Activity 12. Name 5 back-end jobs directly related to programming. Give their brief description

Activity 13. Name 5 front-end office jobs directly related to programming. Give their brief description.

Activity 14. Identify 5 computer problems and say who you would ask for help (e.g. if you need a non-existent application, if your computer is out of order, if you want to buy a computer, etc.)

Activity 15. Describe your personal experience of working as a…or the computer-related job, which you would like to do.


1 What is the logical relationship between the concepts “master - slave”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) contrast d) part and whole
2 What is the logical relationship between the concepts “geek – alpha geek”: a) general and specific b) cause and effect c) contrast d) part and whole
3 What is the logical relationship between the concepts “subscriber - follower”: a) equivalence b) cause and effect c) contrast d) part and whole
4 Mark the odd word: a) fix b) mend c) repair d) restore
5 Which of these is a person who governs or mediates an Internet forum or online discussion: a) gamester b) botmaster c) moderator d) administrator
6 Which of these maintains an autonomous program on a network: a) gamester b) botmaster c) moderator d) administrator
7 Which of these is a computer-savvy person: a) layman b) lamer c) wizard d) newbie
8 Which of these has the most theoretical field of expertise: a) expert b) specialist c) analyst d) scientist
9 You can subscribe ___ the listserv for £3 per annum and receive advance notice of all events. a) for b) in c) to d) on
10 He is expert __ project development. a) for b) in c) at d) on
11 Some people just lurk ___ listservs without participating. a) for b) in c) at d) on
12 A developer is the one who a) creates a computer program and brings it into existence b) is responsible for creating solutions that have a high visual impact c) who writes codes to create software programs d) designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures
13 A programmer is the one who a) creates a computer program and brings it into existence b) is responsible for creating solutions that have a high visual impact c) who writes codes to create software programs d) designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures
14 Mark the odd word: a) provider b) customer c) client d) consumer
15 A person who uses goods and services is called a(n)___ . a) consumer b) customer c) client d) vendor
16 A person or company that offers a service or a product for sale, especially in the street is called a(n)___. a) consumer b) customer c) client d) vendor
17 A repairer is a person a) employed to look after technical equipment, an expert in the practical application of a science b) responsible for the secure and efficient work of computer hardware systems c) who restores sth damaged or faulty to a normal working condition d)  tracing and correcting faults in an electronic system or analyzing and solving serious problems for a company or other organization
18 An operator is a person ___ . a) employed to look after technical equipment, an expert in the practical application of a science b) responsible for the secure and efficient work of computer hardware systems c) who restores sth damaged or faulty to a normal working condition d)  tracing and correcting faults in an electronic system or analyzing and solving serious problems for a company or other organization
19 The difference between a nerd and a geek concerns mostly ___ . a) stylistic colouring b) field of operation c) gender d) attitude to occupation
20 “Процесс поиска неисправностей, диагностики и устранения неполадок” is best translated as: a) repairing b) mending c) troubleshooting d) fixing

