Translate the words and word combinations in brackets.

Rain is the prime (источник) of all water. A part of the rain water sinks into the ground to form (грунтовые воды); part of it evaporates back into the (атмосфера), and some runs off to form streams and riv- ers which flow ultimately into the sea. Some of the water in the soil is taken up by the (растения) and is evaporated in turn by the (листья). This (процесс) is called the "water cycle", or the “hydrologic cycle". So the (круговорот воды / влагооборот) is the (циркуляция) of the earth's water, in which water (испаряется) from the sea into the atmosphere,



where it condenses and falls as (дождь) or (снег), returning to the sea by rivers or returning to the atmosphere by evapotranspiration.



Pict. 3. The Water (Hydrologic) Cycle

(Эвапотранспирация / суммарное испарение) is the process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by (испаре- ние) from the soil and other (поверхности) and by transpiration from plants. So, water on Earth moves continually through a cycle of evapora- tion or transpiration (evapotranspiration), precipitation, and runoff, usu- ally reaching the (море).

Water comes a long way to get to the (водопроводный кран)! All (питьевая вода) originates in the water cycle when rain and snow sink into the ground or collect in rivers, lakes and streams. Cities usually get their drinking water from lakes, rivers and (водохранилища). Water is sent to a treatment plant where it is cleaned and pumped into our homes, various establishments and (промышленные предприятия). In rural areas, many people drink (вода из скважины) which is pumped from a natural underground storage area called an (водоносный слой / водо- носный горизонт).


Match the terms and their definitions.



a. a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organ- isms

b. a liquid capable of dissolving another substance

c. a river, canal, or other navigable channel used as a means of travel or transport

d. a simple nonflowering (нецветковый) plant growing in water

e. a slowly moving mass of ice formed by the accumulation and com- paction of snow on mountains or near the poles

f. all water naturally open to the atmosphere (e.g. rivers, streams, lakes or reservoirs); water that collects on the surface of the ground

g. an attribute, quality or characteristic of something

h. happen; take place; exist

i. the water available for a community or region; the supply of treated and purified water for a community; water resources

j. the water with the total dissolved substances content of less than 1,000 mg/l

k. water contained underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock

l. water intended primarily for human consumption (also known as potable water)


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