Определенную трудность для перевода представляют многочленные словосочетания, в которых в качестве атрибутивной группы выступают существительные.
Необходимо придерживаться следующего правила перевода: 1) начинать перевод с определяемого существительного, которое, как правило, является последним словом многочленного словосочетания, 2) проанализировать смысловые связи между членами словосочетания и, вычленяя смысловые группы, перевести каждую справа налево.
dollarfluctuations – колебания курса доллара
non-oilimports – статьи импорта, за исключением нефти
export-driveneconomy – экономика, ориентированная на экспорт
better-thanexpectedresults – результаты, превысившие (превзошедшие) ожидания
payandpensionfundcuts- сокращение фонда заработной платы и пенсионных отчислений
Exercise № 16
Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. Manufacturing supply chains tie Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan to the Chinese economy.
2. The OECD estimates that world steelmaking capacity exceeds demand by up to 600m tonnes per year.
3. Years of double-digit economic growth gave the country an increasing appetite for steel.
4. CITIC, China’s largest state-run conglomerate, recently announced that its net profits fell by nearly 18% last year thanks in part to the troubled iron and steel markets.
5. Canada’s government debt burden as a share of GDP is the lowest among G7 countries.
6. Ever more affordable renewable-energy sources, and cheap gas, are proving increasingly attractive alternatives to many users of oil products.
7. The uninspiring economic data come despite a big stimulus package that the European Central Bank launched in March.
8. South Korea is a bellwether for Asia’s trade-focused economies.
9. Simple measures such as imposing sales and property taxes, or raising absurdly low local energy prices, could quickly help fund budget shortfalls.
10. China’s household savings rate of nearly 30%, among the world’s highest, is also beginning to fall as the population ages and the elderly draw down some of their accumulated wealth.
11. India unveiled a half-percentage-point rate cut in late September.
12. Australia, another commodity-heavy economy, recorded growth of just 0,2% in the second quarter from the previous three months, the slowest rate in two years.
13. Estimates of short-term Chinese copper demand vary.
14. The big oil multinationals, such as BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Shell and Total, have responded to the weaker oil price by cost-cutting, and postponing and cancelling some of their exploration projects.
Exercise № 17
Yet –1) в качестве наречия переводится на русский язык: до сих пор, пока еще, еще, пока, уже, все еще; 2) в качестве союза – тем не менее, но, но все же, и все же.
Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. The BRIC economies are contributing less to global growth. Goldman Sachs predicts that other emerging markets will pick up some of the slack. Yet those markets are not expected to add enough to prevent a general easing of the pace of world growth.
2. The woes of the euro zone were, in large part, caused by southern Europe’s loss of export competitiveness. Yet a large and persistent surplus in the trade balance can be the symptom of a distorted economy.
3. The fact that BP teamed up with TNK rather than took over suggests that large Russian companies are not yet willing to hand over complete control to foreigners.
4. It is not impossible that the US economy could get to that point of crisis, but it is not there yet.
5. Nokia’s head of mobile phones conceded that a recently launched range of mobile phones had not yet had a significant impact on the group’s results.
6. A greater reliance on imports is associated with a bigger decline in labour’s take. Yet trade cannot account for all labour’s woes in America or elsewhere.
7. China’s internet companies are battered by censorship -and yet are thriving financially.
8. The decline suggests that US manufacturers have yet to fully recover from the sting of weaker economic growth worldwide.
9. Gas prices have fallen over the past year,yet the easing of this burden failed to deliver much of a boost to consumer spending.
10. But the world economy could yet shake markets again.
Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 533; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! |
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