Are these statements true or false? If they are false, say why. Use the following phrases:

I can’t agree to this statement because…

Just the contrary…

I think…

To my mind…


1. Concrete is a natural building material.

2. The main property of concrete is its durability.

3. There are three accurate methods of measuring proportions while making concrete.

4. Concrete will resist compressive forces if it is reinforced.

5. Concrete is an ideal material, it has no disadvantages.

6. Reinforced concrete is used for building of power stations.


5. Study the text and answer the following questions:

1. What is concrete produced of?

2. What are the main properties of concrete?

3. How did reinforced concrete appear?

4. What are the main disadvantages of reinforced concrete?

5. How can the disadvantages of reinforced concrete be eliminated or at least minimized?

6. What types of structures is reinforced concrete used for?


6. For each definition write a word from the text:

1. Composition of gravel, sand, cement, and water, used for building.

2. Produced by human art or effort.

3. A number of things or parts forming a mass.

4. Careful, precise.

5. Strengthen or support, esp. with additional material.

6. Concrete with metal bars or wire embedded to increase its tensile strength.

7. Manufacture sections of (a building, reinforced concrete etc.) prior to their (its) assembly on the site.

Render the text in Ukrainian.


IV. Vocabulary and Grammar Activator

1. Study the text and give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

artificial conglomerate; crushed stone; similar inert material; fundamental object; requisite strength; essential properties; to attain properties; to give attention to; strength test; to be subjected to high bending forces; final rigidity; modern reinforcing methods.

2. Study the text and find synonyms for the following words:

today, man-made, essential, hard-wearing, precise, perfect, appropriate, aim.


3. Study the text and find antonyms for the following words:

few, natural, maximum, different, careless, the least, more, weak, low, limited, advantages, light, cold, ancient.

4. Use the following affixes to make up new words:

~ly; ~ing; ~tion; ~al; ~ness; ~ful; ~able; un~; dis~.

fundament; proportion; watertight; suit; build; care; wide; quick; advantage; limited; frequent.

Study the text and find sentences with the Participle. Translate them into Ukrainian.

6. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. When producing concrete we usually use less accurate method by volumes.

2. We saw them mixing crushed stone, gravel with mortar.

3. The large house being built in our street is a new school.

4. The workers left the construction site, the concrete having not been produced.

5. Having been reinforced with iron bass concrete became rather durable.

6. Concrete becomes durable when reinforced.

7. We walked about a little, the architect showing us the construction site.

8. Though built in beautiful surroundings the new dwelling-houses did not satisfy the needs of their inhabitants.

9. About 100 bars have been used, half of them being steel.

10. Having no other material, the workers used waterproof paper for the protection of the fresh concrete.

11. Forms may be made of timber or steel sheets, the latter being preferred to our concrete plant.

12. The external walls are made of sandwich panels with the outer layer made of aluminum.

13. A bridge connecting the two parts of the town will be completed in three years.

14. The reconstruction of the town is now making rapid progress with a new shopping centre being built as one of the main attractions.


Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Сучасне будівництво використовує багато будівельних матеріалів, бетон – один з них.

2. Цей майданчик включає вісім 17-поверхових багатоквартирних будинків, при чому кожний має 100 квартир.

3. Балки бувають різної товщини, а найбільш звичайні розміри від 6 до 9 дюймів.

4. Задача цього архітектора – спроектувати новий район міста, а житлові будинки є тільки частина проблеми.

5. Коли проект був закінчений, архітектор показав його своїм колегам.


V. Talking Assignments

Divide the text into logical parts.

2 . Express the main idea of each part. Use the following phrases:

– The first (second, third …) part of the text is about …

– It describes (considers, deals with, informs) …

– The author stresses (points out) that …


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 176; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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