Часть 1. ФОС междисциплинарного экзамена по первому иностранному языку и основам лингвистических знаний

    В НОУ ВПО Институт иностранных языков междисциплинарный экзамен по первому иностранному языку включает два этапа. Этап первый представляет собой устную презентацию обсуждения какой-либо актуальной проблемы современности. Этап второй – лингвистический анализ текста. Подробное описание всех этапов экзамена приведено в локальном акте НОУ ВПО Институт иностранных языков «Итоговая государственная аттестация выпускников», одобренном Ученым советом ИИЯ и утвержденном ректором ИИЯ. Собственно ФОС междисциплинарного экзамена приводится ниже.

Типовые контрольные задания


Этап первый. Устная презентация.

Типовые темы презентаций 

The maxim that 'An Englishman's home is his castle' is most often cited these days in articles in the British right-wing press that cry over the apparent undermining of principle that a man can do as he pleases in his own house. Is a Russian person’s home his castle? To which extent do you share the idea that you can do what you want in your own house. Give some reasons to support your arguments for or against being absolutely free within your house
Some sages say that ’The journey is the reward’ that means anticipation and hopes are better things in life than success. To which extent do you agree with this statement? Give some reasons to support your arguments for or against. 
Some people say there is no better medicine for an Englishman than traveling. Others say that there is no place better than home. To which extent do you agree with either statement? Give some reasons to support your arguments for or against.  
Remember Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451? If you were to save only one book on the Earth, which one would you choose? Give you reasons and make a short outline of It.
New technologies give life to some modern ways of reading. However traditional paper books are also in high demand. Which type of book – an e-book or a paper one – do you prefer? List advantages and disadvantages of either and prove your opinion.
Traditional medicine and alternative ways of treatment both have their supporters. Each approach has its strong and weak points. List advantages and disadvantages of either and prove your opinion
Nowadays plastic surgery is said to be on an increase giving people a chance to alter their appearance to their choice. What do you think about being operated for getting a better look? Would you like to take this type of surgery and how much are you ready to spend for beauty?
In lots of countries exists a moratorium on capital punishment, yet in China, Iraq, Iran and even some states of the USA people are still executed for their crimes. Do you support capital punishment? Why? Why not? Which crimes are worth execution? Give some arguments and prove your opinion
Today more and more people become motorists as well as cyclists. Nevertheless, cyclists have fewer rights than motorists. On the other side, road rules for cyclists seem to be less severe. How do you think, should cyclists have same rights and responsibilities as motorists? Give some arguments and prove your opinion.
In his famous speech, Steve Jobs gives amazing advice to those who hunger for success. He says, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish”. How would you interpret these words? Do you agree with them? Give some arguments and prove your opinion.
The Holy Book says that ’The love of money is the root of all evil’. How do you understand that statement? Do you agree with it? Give some arguments and prove your opinion.
If you were to live your life over, what are moral values you most regret not having had throughout your first life?
If you were in extremis and had to break the law would you rather break it and feel guilty for the rest of your days or break it and don’t feel guilty at all? Give clear examples of things you could.
Some people state that ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ that literally means the perception of beauty is subjective. Do you agree with it? Give some arguments and prove your opinion.
Everybody happened to come across a “hard person”. What are the qualities you can’t stand in a friend/colleague/partner/spouse? Why? Give some arguments and prove your opinion.
Childhood is often thought to be a traumatic period of a human’s life that dramatically influences adulthood. However, other people say that childhood is the time of happiness and serenity that provides an adult with strength and support in hardships. Which of these opinions do you share? Give some arguments and prove your position.


Этап второй. Лингвистический анализ текста.


Выпускникам предлагаются для анализа тексты различных функциональных стилей. К тексту прилагаются вопросы по лингвистике, основанные на конкретных лингвистических чертах данного текста. Каждый текст снабжается одинаковым числом вопросов, причем вопросы относятся ко всем знаковым языковым уровням. Это вопросы по теории текста, стилистике, лексикологии, теоретической грамматике и истории языка. Экзамен проводится на иностранном языке.

Типовые примеры текстов и приложенные к ним вопросы для анализа.

Текст 1

Another peculiarity of Mrs. Tinckham’s shop is that it is full of cats. An ever-increasing family of tabbies, sprung from one enormous matriarch, sit about upon the counter and on the empty shelves, somnolent and contemplative, their amber eyes narrowed and winking in the sun, a reluctant slit of liquid in an expanse of hot fur. When I come in, one often leaps down onto my knee, where it sits for a while in a sedate objective way, before slinking into the street and along by the shop fronts. But I have never met one of these animals further than ten yards away from the shop. In the midst sits Mrs. Tinckham herself, smoking a cigarette. She is the only person I know who is literally a chain-smoker. She lights each one from the butt of the last; how she lights the first one of the day remains to me a mystery, for she never seems to have any matches in the house when I ask her for one. I once arrived to find her in great distress because her current cigarette had fallen into a cup of coffee and she had no fire to light another. Perhaps she smokes all night, or perhaps there is an undying cigarette which burns eternally in her bedroom. An enamel basin at her feet is filled, usually to overflowing, with cigarette ends; and beside her on the counter is a little wireless which is always on, very softly and inaudibly, so that a sort of murmurous music accompanies Mrs. Tinckham as she sits, wreathed in cigarette smoke, among the cats.

