Famous psychologists . Jung , Carl Gustav

           He was born on July 26, 1875, in Kesswil, Switzerland, in the family of a Protestant clergyman (священника). After graduating in medicine in 1902 from the universities of Basel and Zurich, with a wide background in biology, zoologypalaeontology, and archaeology, he began his work on word association, in which a patient's responses to stimulus words revealed what Jung called «complexes»—a term that has since become universal. These studies brought him international fame and led him to a close collaboration with Freud.

With the publication of Psychology of the Unconscious (1912), however, Jung declared his independence from Freud's narrowly sexual interpretation of the libido by showing the close parallels between ancient myths and psychotic fantasies and by explaining human motivation in terms of a larger creative energy. He gave up (отказался от) the presidency of the International Psychoanalytic Society and founded a movement called analytical psychology.

During his remaining 50 years Jung developed his theories, drawing on a wide knowledge of mythology and history; on his travels to diverse (разнообразные) cultures in New Mexico, India, and Kenya; and especially, on the dreams and fantasies of his childhood. In 1921 he published a major work, Psychological Types, in which he dealt with the relationship between the conscious and unconscious and proposed the now well-known personality types—extrovert and introvert.

He later made a distinction (сделал различие) between the personal unconscious, or the repressed feelings and thoughts developed during an individual's life, and the collective unconscious, or those inherited feelings (унасле­дованные чувства), thoughts, and memories shared by all humanity. The collective unconscious, according to Jung, is made up of what he called «archetypes». These correspond to such experiences as confronting death or choosing a mate (выбор пары) and manifest themselves symbolically in religions, myths, fairy tales (сказки), and fantasies.

Jung wrote many works on analytical methods and the relationships between psychotherapy and religious belief. He died on June 6, 1961.

Answer the questions:

1. What is Jung famous for? 2. Where did he study and work? 3. What studies brought him international fame? 4. Why did Jung declare his independence from Freud's views? 5. What movement did he found and why? 6. When did he publish his major work? 6. When did he propose the well-known personality types? 7. What is the collective unconscious? 8. What did Jung call «archetypes»?


Граматичний матеріал: Безособові форми дієслова. Інфінітив. Дієприкметник. Герундій.

Ex 1 Rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a present participle.

Example: She was talking to her friend and forgot everything around her. Talking to her friend she forgot everything around her.
1. Since we watch the news every day we know what's going on in the world.

2.They are vegetarians and don't eat meat.
3. The dog wagged its tail and bit the postman.

4. While she was tidying up her room she found some old photos.
5.He was a good boy and helped his mother in the kitchen.

6. As they didn't have enough money they spent their holidays at home last year.
7.The man was sitting in the cafe. He was reading a paper.

8. Since I didn't feel well I didn't go to the cinema.
9. She walked home and met an old friend.


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

4. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Навчальний посібник для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005.

Модуль самостійної роботи:

1. Безособові форми дієслова. Інфінітив. Дієприкметник. Герундій.

2. Презентація рекламного проспекту готелю.

3. Анотування газетної статті за фахом.


Безособові форми дієслова. Інфінітив. Дієприкметник. Герундій.

Питання для самоконтролю:

  1. Дайте загальну характеристик не особовим формам дієслова.
  2. Інфінітив:

форми інфінітива; функції інфінітива;синтаксична роль у реченні;

  1. Дієприкметник:

форми дієприкметника; функції дієприкметника;

- Participle I (утворення, функції, часові форми);

- Participle II (утворення, функції, часові форми).

  1. Герундій:

форми герундія;функції герундія;синтаксична роль герундія в реченні;

герундіальні звороти.

  1. Порівняйте пари:

герундій та інфінітив; герундій та дієприкметник.

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