X. Трансформуйте складнопідрядні речення у прості, використовуючи інфінітивну конструкцію “Complex subject”.

Зразок: It seems that this team will win the football match.

This team seems to win the football match. (Здається, що ця команда переможе у футбольному матчі).

1.    It is known that organs and organ systems exist in all multicellular forms.

2. It is expected that the Prime Minister will visit our city tomorrow.

3. It was reported that the weather changed.

4. It is said that he lives in London.

5. It is known that Ann is working hard this week

6. It is likely that they will come soon.

7. It was said that he knows several foreign languages.

8. It seems that the weather is improving.

9. It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident.

10.  It is supposed that many species are disappearing on our planet.

XI. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Кажуть, що він талановитий лікар-ветеринар.

2. Відомо, що багато видів тварин зникає на землі.

3. Очевидно, сьогодні буде дощ.

4. Вважають, що тварини спілкуються між собою.

5. Очікується, що делегація прибуде о 12 годині.

6. Повідомляється, що конференція проводитиметься 20 квітня (to be held).

7. Відомо, що ссавці та птахи є теплокровні.

8. Ця лекція про домашніх тварин виявилась дуже цікавою (proved to be interesting).

9. У давні часи вважалось, що земля трималась на трьох черепахах (to be kept).

10.Наш університет вважається провідним аграрним університетом України.

XII . Перекажіть текст.


Tissue (in physiology) is a level of organization in multicellular organism. It consists of a group of structurally and functionally similar cells and their intercellular material.

Scientists divide animal tissues into four classes based on the functions they perform.

The first class includes all those tissues that serve an animal’s needs for growth, repair and energy.

The tissues of the second class fall into two groups: physical (nervous and sensory tissues), which operate via electrical impulses along nerve fibers; and the chemical (endocrine tissues), which release hormones into the bloodstream. In vertebrates the same tissues perform both physical and chemical coordination because the nervous tissues also serve as hormone sources. In vertebrates most endocrine functions are isolated in specialized glands, several of which are derived from nervous tissue. The basic unit of all nervous tissues is the neuron. The bundles of axons along which neurons transmit and receive impulses are called nerves.

The third class of tissues serves to bind the other tissues and organs together and to support the body. Muscle tissue is primarily responsible for movement.

The fourth class of tissues includes reproductive tissues, hemopoietic tissues, and tissues fluids. Among the important tissues fluids are lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and milk (in mammals).



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