B. Paraphrase the following using a Complex Subject with the verbs in brackets.


1. The Lord Chancellor will fall into the three arms of state, taking roles in the executive, legislative and judiciary. (to suppose).

2. The seats in the Canadian Senate will be assigned on a regional basis with 24 seats. (to expect)

3. Their work involves the supply official information for mass media (to know).

4. Foreign trade occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs (to believe).

5. Our department submits public expenditure estimates to the Treasury (to deny).

C. Translate the following. Sentences. Pay attention to the way the Complex Subject is translated.   


1. They are supposed to know all these procedures.

2. Today Britain is unlikely to join EMU.

3. Euro-scepticism seems to be related to the functioning of the EU rather than to the idea as such.

4. They were seen to elect the Senate.

5. The Senator was reported to be badly injured in the accident.

6. A week later the lost document was found.

7. He was reported to be preparing a Green Paper.

8. She was not expected to reply, but she did.

9. I just happen to be passing, so I dropped in.

10. The expenditure against state budget is sure to be outrageous.

11. It is toward this latter end of the spectrum where an individual’s social identities are predicated to be highly influential.

12. Poor children are much more likely to suffer from hunger, fatigue, irritability, headaches, ear infections, flu, and colds.

D. Choose the only correct answer.

1. Experience with those movements in power can … as forms of government in themselves.

(A) to cause them considered

(B) cause them to be considered

(C) cause them consider

(D) cause them be considered


2. Social structure is a term used in the social sciences … patterned social arrangements.

1. refers to

2. refer to

3. referring

4. to refer to


3. A club is a social group, which usually requires one … a member.

(A)         to apply to become

(B)         apply to become

(C)         to apply to become

(D)         apply become

4. The railroads of the United States and South America are said … by British capital.

(A) to have been build

(B) have been built

(C) to have been built              

(D) to have been building


5. Social structure may … important social systems including the economic system, legal system, political system, and others.

(A) see influence

(B) be seen influence

(C) see to influence

(D) be seen to influence


6. Have you heard the secretary … our embassy?

(A) to phone

(B) have phoned

(C) phone                             

(D) phoned


7. The reference was made … that their behaviour had put all the investigation in a nice mess.

(A)to understand                 

(C) to have understood

(B) understand                      

(D) have understood


8. The Prime Minister seems … the letter already. He looks discouraged.

(A) to have been reading           

(B) to have read

(C) to be reading

(D) to read


9. The papers are reported … since early morning.

(A) to have been examined               

(B) to be examined

(C) to have been examining

(D) to be examining   


10. The Secretary of State ordered … without further delay.

(A) type the letter                 

(B) the letter to be typed

(C) the letter being typed          

(D) the letter be typed


11. We would like … large numbers of tourists to get extra revenue to the budget.

(A) attract             

(B) to attract

(C) attracted          

(D) to be attracted


12.I hear a mob … the law into their own hands.

(A) be a group of people which has captured

(B) to be a group of people that taken

(C) is a group of people that has taken

(D) are a group of people that has accepted

Exercise 4

Do it in English.

Проблемы экономического развития отдельных стран мира, а также глобальные проблемы мирового развития сделали необходимым международное сотрудничество и международное разделение труда для успешного решения проблем национального, социального и экономического развития каждой отдельной страны. Характерной чертой современного экономического развития подавляющего числа стран мира является быстрый рост внешнеэкономических связей, причем этот рост опережает темпы роста валового национального продукта стран, участвующих в мировой торговле. Основными элементами международных торговых связей являются экспорт и импорт. Различают экспорт товаров, услуг, рабочей силы, капиталов, технологий. Зарабатывая валюту, экспортер получает возможность приобретать нужные ему товары за рубежами страны. Импорт позволяет приобретать товары, не производящиеся в стране, либо те, приобретение которых более выгодно, чем производство в своей стране.

UNIT 2 The World Community. International Organisations


2.1 Lead-in Section Overview
2.2 Language Input Developing vocabulary
2.3 Background information The World Community. International Organizations
2.4 Comprehension Understanding the reading Scanning
2.5 Practice Skills Focus Word-building Fill-in exercises Writing reports Presenting the information
2.6 Dialogue 1 PLAN International UK
Dialogue 2 Creation and role of the international organizations
2.7 Cross-Cultural Associations A. The European Community B. The WTO.
2.8 Case Study & Role Play Charity Organisations
2.9 Grammar back-up Practice with the ing-Form & Past Participle


Section Overview

In this section you will learn about the importance of international organizations, how they are structured and what challenges they face.

