The intraoperational biopsy of mammal gland has revealed the signs of atypical tissue with

Disorder of parenchyma stroma proportion with domination of the last, gland structures of the

Different size and shape, lined with single-layer proliferative epithelium. What is the most

Appropriate diagnosis?

A Fibroadenoma

B Papilloma

C Noninfiltrative cancer

D Infiltrative cancer

E Mastitis


Arterial hypertension, hyperglycemia, glucosuria were observed clinically for a long time in the

Patient with upper type of obesity. Death was due to the cerebral haemorrhage. Basophilic

Hypophysis adenoma, hyperplasia of adrenal gland cortex were revealed on pathomorphological

Examination. What is the likely diagnosis?

A Cushing disease

B Diabetes mellitus

C Acromegaly

D Hypophysis nanism

E Adiposogenitalis dystrophy


On autopsy it was revealed: large (1-2 cm) brownish-red, easy crumbling formations covering

Ulcerative defects on the external surface of the aortic valve. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A Polypus-ulcerative endocarditis

B Recurrent warty endocarditis

C Acute warty endocarditis

D Fibroplastic endocarditis

E Diffusive endocarditis


Purulent endometritis with fatal outcome was progressing in the woman after abortion performed

Not at the hospital. On autopsy multiple lung abscesses, subcapsule ulcers in the kidneys,

Spleen hyperplasia were revealed. What form of sepsis developed in the patient?

A Septopyemia

B Septicemia

C Chroniosepsis

D Lung sepsis

E Urosepsis


Autopsy of a woman with cerebral atherosclerosis revealed in the left cerebral hemisphere a

Certain focus that is presented by flabby, anhistic, greyish and yellowish tissue with indistinct

Edges. What pathological process is the case?

A Ischemic stroke

B Multifocal tumor growth with cystic degeneration

C Multiple foci of fresh and old cerebral hemorrhage

D Focal encephalitis

E Senile encephalopathy


Autopsy of a 73-year-old man who had been suffering from the coronary heart disease along

With cardiac insufficiency for a long time revealed: nutmeg liver, brown induration of lungs,

Cyanotic induration of kidneys and spleen. What kind of circulation disorder was the cause of

Such effects?

A General chronic venous congestion

B Arterial hyperaemia

C General acute venous congestion

D Acute anaemia

E Chronic anaemia


Autopsy of a man who had tuberculosis revealed a 3x2 cm large cavity in the superior lobe of

The right lung. The cavity was interconnected with a bronchus, its wall was dense and consisted

Of three layers: the internal layer was pyogenic, the middle layer was made by tuberculous

Granulation tissue and the external one was made by connective tissue. What is the most likely


A Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis

B Fibrous focal tuberculosis

C Tuberculoma

D Acute focal tuberculosis

E Acute cavernous tuberculosis


Autopsy of a man who died from ethylene glycol poisoning revealed that his kidneys are a little

Bit enlarged, edematic; their capsule can be easily removed. Cortical substance is broad and

Light-grey. Medullary substance is dark-red. What pathology had this man?

A Necrotic nephrosis

B Acute pyelonephritis

C Acute glomerulonephritis

D Acute tubular-interstitial nephritis

E Lipoid nephrosis


A man with a long-term history of bronchial asthma died from asphyxia. Histological examination

Of his lungs revealed that the lumens of bronchioles and minor bronchi contained a lot of mucus

With some eosinophils. There was also sclerosis of interalveolar septa, dilatation of alveole

Lumens. What mechanism accounts for the development of hypersensitivity reaction?

A Reagine reaction

B Cytotoxic reaction

C Immune complex reaction

D Lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis

E Granulomatosis


Histologic analysis of uterus mucous membrane revealed twisting glands, serrated and spinned,

They were extended by stroma growth with proliferation of its cells. Formulate a diagnosis:

A Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium

B Acute endometritis

C Leiomyoma

D Cystic mole

E Placental polyp


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 533; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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