Of basal membranes, intersticium edema with leukocytic infiltration and haemorrhages. What is

The most probable postmortem diagnosis?

A Necrotic nephrosis

B Tubulointerstitial nephritis

C Pyelonephritis

D Gouty kidney

E Myeloma kidney


A 30 year old man had been suffering from acute respiratory disease and died from

Cardiopulmonary decompensation. Autopsy revealed fibrinous-haemorrhagic inflammation in the

Mucous membrane of larynx and trachea, destructive panbronchitis, enlarged lungs that look

Black due to the multiple abcesses, haemorrhages, necrosis. What is the most probable

Postmortem diagnosis?

A Influenza

B Parainfluenza

C Respiratory syncytial infection

D Measles

E Adenoviral infection


A man with a wound of his limb that had been suppurating for a long time died from intioxication.

Autopsy revealed extreme emaciation, dehydration, brown atrophy of liver, myocardium, spleen

And cross-striated muscles as well as renal amyloidosis. What diagnosis corresponds with the

Described picture?

A Chroniosepsis

B Septicopyemia

C Septicemia

D Chernogubov's syndrome

E Brucellosis


Months after delivery a woman had uterine bleeding. Gynecological examination revealed in

the uterine cavity a dark-red tissue with multiple cavities that resembled of "sponge".

Microscopic examination of the tumour revealed some atypic light epithelial Langhans cells and

Giant cells of cyncytiotrophoblast in blood lacunas. What tumour is it?

A Chorioepithelioma

B Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma

C Adenocarcinoma

D Fibromyoma

E Vesicular mole


A patient with android-type obesity had been suffering from arterial hypertension,

Hyperglycemia, glycosuria for a long time and died from the cerebral haemorrhage. Pathologic

Examination revealed pituitary basophil adenoma, adrenal cortex hyperplasia. What is the most

Likely diagnosis?

A Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome

B Diabetes mellitus

C Acromegalia

D Pituitary nanism

E Adiposogenital dystrophy


Mucous membrane of the right palatine tonsil has a painless ulcer with smooth lacquer fundus

And regular cartilagenous edges. Microscopically: inflammatory infiltration that consists of

Lymphocytes, plasmocytes, a small number of neutrophils and epithelioid cells; endovasculitis

And perivasculitis. What disease is it?

A Syphilis

B Actinomycosis

C Tuberculosis

D Pharyngeal diphtheria

E Ulcerous necrotic Vincent's angina


Autopsy of a man with a malignant stomach tumour who had died from cancer intoxication

Revealed in the posteroinferior lung fields some dense, grayish-red irregular foci protruding

Above the section surface. Microscopic examination revealed exudate containing a large

Amount of neutrophils in the lumen and walls of small bronchi and alveoles. Such pulmonary

Alterations indicate the following disease:

A Acute purulent bronchopneumonia

B Acute bronchitis

C Croupous pneumonia

D Intermittent pneumonia

E Acute serous bronchopneumonia


Microscopical examination of a removed appendix revealed an edema, diffuse neutrophilic

Infiltration of appendix wall along with necrosis and defect of mucous membrane with affection of

Its muscle plate. What appendicitis form was developed?

A Ulcerophlegmonous

B Phlegmonous

C Gangrenous

D Superficial

E Apostematous


A 39 y.o. woman went through an operation in course of which surgeons removed her uterine

Tube that was enlarged and a part of an ovary with a big cyst. Histological examination of a tube

Wall revealed decidual cells, chorion villi. What was the most probable diagnosis made after

Examination of the uterine tube?

A Tubal pregnancy

B Placental polyp

C Choriocarcinoma

D Papyraceous fetus

E Lithopedion


Autopsy of a 1,5-year-old child revealed haemorrhagic skin rash, moderate hyperaemia and

Edema of nasopharyngeal mucous membrane, small haemorrhages in the mucous membranes

And internal organs; dramatic dystrophic alterations in liver and myocardium; acute necrotic

Nephrosis; massive haemorrhages in the adrenal glands. What disease are these alterations

The most typical for?

A Meningococcal infection

B Scarlet fever  

C Diphtheria

D Measles

E Epidemic typhus


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 423; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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