Творческая деятельность, групповая.

Divide in pairs. Students should make a dialogue.

Комментарий оценок

Работа преподавателя

Today, your marks exhibited activity for good speaking skills of the proposals, to read and understand with full coverage of the content read.

Домашнее задание.

To retell the text about travelling, learn new words and to do the exercise.

Групповая работа

Making an activity with new words dividing students into three groups 

Заключительная минута урока .

Close your eyes, remember all that is good about what we discussed today and save on all day. Open your eyes. Thank you! Good Bye!



План урока

Теоретическая фонетика »

Датa: 28.11.2017

Тема: «Акцентная структура английских слов.»

Педагог: Махсутова А.М.

Группа: РН 301

Кол-во уч-ся: 21

Специальность: 0105000- «Начальное образование»

Квалификация: 0105033- «Учитель иностранного языка начального образования»     

Цель: совершенствовать умения распознавать предложения, выделять их интонационно, составлять простые и сложные предложения


Образовательн ая : установить инвентарь акустических средств реализации модифицированной акцентной структуры многосложного слова в спонтанных текстах

Развивающ ая : способствовать развитию умения правильно обозначать предложения на письме

Воспитательн ая : содействовать воспитанию интереса к английскому языку, культуры учебного труда на уроке

Тип урока: комбинированный

Вид урока: традиционный

Прием: работа с текстом, работа со словарем, беседа

Ресурсы: Презентация, текст, карточки

Ход урока :

1. Организационный момент

1.1 Организация учащихся к занятию.

1.2 Проверка посещаемости.

1.3 Проверка готовности к уроку.

2. Сообщение целей урока

Работа преподавателя

Today in class before you have the following tasks; You have to show the home task and answer the questions.

3. Комментарий к ходу урока

Вступительное слово преподавателя

Today we are going to speak about our health. Some people think a lot about their health. Others don’t. People can fall ill from time to time and have to go to the

Анализ состояния

Позитивный настрой .

I ask you to sit up straight, not crossing your arms and legs. We will now do an exercise on breathing. When we concentrate on breathing. Our mind calms down. When we breathe in, we will choose peace and joy. And with exhalation we will exhale from ourselves all the anxieties.

Позитивное высказывание (цитата) .

“To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life”


1.Have you got some ideas about the topic of our lesson?

2.Do you know some other proverbs about kindness?

In English there are three degrees of word stress: stressed syllables (primary stress), half-stressed syllables (secondary stress) and weak or unstressed syllables. A large group of polysyllabic simple words bear both the primary and the secondary stresses, eg ,conver'sation.

There are several large groups of words in English with two equally strong stresses. These words consist of two morphemes. The use of the second strong stress is caused by the semantic significance of both equally stressed elements of the word, eg 're'write, 'fourteen.

Word stress in English as well as in Russian is free, in the sense that the primary stress is not tied to any particular syllable in all the words. But it always falls on a particular syllable of any given word.

The secondary stress is manifested in polysyllabic words with the primary stress on the third or on the fourth syllable from the beginning, eg popularity, responsibility.

In words with the primary stress on the third syllable the secondary stress usually falls on the first syllable, eg ,deco'ration.

If the primary stress falls on the fourth or fifth syllable the secondary stress is very commonly on the second syllable, eg ar,ticu'lation, experimentation.

Consequently the position of the secondary stress is often that of the primary stress in the original word, i.e. in the word from which the derivative word is formed, cf 'possible ,possi'bility, appreciate ap,preci'ation.

In some cases the position of the secondary stress is connect­ed with the type of the suffix which can influence the accentual pattern. But there is still no good ground for establishing regular rules in this case.

To avoid making accentual mistakes it is necessary to the learner to know the basic rules of English words:

1. In most disyllabic word the accent falls of the initial syllabic

2. In the disyllabic words with a prefix which has lost its meaning the stress falls on the second syllable that is to say on a rood syllable (become).

3. In disyllabis words ending in –aty, -ise, -ize, -ly the stress falls on the last syllable (dictate, surprise)

4. In most word in 3 or 4 syllables the accent falls on the 3 syllable from the end of tne word (family)

5. The accent on the 3 syllable from the end is especially typical of polysyllabic word with the suffix (recognize) –ize, -ly, -ate. The accent falls on the3 syllabic from the end of the word before the following suffixes:

- logy (psychology), -logist ( biologist)

- graphy ( geography), -grapher (geographer)

- cracy (democracy)

The accent falls on the 2 second syllable from the end of the word:

- ian (physician)

- unce ( experience)

- ient ( expedient)

- cient (efficient)

- al (parental)

- ial (essential)

- ual ( habitual)

- eores ( courage)

- ious (delicious)

- iar (familiar)

The accent falls on the final syllable formed by the following suffixes:

- ee (refuge – refugee/ employ – employee)

- eer ( engine – engineer)

- esque (picture – picturesque)


Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 199; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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