I came in and sat down as usual at the iron table, and lifted a cat from the nearest shelf on to my knee. Like a machine sat in motion it began to purr. I gave Mrs. Tinckham my first spontaneous smile of the day. She is what Finn calls a funny old specimen, but she has been very kind to me, and I never forget kindness.

[…..] (from Under the Net by Iris Murdoch)


1) Style and register: overview of linguistic features.

2)  Lexical meaning: connotations.

3) Tense pattern of the text.

4) Compare the number of Germanic and Romance roots in the first 12 lines and comment on the stylistic effect of the proportion.

Текст 2

It was with no little gusto and animation that some hours later I set out for the tryst. This Ginger was one of my oldest buddies, not quite so old as Kipper Herring or Catsmeat Potter-Pirbright, with whom I had plucked the gowans fine at prep school, public school and University, but definitely ancient. Our rooms at Oxford had been adjacent, and it would not be too much to say that from the moment he looked in to borrow a syphon of soda water we became more like brothers than anything, and this state of things had continued after we had both left the seat of learning.

For quite a while he had been a prominent member of the Drones Club, widely known for his effervescence and vivacity, but all of a sudden he had tendered his resignation and gone to live in the country, oddly enough at Steeple Bumpleigh in Essex, where my Aunt Agatha has her lair. This, somebody told me, was due to the circumstance that he had got engaged to a girl of strong character who disapproved of the Drones Club. You get girls like that every now and then, and in my opinion they are best avoided.

Well, naturally this has parted us. He never came to London, and I of course never went to Steeple Bumpleigh. You don’t catch me going anywhere near Aunt Agatha unless I have to. No sense in sticking one’s neck out. But I had missed him sorely. Oh for the touch of a vanished hand, is how you might put it.

Arriving at Barribault’s, I found him in the lobby where you have the pre-luncheon gargle before proceeding to the grill-room, and after the initial What-ho-ing and What-a-time-since-we-met-ing inevitable when two vanished hands who haven’t seen each other for ages re-establish contact, he asked me if I would like one for the tonsils.

“I won’t join you”, he said. “I’m not actually on the waggon, I have a little light wine at dinner now and then, but my fiancée wants me to stay off cocktails. She says they harden the arteries”.

[…] (from Much Obliged, Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse)


1) Style and register: overview of linguistic features.

2) Phraseological units, set expressions and phrasal verbs.

3) Verb: ing-forms and infinitives.

4) Comment on the discrepancy between the spelling and pronunciation of the following words:

Animation, naturally, actually, resignation.


Текст 3


We got onto an eighty-eight bus. Mars provoked a flood of remarks from the conductor. We sat in the front seat on top, the seat in which I had sat not so very long ago thinking about Anna until I had had to get off the bus and go looking for her. And as I looked down now on the crowds in Oxford Street and stroked Mars’s head I felt neither happy nor sad, only rather unreal, like a man shut in a glass. Events stream past us like these crowds and the face of each is seen only for a minute. What is urgent is not urgent forever but only ephemerally. All work and all love, the search for wealth and fame, the search for truth, life itself, are made up of moments which pass and become nothing. Yet through this shaft of nothings we drive onward with that miraculous vitality that creates our precarious habitations in the past and the future. So we live; a spirit that broods and hovers over the continual death of time, the lost meaning, the unrecaptured moment, the unremembered face, until the final chop chop that ends all our moments and plunges that spirit back into the void from which it came.

So I reflected; and was reluctant to get off the bus. But when we reached Oxford Circus I rose and pulled Mars after me down the stairs.

Mrs. Tinckham’s voice came to me out of the wreaths of smoke.

“Hello, dearie,” said Mrs. Tinck, “you’ve been a long time.”

I stretched out my legs. “What about a drink?” I said. “It’s nearly opening time.”

“Whiskey and soda?” she said. I could hear the glass clinking under the counter and the gurgle of the whiskey and the fizz of the soda. Mrs. Tinckham passed it to me and I threw my head back and closed my eyes.

                               (from Under the Net by Iris Murdoch)



1) Style and register: overview of linguistic features

2) Lexical meaning: connotations

3) Noun

4) Explain the discrepancies between the spelling and pronunciation in the following words:

Eight, flood – look, but – truth, nothing, future.

Дата добавления: 2019-07-17; просмотров: 111; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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