Заключительная минута урока .

Close your eyes, remember all that is good about what we discussed today and save on all day. Open your eyes. Thank you! Good Bye!




План урока

Теоретическая фонетика »

Датa: 13.10.2017

Тема: «Фонетическая структура английского языка»

Педагог: Махсутова А.М.

Группа: РН 301

Кол-во уч-ся: 21

Специальность: 0105000- «Начальное образование»

Квалификация: 0105033- «Учитель иностранного языка начального образования»     

Цель: увеличение объёма знаний об особенностях распространения и влияния английского языка в мире, изучение теории фонетики.


Образовательн ая : развивать умение читать с разными стратегиями, овладеть новой лексикой; развивать умение задавать вопросы и отвечать на вопросы, высказывая своё мнение; развивать умения письменной речи.

Развивающ ая : создавать условия для развития навыков самостоятельной работы; развитию способности к анализу, синтезу, систематизации, к языковой догадке; развитию воображения; развитию навыков работы с информацией; развитию творческих способностей.

Воспитательн ая : создавать условия для формирования способности к критическому мышлению; привить интерес к изучению английского языка; способствовать диалогу культур; формировать потребность к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре, группе.

Тип урока: интегрированный

Вид урока: традиционный

Прием: работа с текстом, работа со словарем, беседа

Ресурсы: Презентация, текст, карточки

Ход урока :

1. Организационный момент

1.1 Организация учащихся к занятию.

1.2 Проверка посещаемости.

1.3 Проверка готовности к уроку.

2. Сообщение целей урока

Работа преподавателя

Today in class before you have the following tasks; You have to show the home task and answer the questions.

3. Комментарий к ходу урока

Вступительное слово преподавателя

Today we are going to speak about our health. Some people think a lot about their health. Others don’t. People can fall ill from time to time and have to go to the

Анализ состояния

Позитивный настрой .

I ask you to sit up straight, not crossing your arms and legs. We will now do an exercise on breathing. When we concentrate on breathing. Our mind calms down. When we breathe in, we will choose peace and joy. And with exhalation we will exhale from ourselves all the anxieties.

Позитивное высказывание (цитата) .

Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.
Rita Mae Brown

1.Have you got some ideas about the topic of our lesson?

2.Do you know some other proverbs about foreign language?

To clearly represent the difference in the pronunciation systems of foreign and native languages, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of their articulatory base. Under the articulatory base, the features of the mechanism for producing sounds (both vowels and consonants) are implied, due to the anatomical structure of the speech apparatus.
This mechanism includes: a method of supplying the air necessary for the production of sound, the particular shape of the resonator (mainly the mouthpiece), the position of the tongue, the position of the lips,
The English articulation base is characterized by the following features:
a) the exhaled air is supplied by short, jerky portions ("staccato") in contrast to the Russian smooth manner (legato);
b) the anatomical features of the structure of the speech resonator (a more elongated shape as compared with the flatter in the Russian version) cause the apical position of the tongue (unlike the dorsal position in the Russian language, when it is bent downwards and strongly adheres to the entire front part of the tongue as if closely in the mouth), when only the tip of the consonant is active in the production of consonants (unlike the front part in the Russian language, the blade); in the English version, the tongue seems to be pulled back and can hardly reach the teeth and alveoli; In addition, the back of the tongue is flattened and has a flat shape (flat);
c) the upper lip is slightly stretched in a smile (a phonetic smile) and does not change its position in the process of pronouncing, i.e. lips do not move in a horizontal plane, so that their corners remain fixed (stiff upper lip); in the Russian language the lips are very mobile: they are strongly rounded and bulging, sounds pronounced with bulging and rounding of the lips are called labialized;
d) solution; the distance between the jaws, in English pronunciation is narrower than in Russian.
These features affect the quality of English vowels and consonant sounds as follows:
a) the presence of aspiration in the deaf blasting [p, t, k]; the rigid bow of combinations of consonant sounds [tr, pl, st, kw, tl, dn, bl) both in the initial and in the final positions: [tri :, pli: z, stri: t, teibl], partial stunned voiced consonants in final position: [did, bed, si: z];
b) the presence of apical articulation in all front-language sounds, lack of mitigation: [d, t, z, s, n, r, l];
c) in English, vowel sounds have a specific "light" color; during the pronunciation of vowel sounds [u :, υ] the lips are not stretched; presence of truncation (no attenuation during sounding) in English short vowels: [sit, bed, npt]. [5]
3.2 The aspiration mechanism
Due to a more energetic air supply, a part of the English consonant sounds, called dead explosive sounds [p, k, t], are pronounced with additional aspiration (aspiration).
By aspiration is meant a slight exhalation, which takes place after the pronouncing of an explosive deaf consonant before the commotion of the ligament begins to produce the next vowel sound.
In other words, there is a voice lagging ("voice-lagging"), which results in a paused sound between the end of the consonant and the beginning of the next vowel sound. This so-called "silent pause".
This phenomenon is explained by the peculiarities of the air supply mechanism. At the beginning of exhalation, the air pressure on the vocal cords is large enough, so that immediate ligament closure and voice production is impossible, thus a pause (rupture) occurs, filled with a portion of air left after the implementation of the bond.


Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 198; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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