XV.Складіть речення з поданими дієсловами за зразком, вживаючи конструкцію “Complex Objec t ”, та перекладіть їх

A.want, wish, desire, should (would) like, hate (дієслова, що виражають бажання).

Зразок : My friends want me to come on Sunday.

B.see, watch, observe, notice, hear, feel (що виражають сприйняття органами чуттів).

Зразок : I saw him cross the street.

C. consider, expect, think, believe, suppose, find, know, declare, (що виражають припущення).

Зразок: I consider him to be an honest man.

D.order, command, ask, allow (що виражають наказ, прохання, дозвіл).

Зразок: The dean ordered the textbooks to be returned to the library in time.

XVI . Перекажіть текст.


Organs, which are related by function, are grouped into organ systems. The coordinated functioning of all organ systems enables an individual organism to live in its environment and to reproduce.

Ten such systems are commonly recognized in animals.

The digestive system is composed of such organs as the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas and liver.

The circulatory system is composed of the heart, the blood vessels, blood, the lymphatic vessels, and lymph.

The respiratory system is composed of the lungs and the related air passages (the nasal cavity, the pharynx, the trachea, and the bronchial tubes). In some animals other organs of respiration have evolved. For example, fish possess gills, insects have a series of tubules through which air flows, and a number of organisms, particularly the more primitive ones, carry on an oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange through the body surface.

The primary excretory organs are the kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver.

The skeletal system is composed of varying amounts of bone and cartilage.

The muscular system involves all of the muscle tissues within the body. The contraction of these tissues, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a response to a nerve impulse.

The nervous system is composed of the brain, the spinal cord, all the peripheral nerves, and the sensory parts of those organs concerned with receiving stimuli from the external or internal environment. It also integrates and coordinates the various body parts in accordance with the information received in the form of stimuli. In higher animals this system permits the processes, which we term intelligence, i.e., thought, reasoning, and memory.

The reproductive system has the function of the perpetuation of the species through the production of new organisms. The organs involved include the gonads (the testes and ovaries) with their various associated ducts and glands.

The endocrine system consists of the ductless glands, the glands that produce chemical regulators called hormones. The thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands are examples of organs, which compose this system.

The integumentary system is composed of the skin and the specialized structures, such as hair, sсales, feathers, and nails, which develop from it. The primary purpose of this system is protection.



Повторіть за диктором слова та словосполучення:

1. abomasum n [xbq'meIsqm] сичуг
2. chewing n 3. cudding n ['CHIN] ['kAdIN] жування жування
4. digestion n [dI'GesCqn] травлення
5. enable v [I'neIbl] надавати можливість
6. fermentation n ["fWmqn'teISn] бродіння, ферментація
7. fluid n ['flHId] рідина
8. fluid store ['flHId'stL] резерв рідини
9. food bolus ['fHd'bqulqs] кормова грудка
10. grind (ground, ground) v [graInd] перемелювати, пережовувати, розтирати
11. liquefy v ['lIkwIfaI] перетворюватись на рідину
12. mucus n ['mjHkqs] слиз
13. net-like a ['net'laIk] сітчастий
14. omasum n [q'meIsum] книжка (ІІІ відділ шлунка жуйних)
15. pouch [pautS] сумка, мішок
16. precede v [prI'sJd] передувати
17. pretreatment n [prI'trJtmqnt] попередня обробка
18. pretreatment sac [sxk] відділення попередньої обробки
19. projection n [prq'GekSn] виступ
20. reticulum n [re'tIkjulqm] сітка (ІІ відділ шлунка жуйних)
21. rumen n ['rHmIn] рубець (І відділ шлунка жуйних)
22. ruminant a, n ['rumInqnt] жуйний, жуйна тварина
23. ruminant stomach ['rumInqnt'stAmqk] шлунок жуйних
24. surface n ['sWfIs] Поверхня
25. tough a [tAf] грубий, міцний
26. tough fibre ['tAf'faIbq] грубе (міцне) волокно

Прочита й те текс т та перекладіть його українською мовою.


The true stomach in cattle and sheep is known as the abomasum. This stomach is preceded by three other “stomachs” which are really pretreatment sacs or pouches. The first, which is the largest, is the rumen in which much mucus is produced. The food bolus can be returned to the mouth for further chewing (cudding), but in the rumen it is eventually liquefied. The products of micro-organism fermentation can be absorbed through the rumen wall whose surface area is increased by many small projections.

The next “stomach”, the reticulum, is so named because its lining consists of net-like compartments. It functions mainly as a fluid store.

The third “stomach”, the omasum, has walls lined with “leaves” of tough tissue between which the remaining fibrous food material is ground. In young suckling animals, these pre-treatment “stomachs” have no part to play in the digestion of milk, and they are by-passed by a tube formed to carry liquids directly into the abomasum. This complex stomach arrangement enables the ruminant animal to deal with large quantities of food material containing carbohydrates in the form of cellulose, the tough fibre in hay and straw, which without this special treatment would be indigestible and therefore of no value to the animal.

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