Match the beginning of the sentences in the left-hand column with proper ending from the right-hand column. Use background information from ex.2.3.

1 The United Nations is the result of a long history of efforts A an alliance of countries that agree to cooperate with one another.
2 The UN is B rates of children mortality and criminality.
3 3. The main objective of UNESCO is        C all of which focus on saving and improving children's lives.
4 Today UNISEF has five priorities, D sometimes referred to as collective security.
5 The type of union by nations to protect each other against an aggressor is E opportunity to receive higher education or job abroad.  
6 There are several reasons for the young people's desire to leave our country in case of F to promote collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication
7 The main task of our society is to decrease G to promote international cooperation.

2.4.6  Scan the text again and find the English equivalents for the following:

1. Союз независимых государств _______________________________________

2. Защищать права человека ___________________________________________                                                                        

3. Предпринять усилие _______________________________________________

4. Быть созданным (основанным) ______________________________________

5. Развивать хорошие отношения ______________________________________

6. Разные социальные и политические системы ___________________________

7. Отказывать в помощи государствам не членам союза ___________________

8. Генеральная Ассамблея ____________________________________________

9. Свобода и справедливость __________________________________________

10. Забота о детстве __________________________________________________

11. Главные причины ________________________________________________

12. Желание молодежи уехать из страны ________________________________

13. Главная задача общества __________________________________________

14. Равные возможности в сфере образования и здравоохранения ___________

15. Нуждаться в особых правах и защите ________________________________

16. Уменьшать уровень детской смертности и преступности _______________

17. Коллективная безопасность ________________________________________

18. Способствовать международному сотрудничеству _____________________

19. Защищать детей от эксплуатации, злоупотребления и насилия _________

20. Самая незащищенная часть общества _______________________________



Use the word given in capitals at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

WWF is supposed to be the global conservation organization and one of the largest non ____ nature conservation organizations in the world. It was established in 1961. The ___ were a small group of the enthusiastic people concerned about nature. Over the course of its work, WWF has grown into a large influential ___ organization, and today the panda, the most famous logo, is recognized by millions of people in ___ remote corners of the planet. There are more than 50 WWF offices around the world today. The prioritized programmes are aimed at ___ forests, seas, freshwater habitats, and rare flora and fauna species, as well as preventing global climate change and ___ toxics. At the contemporary stage of its development WWF specialists have determined more than 200 top priority ___ regions, which are the habitats of the Earth’s rarest plant and animal species. If ecological balance ___ in these regions, it will be possible to protect 95% of the planet’s biological diversity. In Russia, there are 19 of ecological regions, or ‘ecoregions’. ___ valuable among them are the Amur River basin, Kamchatka, the Altai Sayan, the ___ Urals, the Caucasus, the Barents Sea, the Bering Sea, and the Sea of Okhotsk. In Russia, WWF also devotes particular attention to work with the oil and gas industry and the ___ and support of federal strict nature reserves, national parks, and other specially ___ nature areas.   GOVERN   FOUND   CONSERVE   MANY   PRESERVE   COMBAT    ECOLOGY   MAINTAIN   PARTICULARITY   SOUTH   CREATE   PROTECT

Read the extract and fill in prepositions wherever necessary. Translate the text. Give the text the appropriate heading.


In the sphere … finance, Russia cooperates … the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, known … the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. Russia also cooperates … the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), especially in the programs of the World Heritage Fund … protect world heritage sites. This fund finances projects that help to restore and preserve man-made and natural sites in Russia. A number … humanitarian organizations always help those … need. The representatives … Medicines Sans Frontier and the Red Cross can be found … Russia, as well … in any part … the world.

They assist people suffering from the horrors … war, floods, earthquakes, epidemics, and accidents.

The acronym, WWF and the black and white logo of a giant panda are well-known … all countries. WWF stands … the World Wide Fund for Nature that was established … 1961 to raise funds … conservation of particular species, e.g. the tiger and the giant panda.

The Green Party that aims to "preserve the planet and its people" is very numerous and has a number… seats … the parliaments of many countries, including the European Parliament … Strasbourg. The British Green Party is known … the Ecology Party.

Greenpeace is an international pressure group founded … 1971, with the policy of non-violent direct actions backed … scientific research. Sometimes these actions are risk-taking: during a protest against French atmospheric nuclear testing in the South Pacific in 1985, the ship of Greenpeace was sunk …. French intelligence agents (агентами спецслужб). Russian Greenpeace is affiliated with Greenpeace groups … other countries.


 2.5.3  Supply the missing words and finish the following sentences considering information from the text above.

1. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is known …

2. World Heritage Fund protects … and …

3. A number of humanitarian organizations always help …

4. The World Wide Fund for Nature was established …

5. Medicines Sans Frontier and the Red Cross assist …

6. The main aim of The British Green Party is …

7. Greenpeace has the policy of …

Here is the list of some abbreviations, which relate to International organizations. Try to guess what they mean and give a short description of each one. Consult a dictionary if needed.


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