Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. Recovery in the US economy and growing demand from China – South Korea’s two biggest export markets – has offsetthe continued sluggishness in domestic
1. Recovery in the US economy and growing demand from China – South Korea’s two biggest export markets – has offsetthe continued sluggishness in domestic consumption
2. The adverse impact of a stronger dollar on exports has been partly offset by stronger global demand for commodities, especially from China.
3. Although China’s share has grown since early 1990s, this has been largely offset by the decline in Japan, whose share of output and exports has halved.
4. Manufacturing makes up about 17 per cent of the Canadian economy, and manufacturing strength has helped offset weakness caused by the global decline in commodity prices.
5. Increased turnover in food services, household-goods retailing and food retailing were offset by falls in “other” retail and clothing and footwear.
6. Four percent decline in sales outside North America had partially offset seven percent increase in Asia.
7. The impact on profits at British Gas of higher domestic consumption was being largely offset by higher wholesale gas prices, increased transmission costs and the burden of environmental costs imposed by government.
8. The weakening Australian dollar should also do a little to offsetweak gold prices.
9. Oil trends in developed markets are helping offset concerns about a slowdown in the Chinese economy, which has underpinned oil demand growth for several years.
10. Price increases in Europe helped to offsetdeclining demand.
11. The quarter was marked by modest growth in consumption and investment offset by falling government spending.
12. The decline in spending on food products was offset by expenditure on durable goods and energy products.
1. Предложение с этим оборотом, как правило, переводится сложноподчиненным предложением, главное предложение которого представляет собой неопределенно-личное предложение типа: «по-видимому», «оказалось», «говорят», «сообщают», «известно» и т.д., придаточное дополнительное вводится союзами что и как.
The plan is reported to include North American plant closure.
Сообщают, что в план входит закрытие завода в Северной Америке.
2. Если эта конструкция употреблена в придаточном предложении (обычно в определительном придаточном) или в причастном обороте, то неопределенно-личное предложение в переводе обычно выступает в роли вводного предложения.
A move which Fed is expected to makeis an attempt to avoid deflation.
Шаг, который, как предполагают, собирается предпринять ФРС, является попыткой избежать дефляции.
3. Если в английском предложении сказуемое стоит в отрицательной форме, то при переводе на русский язык отрицание часто переносится в придаточное предложение.
The US economy is not expected to slow down.
Ожидается, что темпы роста экономики США не замедлятся.
4. Обратите внимание на перевод следующих выражений:
(He) seems to ... , appears to ... | кажется, представляется, что ... по-видимому (он) ... |
happens (happened) to ... | случайно (он) ..., случилось так, что ... |
turns out to…, proves to ... | оказывается (он) ... |
tеnds to… | как правило, (он) ... |
isconsideredto ... | считают (считается), что ... |
isthoughtto ... | считают, думают, что ... |
isunderstoodto ... | по имеющимся сведениям (он) ..., считают (считается), что ... |
isestimatedto ... | по оценкам ... |
is projected to ..., is forecast to… | по прогнозам ... |
isallegedto ... | утверждают, считают, что (он) якобы . . . |
isheardto ... | имеются сведения, что (он)... |
isseento ... | считается, рассматривается (рассматривают), что... |
is felt to ..., is reckoned to….. | считают, что ... |
is likely to ... | похоже на то, что ..., по всей вероятности, вероятно ... |
isunlikelyto ... | маловероятно, чтобы..., едва ли …, вряд ли |
issure (certain) to ... | (он) обязательно, наверняка, несомненно... |
It remains to be seen ... | остается неясным ... |
После слов likely (unlikely), sure, certain действие, выраженное инфинитивом, обычно относится к будущему времени.
The economic problems facing France are certain to have strong repercussions.Стоящие перед Францией экономические проблемы наверняка будут иметь серьезные последствия.
Exercise № 15
Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. Structural reforms are vital to boosting growth, but these are unlikely to produce big results in the short term.
2. The ECB effort is intended to make it cheaper for banks to lend money into the real economy. It remains to be seen how it will work, but the ECB clearly believes it is necessary to take the drastic action.
3. Economic activity tends to revive naturally after a few years of stagnation, once companies invest a bit more and rebuild their stocks.
4. The company appears to be gaining strength; its sales in America seem to be recovering quickly.
5. The Minister is reported to be worriedby the rise in the cost of living index, because of the effect it may have on his wage restraint policy.
6. Net profits for the year to March 31stare now expected to hit a record high, and the company is hiring back laid-off workers.
7. The company is understood to have found oil in this region.
8. In the same quarter Japan’s GDP is estimated to have fallen at an annualized rate of 10%, Singapore’s at 17% and South Korea’s at 21%.
9. Despite the scale of the monetary and fiscal stimuli applied, the recovery in the advanced countries are almost sure to beanaemic.
10. The warnings are now shown to have beenfully justified: thousands of workers will get the sack.
11. Sales are projected to edge up to about 12 million this year, with Detroit’s share running at 46 percent.
12. Several optimists still say the March number will turn out to be a blip caused by special factors.
13. Industrial overcapacity in Japan is thought to be much higher than in America or Europe.
14. Thanks to the fall in tax receipts caused by the housing-market collapse, Ireland’s budget deficit is forecast to hit 5.5% of GDP this year – well beyond the 3% limit imposed by Brussels.
15. Despite the recent influx of foreign capital, however, many Japanese business practices don’t seem to have changed
16. The M&A deals are likely to continue, since the credit markets seem unlikely to rebound in the near future.
Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 468; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! |
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