What kind of qualities a speaker must possess?

We are all aware of the importance of public speaking in our professional as well as personal and social life. Often we mistakenly equate Public speaking with some kind of performance. But it is altogether a wrong orientation; public speaking is all about sharing your mind with a group of individuals. The success of a public speaker lies in his ability to communicate his point of view with the members of the audience. You often find instances where the speaker has finished his speech amidst a standing ovation and the audience being enthralled even long after the seminar is over. This is because, the speaker was able to extend his passion in the minds of the people who listened to his speech. And this is the essence of public speaking: get the audience agree with what you have tried to accomplish and make them think about it over and over again. However, not all of us are equally gifted so far as speaking in public is concerned. Some speakers are better than the other in getting across their messages, while the others are not that convincing in their oral communication. But according to experts we all can acquire the qualities of a good public speaker with learning and practice. But before that we have to know what essential qualities churn out an outstanding public speaker.You should know your subject well. If you are going to establish certain point, you should be convinced of its efficacy first. If you do not believe in what you are trying to accomplish, your arguments will not be strong enough to make other convinced. Simply you cannot touch the heart of the others if your statements are not substantial and that will be your failure as a public speaker. That means you have to be logical and affirmative in your delivery and for that you have to have belief in whatever you are saying.As a public speaker you should be extremely knowledgeable and your speech should be informative and should contribute to the audiences knowledge bank. Maintain humor in your language and keep formal but not stern, because it makes you unapproachable and in that case your audience would not connect to you. As a speaker you should also maintain a confident and energetic body language; it adds to the speakerscredibility.Finally, there is nothing like a perfect speaker. The skill of public speaking is something that improves with a lot of experience.



Дата добавления: 2018-05-01; просмотров: 366; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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