1. All University courses arc full-time, unless a different requirement is specifically laid down in the Regulations governing a particular course. It is expected that, in the vacations, all students will undertake academic studies or obtain approved professional experience. No occasional paid work during the vacations shall be allowed to conflict with this academic duty (...).

3. Every full-time student is required to keep the three University terms every year in full. Any student who wishes to be absent from the University for any term must first obtain the permission of the Head of the School or Department or, where appropriate, the appropriate officer of the University concerned.

Regulations of the University of Binningham, England

Text 3.

Health conditions of migrants and refugees in Europe


Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee

Rapporteur: M. Francisco Arnau, Spain, Socialist Group

(Council of Europe Doc. 8878, 16 October 2000)


I. Conclusions of the committee

1. The committee fully supports the proposals put forward by the rap­porteur of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography and particularly draws the attention of the member states to the need to develop national policies that address more specifically the health needs of migrants, refugees and other displaced persons.

2. The Council of Europe should indeed facilitate this process and develop guidelines in consultation with the relevant governmental and non-gov­ernmental organisations (draft recommendation, paragraph 9 ii).

3. Furthermore, migrant workers should enjoy equal opportunities and treatment in respect of employment and social security, in accordance with the relevant international instruments.

4. Finally, the committee points to the "Solidarity Card" recently intro­duced in Valencia (Spain), which enables illegal migrants living in that region to receive the same medical care as other citizens, as one possible way of guaranteeing this fundamental human right.


Questions for discussion and practical assignments:

1. Give the definition of a functional style of language.

2. What are major functional styles and sub-styles of the English lan­guage? Compare them to the functional styles of the Ukrainian lan­guage.

3. Describe specific lexical and grammatical features of the style of offi­cial and business documents.

4. Analyse the texts given above according to the materials suggested in Units 2, 3 and 4 and translate them:


1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка (Стилистика декодирования) / И.В. Арнольд. - Ленинград: Просвещение, 1981. - 295 с.

2. Аспекты общей и частной лингвистической теории текста. - М.: Наука, 1992. - 192 с.

3. Брандер М.П., Провоторов В.И. Предпереводческий анализ текста / М.П. Брандер, В.И. Провоторов. - М.: НВИ-ТЕЗАУРУС, 2003. - 224 с.

4. Евинтов B.И. Многоязычные договоры и современном между­народном праве / B.И.  Евинтов. - К.: Наук. Думка, 1981.  - 134 с.

5. Кожина М.Н. Стилистика русского языка / М.Н. Кожина. - М.: Просвещение, 1977. - 223 с.

6. Максимов С.Е. Прагматические и структурно-семантические осо­бенности текста международного договора (На материале англий­ского языка): Дис... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.04. / С.Е. Максимов. - К.: 1984. - 198 с.

7. Остин Дж.Л. Слово как действие // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике / Дж.Л. Остин. - Вып. XVII. - М: Прогресс, 1986. - С. 22-150.

8. Austin J.L. How to do things with words / J.L. Austin. - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1962. - 167 p.

9. Austin J.L. Performative utterances //Austin J.L. Philosophical pa­pers / J.L. Austin. - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1979. - P. 233-252.

10. Galperin R. Stylistics / R. Galperin. - Moscow: Higher School, 1977. - 336 p.

11. Maksimov S.E. Deictic markers as means of expressing authority in text: Diss.... Master of Arts / S.E. Maksimov. - Birmingham, 1992. - 121p.

12. Toolan M.J. Narrative. A critical linguistic introduction / M.J. Toolan. - London. N.Y.: Routledge, 1991. - 282 p.


authority влада, повноваження, компетенція, авторитет, впливовість, сила впливу
binding force зобов'язуюча сила
functional style функціональний стиль мови
performative text текст-перформатив (тобто текст, який "змінює світ", такий як, наприклад, текст конституції, закону, договору, угоди, декларації, наказу, інструкції, присяги, розписки тощо).
sub-style підстиль
the language of belles-lettres художній стиль
the language of mass media стиль засобів масової інформації
the language of official documents офіційно-діловий стиль
the language of publicistic literature публіцистичний стиль
the language of scientific and technical prose науково-технічний стиль


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