Suggest the Russian for the following word combinations. weak wage growth; low productivity; low rates of marriage and births; equal pay for equal work; lifting wages; permanent jobs; more child-and elder-care


weak wage growth; low productivity; low rates of marriage and births; equal pay for equal work; lifting wages; permanent jobs; more child-and elder-care facilities; more flexibility in hiring and firing; nonregular workers; to dismiss workers in bad times; a panel of experts; under existing law; employee-company relation; labour participation rate; headline figure


Exercise № 11

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations.

обеспечить занятость; постоянные работники; экономический кризис; гарантировать пожизненную занятость; отпуск по уходу за ребенком; уменьшение численности населения; уровень экономически активного населения; самый низкий за два десятилетия уровень безработицы; достичь самого высокого уровня



Exercise № 12

torise – подниматься, восходить, увеличиваться

toraise – 1) повышать, увеличивать; 2) вызывать; 3) мобилизовать, собирать (средства, финансы)

The Sun rises in the east.                                      The government is raising the taxes.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb.

1. Inflation [________________] by 0.5 percent last year, the lowest increase since 1992.

2. It would be a mistake to argue that central banks should attempt to [____________] interest rates soon.

3.  America’s rich should pay more, but there is no need to [______________] their income-tax rates.

4. Instead, in Paris, as P&G’s share price tumbled, doubts were being [_____________] about the sustainability of Mr McDonald’s (the President and Chief Executive Officer of P&G) hold on his job.

5. Industrial use of oil [______________] by over 200 % in the 1970s whilst industrial use of coal fell by the same proportion.

6. Companies will have to [___________] wages as a result of the tight labor market.

7. Corporate investment in capital equipment surged, helping GDP to [______________] for the seventh straight quarter.

8. The hardest part in starting a business is figuring out howto [______________] money for your business.

9. Fund [______________] is a significant way that non-profit organizations may obtain the money for their operations.

10. There is increasing pressure on exporters to [__________] prices in foreign markets.

11. At the age of 32, she has [_______________] to the top of her profession.

12. The Bank of England was expected to [______________] the cost of borrowing after higher than expected inflation figures.

Exercise №13

tohit – поражать, наносить урон, негативно сказаться

tobebadlyhit — понести серьезный урон, сильно пострадать

tohurt – 1) причинять ущерб, негативно сказаться; 2) задевать, затрагивать

toaffect –(негативно)влиять, сказываться, воздействовать;


Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Pensonic and companies like it have been hit by a wave of Chinese manufacturers using Southeast Asia as a base to build up a distribution and after-sales network.

2. South Korean firms are being hurt by growing output among Chinese producers and by the won’s recent strength against the yen, which is helping Japanese rivals.

3. China’s cooling demand for steel is affecting ore miners.

4. The rise in the value of the dollar hurt exports even more than might have been expected.

5. The 2015 Economic Report suggests reforming the tax system, which hits manufacturing firm hard.

6. India is hurt far less than other emerging markets by what is happening in China.

7. Much of the economic weakness so far has been concentrated in industries affected by the sharp drop in oil prices.

8. The expectation that the American government may soon lift a decades-old ban on exports of crude from the United States may also be affecting prices.

9. Manufacturers, who have been hit by the global economic slowdown and the strong dollar, shed 3,000 positions in May.

10. Mitsubishi's sales in the domestic market drop 27 per cent. Mazda followed with a 12.6 per cent decline, while Toyota was hit with a 13.5 per cent decline.

11. Falling commodity prices also mean that oil and metals producers are not investing in new plant and equipment, which hurts the companies that produce such goods.

12. The move is part of a broader cost-cutting campaign announced last year that is expected to affect about 10,000 jobs over three years.

Exercise № 14

tooffset – 1) компенсировать, возмещать; 2) сводить на нет, нейтрализовать.

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 420; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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