Module 2.TEXTING

Term Definition Usage
1 Align (v) line up type and other graphic elements using a horizontal or vertical line as the reference point ~ left/right/center; ~ sth with sth; left ~ a paragraph; alignment (n), aligned (adj); syn. justify ant. non-alignment
2 Bold (adj) confident and courageous; using dark, heavy strokes in typing, especially for emphasis printed in ~ type; bolding (n): preserve ~; debold (v), unbold (v); syn. conspicuous, distinct
3 Bullet (n) a heavy dot itemizing particular sections of text or introducing each item in a list, for emphasis insert/use a ~ point/symbol; bulleted (adj): a ~ list Cf. a numbered list
4 Case (n) the parameter indicating the letter size to distinguish capital letters as opposed to small letters upper/lower ~; change ~; ~-sensitive (adj); Cf: caps, caps lock   
5 Clipboard (n) a software facility used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations send/copy from (to) the ~; the Windows ~; a ~ copy/toolbar/ operation  
6 Close (v) move so as to cover an opening; make a file inaccessible after use, so that it is securely stored until required again ~ a folder/program/application/ file; (dis)closure (n), disclose (v); ant. open
7 Compile (v) collect information in order to produce a list, a report, etc. ~ (a) data/database/list/report/book/program/statistics/profile/CV/portfolio; compiler (n), compilation (n); syn. assemble, put together
8 Copy (v) reproduce data (stored in one location) in another location ~ a file/text/diagram; copy (n): a(n) soft/hard/free/enclosed/ certified/master/backup ~; a photocopy (n); syn. duplicate ant. original
9 Correct (v) free from error; put sth (an error or fault) right; bring sth in accordance with fact or truth ~ a(n) mistake/error/fault; correction (n): ~ fluid; (in)correct (adj), (in)correctly (adv), corrector (n), corrective (adj): a ~ step/action/instruction; correctional (adj): institution/staff/supervisor syn. remedial
10 Delete (v) remove data from a computer memory ~ a word/file/folder/phrase/ memory; a ~ key; deletion (n), (un)deletable (adj); syn. erase ant. undelete
11 Edit (v) revise or correct some written material to make it publishable ~ a text/file/webpage/article/ paper; editor (n), (un)edited (adj): ~ content/text; edition (n), (un)editable (adj); editorial (n, adj): ~ board; syn. correct, proofread
12 Enter (v) write or key (information) in a book, computer, etc. ~ transactions/data/information into the computer/register/logbook; the ~ key; entry (n): data ~, make/post an ~; entrance (n)
13 File (n) a folder or a box for holding loose papers together and in order; collection of related data stored in a computer memory or on a storage device under a single identifying name save a ~ to a disc; delete/open/ select/share/upload/zip/download a ~; a fact~; ~ extension; rank-and-file; file (v): ~ a(n) document/application/complaint; filing (adj): a ~ system; syn. document
14 Folder (n) a file which consists solely of a set of other related files or documents save sth in/add sth to/open/delete/ create a ~; a junk mail/new ~; (un)fold (v), (un)folded (adj); syn. directory
15 Font (n) a complete set of characters having a specific look, size and style choose/use/select a ~; a variety of ~s; the required ~; syn. typeface
16 Format (n) a definite structure for the processing, storage, or display of data ~ (a) disc/data/text; apply/copy/paste/delete a ~; the binary/file/HTML/JPEG/A4 ~; the ~ requirements; (re)format (v), (re)formatted (adj)
17 Forward (v) send on to a further destination ~ a letter/document/message to sb; a ~ slash; forwarded (adj): ~ to/from address; forwarding (adj): a ~ address; syn. redirect
18 Highlight (v) make sth visually prominent, draw special attention to sth by changing colour ~ an issue; highlight (n): ~ of the season/year; highlighter (n); highlighted (adj): ~ in green
19 Image (n) a visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a computer or video screen blurred/focused ~; ~-processing techniques/algorithms; imagine (v), imagery, imagination (n), (un)imaginable (adj)
20 Import (v) transfer (data) into a file or document  ~ data/a file from (to) a disc; ant. export
21 Indent (v) start (a line of text) or position (a block of text) further from the margin than the main part of the text ~ the first line; indentation (n), indented (adj): ~ two spaces from… ant. unindented 
22 Insert (v) include a symbol, image, word, text in a piece of writing ~ a word/letter/graphic/sound/ text; insertion (n); syn. incorporate
23 Italic(s) (n) the sloping (inclined) kind of typeface used especially for emphasis or distinction ~ type/typeface; remove/preserve /be given  in/restore ~s; (de)italicize (v); syn. Cursive
24 Layout (n) the way in which a text or pictures are set out or arranged on a page or in a work a(n) physical/randomized/visual/ interactive data/basic/ (un)cluttered/(un)inviting ~; do the ~
25 Margin (n) the blank border on each side of the print on a page write/scribble sth in the ~; a wide/narrow ~; win by a wide/narrow ~; within the ~ of error; marginal (adj); marginally (adv); marginalize (v)
26 Move  (v) change the place, position of sth ~ sth to …; remove (v), move (n): a career ~; unmovable (adj); movement (n), immovable (adj); syn. shift
27 Option (n) a thing that is or may be chosen choose/change/select an ~; default/print ~; opt (v): ~ for sth; optional (adj), optionally (adv) syn. alternative, choice
28 Paste (v) insert a piece of text or other data copied from elsewhere (the contents of the clipboard) at the cursor point ~ a word/paragraph/symbol into (from) a document/file/section; copy/cut-~ operations; syn. glue
29 Pending (v) remaining undecided or unsettled, waiting decision or settlement; while in the process of, during   a ~ report/file/action/proceedings/ patent; syn. awaiting decision, incomplete
30 Proofread (v) read written or printed materialfor marking and correcting any errors need/do ~ing; ~ for accuracy  
31 Save (v) keep safe or rescue sb or sth from harm or danger; keep data by moving a copy to a storage location ~ time/money/a file/a text/a folder; ~ on to a server/disc/the hard drive/memory stick
32 Select (v) use a mouse or keystrokes to mark sth on a computer screen for a particular operation ~ a word/text/passage/file/option; deselect (v), selection (n), selective (adj), selectively (adv); syn.choose
33 Space (n) a blank between printed, typed, or written words, characters, numbers, etc. double/single/back/blank ~; ~ bar; leave ~ for sth; spacing (n)
34 Spreadsheet (n) an electronic document in which data is arranged in the rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations fill in/leave sth blank in/create/ enter sth in(to)/print out/copy/paste/use/delete a ~; spreadsheeting (n) 
35 Stroke (n) an act of hitting or striking sb or sth (a key) or moving one’s hand across a surface with gentle pressure at a ~; a ~ of luck, a key~; strike (v), striking
36 Textese (n) the language of abbreviations and slang commonly used in digital text messaging use/master ~; ~ symbols/abbreviations
37 Underscore (v) (on a computer or typewriter keyboard) a short horizontal line on the baseline ( _ ) the ~ character/symbol; syn. underline
38 Template (n) a preset format for a document or file, used so that it does not have to be recreated each time it is used download/upload/copy/look for a ~; syn. model, blueprint, sample
39 Type (v) write letters and symbols on a typewriter or computer to input a text by pressing the keys ~ a text/word; retype (v); typeface (n); typo (n); typist (n) Cf. word-processing
40 View (v) look at or inspect; to have a particular attitude or opinion come into/obstruct/hold the ~; a sober/different ~; from sb’s point of ~; with a ~ to sth; on ~; viewer (n), viewable (adj), viewpoint (n)


1. Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford University Press. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20 Oct. 2015]

2. Flax collocations. University of Waikato. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20 Oct. 2015]

3. Texting slang, Your dictionary. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21 Oct. 2015]


Activity 1. Give synonyms:

1. justify  
2. alternative  
3. cursive  
4. conspicuous  
5. delete  
6. folder  
7. paste  

Activity 2. Give antonyms:

1. bold  
2. select  
3. movable  
4. italicize  
5. movable  
6. correct  
7. upper case  

Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Activity 4. Make up phrases by matching the words in the left column with those in the right:

1. correct A. left/right/center
2. enter B. database/a list/a report/a book/a program/a profile/a CV/a portfolio
3. align C. a(n) mistake/error/fault
4. paste D. transactions/data/information into the computer
5. compile E. a word/paragraph/symbol into a document/file/section
6. pending F. a word/text/passage/file/option
7. select G. (a/n) report/file/action/proceedings/patent

Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:

1. clipboard A. a heavy dot itemizing particular sections of text or introducing each item in a list
2. pending B. a software facility used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer
3. template C. a definite structure for the processing, storage, or display of data
4. margin D. remaining undecided or unsettled, waiting decision or settlement
5. bullet E. a preset format for a document or file, used so that the format does not have to be recreated each time it is used
6. forward F. the blank border on each side of the print on a page
7. format G. send on to a further destination

Activity 6. Insert prepositions:


1. My notes are highlighted __ green.

2. I have saved the file __ a disc/___ a server.

3. Their party won the elections __ a wide margin.

4. The newly independent countries opted ___ the market economy.

5. You should proofread the translation ___ accuracy.

6. We met them half-way with a view ___ continued cooperation.

7. The truly market mechanisms are not yet ___ place.

Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following concepts:

Concepts Type of logical relations
1. write – scribble A. general and specific
2. template – model B. cause and effect
3. error – typo C. contrast
4. page – margin D. method and purpose
5. copy – original E. part and whole
6. folder – file

F. equivalence

7. bold type - emphasis

Activity 8. Decode Sherry Turkle’s saying about texting and comment on it:

Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 704; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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