1. In what spheres of life can the affect of International Community be traced?

2. What are main objectives of International Community?

3. What do you think about Russia as a participant of International Community?


abolish v – отменять

abuse  n – злоупотребление (доверием)

abuse  v – злоупотреблять              

ally n – союзник

ally v - соединять

allied (to, with) pp – соединять, быть в союзе с, вступить в союз

alliance  n – альянс, союз, объединение

assets n – активы; имущество

average n – средняя статистическая величина   

Charter of the United Nations – хартия ООН                      

consequence n – последствие

contribute v – вносить вклад (лепту)

convention n – конвенция, договоренность

continuing n - устойчивый

corrupt v – подкупать, искажать

corruption n – коррупция

council n – Совет

cycle n – цикл                       disaster n – бедствие, несчастье, беда         

distribute v – распределять         distribution n – распределение

dualistic adj - двойственный

efforts n – усилия                  

extent n – степень; объем

favour v – поддерживать, благо-приятствовать                    

flow n –движение

generation n – поколение

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – Всеобщее соглашение по тарифам и торговле

hostility n - враждебность 

humanity n – человечество

human race – человеческая раса

implore v – умолять, просить   inequality n – неравенство

inevitability n - неизбежность

interdependence n - взаимозависимость         

justice  n – справедливость

marketable wealth – блага, реализуемые через рынок   

measure n – показатель, мера measure v – измерять          

mental illness – психическое заболевание                                 

on a global scale – в мировом масштабе       

permit  v – позволять, разрешать

permission  n – разрешение

pledge v – закладывать, давать клятву, поручиться

poverty n –нищета         

poverty trap – «ловушка нищеты» (ситуация, при которой повышение доходов семьи с низкими доходами влечет за собой либо утрату государственных льгот, либо повышение налогообложения, которое «съедает» повышение доходов)

precious jewel – драгоценный камень

predictable   adj. – предсказуемый

predict v – предсказывать, прогнозировать

prediction n – предсказание, прогноз

predecessor n – предшественник

priorities   v – приоритет

prior ( to ) adj. – предшествующий

procurement  n – приобретение, получение, поставка

protect  v – предотвращать, защи-щать  

protection n – предотвращение, защита

protective adj . – протекционный

ratify v – ратифицировать, подтверждать

ratification n – ратификация, подтверждение

recognize v – признавать

recognition n – признание, приня-тие

require v – требовать

requirement n – требование, условие

relative adj . – относительный

relations n  – связи, отношения

relate ( to ) v – относиться, иметь отношение

save v – сберегать, накапливать

savings n – сбережения

second (a resolution) v  – поддержать резолюцию

security n – безопасность, ценная бумага, залог

secure v – закреплять, страховать


Consult a dictionary and practice the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own.

to commit an act of aggression _________________________________

collective security ___________________________________________

complexity of interdependence of states _________________________

continuing institutional structures ______________________________

to promote international cooperation   ____________________________

human rights ________________________________________

collaboration without distinction _______________________________

to be adopted by the nations ___________________________________

below the poverty line _______________________________________

children mortality ________________________________________

devastating collapse __________________________________________

disposable income ___________________________________________

free schooling _____________________________________________

industrialised nations _________________________________________

interest rate _________________________________________________

manifestations of the organizing process ______________________

suicide rate _______________________________________________

to take an oath ____________________________________________

to take into account __________________________________________

to be hard to overestimate ______________________________

to rest upon a dualistic conception ____________________________

to acknowledge both conflictual and cooperative relationships ______

to treat conflict as an evil to be controlled _____________________

to treat cooperation as a good to be promoted ____________________



2.2.2 Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:

1 freedom or protection from danger A взаимозависимость государств
2 fully independent and with complete freedom B официальные, устойчивые институты
3 group of people elected to do smth C штаб-квартира
4 interdependence of states D враждебность между государствами
5 formal, continuing institutional structures E свобода или защита от опасности
6 a headquarter F полностью независимый и полностью свободный
7 to shape a common course of action G группа людей, избранных делать что-либо
8 to have an equal vote in smth H формировать единое направление действий
 9 hostility among nations  I иметь равный голос в голосовании за что-либо
10 meet annually for a session.  J страны участники дают обет решать все споры мирным путем
11 reducing tension in the world K Международный Верховный Суд
12 the General Assembly L отрицать неизбежность войны
13 the Security Council M встречаться на ежегодной сессии
14 the Economic and Social Council N сокращение напряженности в мире
15 the Trusteeship Council O Генеральная Ассамблея
16 Secretariat and the International Court of Justice. P Совет по социально-экономической политике
17 the maintenance of international peace and security. Q поддержание всеобщего мира и безопасности
18 to deny inevitability of war R воздерживаться от силовых угроз в отношении других стран
19 member nations pledge to settle their disputes peacefully S Совет по безопасности
20 to refrain from using force or the threat of force against other countries T Совет по взаимопомощи


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