Творческая деятельность, групповая.

План урока

Теоретическая фонетика »

Датa: 20.10.2018

Тема: «Предмет теоретической фонетики английского языка»

Педагог: Махсутова А.М.

Группа: РН 301

Кол-во уч-ся: 25

Специальность: 0105000- «Начальное образование»

Квалификация: 0105033- «Учитель иностранного языка начального образования»     

Цель: увеличение объёма знаний об особенностях распространения и влияния английского языка в мире, изучение теории фонетики.


Образовательн ая : развивать умение читать с разными стратегиями, овладеть новой лексикой; развивать умение задавать вопросы и отвечать на вопросы, высказывая своё мнение; развивать умения письменной речи.

Развивающ ая : создавать условия для развития навыков самостоятельной работы; развитию способности к анализу, синтезу, систематизации, к языковой догадке; развитию воображения; развитию навыков работы с информацией; развитию творческих способностей.

Воспитательн ая : создавать условия для формирования способности к критическому мышлению; привить интерес к изучению английского языка; способствовать диалогу культур; формировать потребность к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре, группе.

Тип урока: интегрированный

Вид урока: традиционный

Прием: работа с текстом, работа со словарем, беседа

Ресурсы: Презентация, текст, карточки

Ход урока :

1. Организационный момент

1.1 Организация учащихся к занятию.

1.2 Проверка посещаемости.

1.3 Проверка готовности к уроку.

2. Сообщение целей урока

Работа преподавателя

Today in class before you have the following tasks; You have to show the home task and answer the questions.

3. Комментарий к ходу урока

Вступительное слово преподавателя

Today we are going to speak about our health. Some people think a lot about their health. Others don’t. People can fall ill from time to time and have to go to the

Анализ состояния

Позитивный настрой .

I ask you to sit up straight, not crossing your arms and legs. We will now do an exercise on breathing. When we concentrate on breathing. Our mind calms down. When we breathe in, we will choose peace and joy. And with exhalation we will exhale from ourselves all the anxieties.

Позитивное высказывание (цитата) .

Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.
Rita Mae Brown

1.Have you got some ideas about the topic of our lesson?

2.Do you know some other proverbs about foreign language?

Phonetics as a Branch of Linguistics

Phonetics is concerned with the human noises by which the thought is actualised or given audible shape: the nature of these noises, their combinations, and their functions in relation to the meaning. Phonetics is subdivided into practical and theoretical.

Practical or normative phonetics studies the substance, the material form of phonetic phenomena in relation to meaning.

Theoretical phonetics is mainly concerned with the functioning of phonetic units in the language. Theoretical phonetics regards phonetic phenomena syn-

chronically without any special attention paid to the historical development of English.

The term “phonetics” comes from the Greek word “phōneticòs”, which means “pertaining to voice and sound”. It is an independent branch of linguistics dealing with the sound system of the language, word stress, syllabic structure and intonation. Phonetics is concerned with the human noises by which the thought is actualized or given audible shape. It studies the nature of these noises, their combinations and their functions in relation to the meaning, because only meaningful sound sequences (i.e. which contain some organized information), produced by human articulatory organs, are regarded as speech. Phonetics also focuses on the relation between written and spoken language.

Phonetics began long before there was either grammar or linguistics. Ancient objects, drawings and written documents show that people were aware of and interested in speech, its origin and abnormalities a long time ago. A science of phonetics flourished in India more than 2000 years ago.

The study of the human organs producing speech sounds began in the 17th century and was determined by the necessity to teach deaf and dumb people. This work is connected with the names of the Spanish linguist Bonet and the Dutch scholar Amman. At the end of the 18th century the acoustic theory of vowels was introduces by the German researcher Kratzenstain and later developed by Helmholtz. In the middle of the 19th century the results of the investigation in the sphere of anatomy and physiology of speech sound formation were summed up in the works of the German scientist Brücke. After the invention of laryngoscope, in 1852 the first observations of the vocal cords were made. The research of the sound system of the language from the linguistic point of view was first presented in the book of the German phonetician Sievers “Grundzüge der Lautphysiologie” (1876), the second edition was published under the title “Grundzüge der Phonetik” (1881). In 1886 International Phonetic Association (IPA) was founded. IPA started publications of a special phonetic magazine “Le Maitre Phonetique”. It stated symbols for sounds of many existing languages, including English. Now two kinds of transcription can be distinguished: phonemic transcription, used to represent the phonemic system of a language, and phonetic transcription used to represent phonemic variants.

Творческая деятельность, групповая.

Divide in pairs. Students should make a dialogue.

Комментарий оценок

Работа преподавателя

Today, your marks exhibited activity for good speaking skills of the proposals, to read and understand with full coverage of the content read.

Домашнее задание.

To retell the text about travelling, learn new words and to do the exercise.

Групповая работа

Making an activity with new words dividing students into three groups 

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 151; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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