Exercise 2. Paraphrase these sentences using the Subjective Participial Construction. Use the verb in brackets.

Model: She was opening a current account. (to see)

          She was seen opening a current account.

1. The CEO was giving recommendations to the Sales Manager, asking him to book accommodation for the representative of the Ministry of Works. (to see)

2. The Company Secretary was discussing the problem of debtors with a trainee. (to hear)

3. They are working in 30 countries to help people in poor communities. (to notice)

4. The clerk was smiling when sales reps insisted on defining reasonable and excessive profit. (to notice)

5. They were discussing appropriate methods of doing a survey. (to hear)

6. The secretary was opening the letter with the enclosed documents. (to see)

7. The client was speaking over the telephone with the Head of the Treasury. (to hear)

8. The customs officer was examining the goods. (to notice)

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into Russian. Note the Absolute Participial Construction.

Model: The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.

Так как профессор был болен, лекция была отложена.

1. There being a hard day, he felt very tired.

2. We are not giving you any particulars, the enclosed letter containing the necessary information.

3. All this having been settled, the committee agreed to provide a plan of actions.

4. Judging by the silence nobody being there, he left the office.

5. With Peter being on a business trip, Michel had to do his work.

6. The negotiations between the American and British representatives were conducted behind closed doors, measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information.

7. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

8. With a senator visiting the state, his hotel booked for him and a car put at his disposal.

9. Not having anything his own way, while Mr.Handson was a chairman, everybody found the managing director a clever man and a strong personality.

10. Being rather over-weighted with conservative members, there was the need for young forward-looking people in the Board.


Exercise 1. Find a mistake if any and give the right variant.

1. Having founded in 1945 the UN is an alliance of countries that agree to

                 A                                                           B               C

cooperate with one another.                                                                                                         D


2. When crossingthe English Channel, we were overtookby a storm.

                 A       B                                          C       D


3. Children are particularlyquick to distinguish betweenwhat is told and

                             А                           B                             C                                                                                                                                                                                           

what is really meant.                                                                                                                                         D


4. Even ifposting now the letter can’t reach John till Monday.

           A     B                             C                     D


5. Having failin the first attempt, the middleman made no further ones.

            A                    B                                     C           D


6. Whilelookingat me, he continued to rustle his papers havingbrought by a

                     A                               B                             C        D

secretary in the morning.


7. The letter having been typed by the typist now should be sent

                                A                                                  B

as soon asit`s ready.

C              D


8. Staff members are recruited primarily from member states and are drew from

                                      A                         B                                   C

 more than 140 nations.                                                                                                      


9. The Western leaders, though forced to give way on some questions, will stick


to the policies which have brought about a fallen standard of  living for working

                                           B                      C                   D



10.  The Civil Service unions, represented more thana half-million government

                                                             A                           B

workers, demandeda 15-percent pay raise.

                  C                   D

Exercise 2 . Do it in English.

1. Устав от борьбы за голоса избирателей, они свернули предвыборную кампанию.

2. Мужчина с портфелем ручной работы вон там – это представитель нашего правительства на переговорах.

3. Судя по тому, что было только что упомянуто, государства с хорошо развитой экономикой оказывают финансовую поддержку развивающимся странам.

4. Не зная, какими будут дальнейшие шаги правительства, мы решили подождать с окончательным решением.

5. Подписанное соглашение содержит статью, предусматривающую, что все споры, возникающие время от времени, должны решаться мирным путем.

6. Пытаясь ограничить жестокое обращение с детьми, комитет опубликовал соответствующие статьи Декларации прав ребенка.

7. Говоря по телефону с официальным лицом, не забудьте представиться и объяснить цель вашего звонка.

8. Политические и социальные права людей, одобренные резолюцией ООН, должны соблюдаться повсеместно.

9. Наблюдатель, составляющий отчет, работал, не говоря никому ни слова.

10. Секретарь, печатавшая письмо для своего шефа вчера, считает, что оно очень важное для всех членов Совета по социально-экономической политике.

11. Не получив подтверждения о ратификации соглашения, они попросили подтвердить это по электронной почте.

12. Упомянутые договоренности были опубликованы во всех центральных газетах вчера.

13. Страны-участники, давшие обет решать все споры мирным путем, стараются воздерживаться от силовых угроз в отношении других стран.

14. «Ловушка нищеты», описываемая в теоретических исследованиях, ликвидирует стимулы к зарабатыванию денег и часто деморализует попавших в нее людей.

15. Социальными называются различия, порожденные различными социальными факторами.

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