Test 1.

Завдання I. Зазначте речення , в яких  вживається Passive Voice при перекладі з української мови на англійську.

А) Вся економічна система разом складає економічну систему міста, країни або світу.

В) Економіка базується на фактах нашого повсякденного життя.

С) Їх називають новими економічними відносинами.

D) У процесі своєї діяльності менеджер приймає багато різних рішень.

Е) Про нову систему планування багато говорили.

F) Робітники збільшили продуктивність праці.

G) Бюджет приймуть під кінець року.


 Завдання II. Зазначте індекс присудків правої колонки, що відповідають їхнім англійським еквівалентам у лівій колонці.

      1. will be exported             а) експортуються

          were exported                в) будуть експортуватися

           are being exported        с) експортували


      2. will be discussed            а) обговоримо

          has been discussed         в) будуть обговорюватися

           was discussed                с) обговорювали


      3. were being created          а) буде створений

           had been created             в) був створений

           would be created             с) створювалися


      4. were exchanged              а) обміняли

           is being exchanged          в) були обмінені

           has been exchanged         с) обмінюються


Завдання III. Визначите час і вид підкресленого присудка. Виберіть правильний переклад присудка.

1. Our people have carried out great economic transformations.

            а) виконують

            в) виконали

            с) виконували

2. Wages are going up and incomes are considerably increasing.

            а) зростають, збільшуються

            в) зростали, збільшувалися

             с) зросли, збільшилися

3. We have just been asked about the production of material wealth.

                а) запитували 

                в) запитують

                 с) запитали

4. The methods and techniques applied in accounting facilitated the development of                                                                                                                    statistics.

                а) сприяють

                в) сприяли

                  с) будуть сприяти


 5. The report is being listened to with great attention.

                   а) слухають

                   в) слухали

                    с) прослухали

6. The department was solving economic problem of great importance.

                   а) вирішував

                   в) вирішив

                    с) вирішує

7. The methods of training students are perfected by higher schools.

                     а) удосконалювалися

                     в) удосконалюються

                      с) повинні вдосконалюватися

8. The subsidiary will report to the export sales department.

                    а) звітує

                    в) звітував

                    с) надасть звіт

9. They had discussed the plan by the time you came.

                     а) обговорили

                     в) обговорювали

                      с) обговорять


Завдання IV. Виберіть англійський еквівалент для слідуючих українських речень..

1. Про нову систему планування багато говорять.

a) They speak about the new system of planning.

b) The new system of planning was much spoken about.

c) The new system of planning is much spoken about.

2. Вони вже уклаи довгострокове співробітництво.

a) They conclude a long-term contract.

b) They have concluded a long-term contract.

c)  They concluded a long-term contract.

3. Доповідь слухається з великою увагою.

a) The report was listened to with great attention.

b) The report is being listened to with great attention.

c) They listen to the report with great attention.

4. Вони вивчать розділ про засоби виробництва на наступному занятті.

a) They will have to study the chapter about the mode of production at the next lesson.

b) They will be studying the chapter about the mode of production at this time the next lesson.

c) They will study the chapter about the mode of production at the next lesson.

5. При новій системі управління значно збільшиться рівень концентрації виробництва.

a) Under a new system of management the level of production concentration will be greatly raised.

b) Under a new system of management the level of production concentration was greatly raised.

c) Under a new system of management they will greatly raise the level of production concentration .


6. Імпортери застосовували традиційні методи обмеження.

a) Importers have employed the traditional methods of restriction.

b) Importers employed the traditional methods of restriction.

c) Importers employed the traditional methods of restriction.

7. Тісні взаємні контакти були встановлені між двома країнами під кінець року.

a) Close mutual contacts had been established between two countries by the end of the year.

b) Close mutual contacts had to be established between two countries by the end of the year.

c) Close mutual contacts have already been established this year.

8.  В доповіді посилалися на ці дані

    а) These data were referred to in the report.

в) These data are referred to in the report.

с)These data will be referred to in the report.

9. Їм послали статистичні звіти.

a) They have sent statistical reports.

b) They have been sent statistical reports.

c) They sent statistical reports.




Test 2.

Завдання І. Який із  варіантів (а, в або с) точніше передає зміст поданого речення.

1. You have to read the text about economic achievements.

a) You have read the text.

b) You should read the text.

c) You should have read the text.

2. He was allowed to attend this lecture.

a) He was permitted to attend this lecture.

b) He has attended this lecture.

c) He attended this lecture yesterday.

3. She may do it tomorrow.

a) She will do it tomorrow.

b) She is certain to do it tomorrow.

c) She will probably do it tomorrow.

4. The economic data should be systematized.

a) The economic data will be systematized.

b) The economic data must be systematized.

c)  The economic data can be systematized.

5. He is to make his report at the next seminar.

a) He can make his report.

b) He must make his report.

c) He is able to make his report.

6. In order to live people must have all material means of life.

a) People are allowed to have all material means of life.

b) Certainly people will have all material means of life.

c) For future people should have all material means of life.


7. They can understand the new business plan.

a) They could understand the new business plan.

b) They are to understand the new business plan.

c) They are able to understand the new business plan.

8. May we take this opportunity to congratulate you on this appointment?

a) Are we allowed to take this opportunity to congratulate you on this appointment?

b) Must we take this opportunity to congratulate you on this appointment?

c) Can we take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment?

9. These students needn't go to the institute on Sunday.

a) These students shouldn't go to the institute on Sunday.

b) These students can't go to the institute on Sunday.

c) These students are not allowed to go to the institute on Sunday.


Завдання II. Виберіть правильне модальне дієслово або його еквівалент.

1. I (повинний був ) work hard last month as I was to take my examinations.

a) had to

b) must

c) could

2. We (повинні,треба) inspect this project.

a) are to

b) have to

c) are able to

3. He (не дозволяється) take only two cartons of cigarettes through the Customs.

a) can

b) must

c) may

4. I think the government (належить, слід) do more to help homeless people.

a) should

b) could

c) might

5. We (змогли) keep our prices down last year.

a) had to

b) could to

c) were allowed to

6. The latest reports indicate that oil (можливо ) still be found in this region.

a) can

b) may

c) must




Test 3.

Завдання І.  Визначити, якими членами речення є підкреслені слова:

а) означення; в) обставина; с) частина присудка ( Perfect); д) частина присудка (Passive ); е) частина присудка (Continuous ).

1. Having reduced the price we managed to sell our goods.

2. We are looking for an accountant.

3. The currencies of almost all countries were devaluated after World War II.

4. When asked to explain the terms “supply” and “demand” he gave a necessary information at once.

5. The methods applied improved the quality of the product.

6. All economic activity taken together make up the economic system of a city, a country or the world.

7. We listened to the lecturer speaking about economic problems of our country.

8. While planning the distribution of the national income the state uses the accumulation and consumption funds.

9. Covering a period of 5 years the plan provided for the construction of new market places.

10. The British industry has faced stiff competition from other countries.

11. Being a high industrial country without rich natural recourses Great Britain has to import raw materials for its industry.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 247; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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