

The patient died from acute cardiopulmonary decompensation. Histological examination of

Pulmonary and cerebral vessels stained with Sudan III revealed orange drops occluding the

Vessel lumen. What complication of polytrauma was developed?

A Fat embolism

B Gaseous embolism

C Microbal embolism

D Thromboembolism

E Air embolism


A 50 year old patient underwent resection of tumour of large intestine wall. Microscopically it

Presents itself as fascicles of divergent collagen fibers of different thickness and form and

Some monomorphous fusiform cells that are irregularly distributed among the fibers. Cellular

Atypia is not evident. What tumour is it?

A Hard fibroma

B Fibromyoma

C Soft fibroma

D Desmoma

E Fibrosarcoma


Autopsy of a 5 year old child revealed in the area of vermis of cerebellum a soft greyish-pink

Node 2 cm in diameter with areas of haemorrhage. Histologically this tumour consisted of

Atypical monomorphous small roundish cells with big polymorphous nuclei. What tumour is it?

A Medulloblastoma

B Meningioma

C Glioblastoma

D Astrocytoma

E Oligodendroglioma


In course of severe respiratory viral infection there appeared clinical signs of progressing

Cardiac insufficiency that caused death of a patient in the 2nd week of disease. Autopsy

Revealed that the heart was sluggish, with significant cavity dilatation. Histological examination of

Myocardium revealed plephora of microvessels and diffuse infiltration of stroma by

Lymphocytes and histiocytes. What disease corresponds with the described picture?

A Myocarditis

B Stenocardia

C Acute coronary insufficiency

D Myocardium infarction

E Cardiomyopathy


A patient with high-titer antinuclear antibodies died from progressing renal impairment. Autopsy

Revealed mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis and abacterial polypous endocarditis. There

Was periarterial bulbar sclerosis in spleen and productive proliferative vasculitis in skin. What is

The most likely diagnosis?

A Systemic lupus erythematosus

B Nephrotic syndrome

C Rheumatism

D Dermatomyositis

E Periarteritis nodosa


A 38 year old patient with full-blown jaundice, small cutaneous hemorrhages, general weakness

And loss of appetite underwent puncture biopsy of liver. Histological examination revealed

Disseminated dystrophy, hepatocyte necrosis, Councilman's bodies. Lobule periphery has signs

Of significant infiltration by lymphocytes, there are also individual multinuclear hepatocytes. What

Is the most probable diagnosis?

A Acute viral hepatitis

B Acute alcoholic hepatitis

C Miliary hepatic cirrhosis

D Toxic degeneration of liver

E Chronic hepatitis


A 20 year old patient died from intoxication 8 days after artificial illegal abortion performed in her

Th week of pregnancy. Autopsy of the corpse revealed yellowish colour of eye sclera and

Of skin, necrotic suppurative endometritis, multiple pulmonary abscesses, spleen hyperplasia

With a big number of neutrophils in its sinuses. What complication after abortion was developed?

A Septicopyemia

B Septicemia

C Hemorrhagic shock

D Chroniosepsis

E Viral hepatitis type A


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 591; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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