Ex. 3. Substitute Participle I for a finite verb where possible making all other necessary changes.
1. When he arrived at the gallery, he paid his entrance fee, picked up a catalogue and entered. 2. As they were promised assistance they felt more assured. 3. We shall drop you a line as soon as we have settled at the new place. 4. After he was shown in he was asked to wait a while. 5. The parks and gardens that are being laid out in the city will very soon form a green belt all around it. 6. They started the construction of the dam early in spring and completed it before cold weather set in. 7. He lit a cigarette, leaned against the porch rail and looked at the trees and the rain that was pouring down steadily and monotonously. 8. It has been planned to dig out a new canal here which will supply the whole area with water for irrigation. 9. When she going down the steps she suddenly stopped as she remembered that she left the gas burning. 10. He stood at the counter and hesitated, he did not know what to choose. 11. After they had finalized the programme, they proceeded to the discussion of t items that dealt with financial matters. 12. As he had long been resident of the city and knew the family very well, he at once recognized the young man whom he remembered as a boy. 13.He knows the language better than a foreigner usually does, for he has been living in France for a long time. 14. Though he had lived there for a long time, he knew very few people in the neighbourhood.
Ex. 4. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form Participle I.
1. (to reject) by the editorial board, the story was returned to the author for revision. 2. (to reject) by publishers several times, the story was accepted by a weekly magazine. 3. (to wait) for some time in the reception room, he was asked into the office 4. (to wait) in the reception room, he thought over what he woud say when he was asked into the office. 5. They reached the peak at dusk, (to leave) their camp with the first light. 6. They put up for the night at a temporary camp, (to leave) it at dawn. 7. The friends went out into the city (to leave) their cases at the left luggage department. 8. (to write) and (to leave) a note with the porter, he said he would be back in a half-hour. 9. (to write) in an archaic language, the book was difficult to read. 10. (to write) his first book, he could not go far beyond his own experience. 11. (to be) away so long he was happy to be coming back. 12. (to be) so far away he still felt himself part of his community. 13.The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never (to see) such a huge animal. 14. Not (to want) to go deeper into the matter he abruptly changed the conversation.
Ex. 5. Translate the Russian participles in brackets by the English Participle II where possible.
1. The number of apartment houses (строящихся) for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing. 2. What is the number of apartment houses (построенных) in the past few years? 3. The houses (строившиеся) many years ago are not as convenient as the modern ones. 4. The workers (строившие) this house used new construction methods. 5. At the conference they discussed new methods (применяемые) in building. 6. The new methods (примененные) in the building of houses proved more effective. 7. They decided to abandon some of the methods (применявшихся) formerly in building. 8. The bricklayer (применивший) a new method in building made a report at the conference. 9. Here are some samples of the products of this plant (посылаемые) to different parts of the country. 10. These are the samples of products (посланных) last month. 11. Here are the samples of products of the plants (посылавших) us machinery. 12. These are the samples of products (посылавшихся) before the restoration of the plant.
Ex. 6. Translate into English using participles where possible.
1. Оставив вещи в камере хранения, мы пошли осматривать город. 2. Оставляя .пальто в гардеробе, вы получаете номер. 3. Человек, оставивший свой чемодан в вестибюле, прошел к администратору. 4. Пассажиры, оставляющие свои вещи в камере хранения, получают квитанцию. 5. Вещи, оставляемые в камере хранения, сохраняются там двадцать дней. 6. Вещи, оставленные в трамвае, могут быть получены в любое время на станции у дежурного. 7. Оставшись один, он начал распаковывать вещи. 8. Я не мог переодеться, так как оставил вещи на вокзале. 9. Мы пробыли весь день в городе и уехали вечером. 10. Купив билеты и оставив вещи на вокзале, мы решили навестить друзей.
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