His drawing is good but his colouring is poor – он хорошо рисовал, но у него было плохое чувство цвета.



Ø Художник-колорист (тот, чьи работы характеризуются красотой работы с цветом)

7.    Doubt


Ø Сомнение, неуверенность:

There is (can be) no/not much/some/great/slight doubt about it.

I have no/not much/little (не сомневаться)/not the slightest doubt that he will come.

I have doubts as to his intentions – у меня есть сомнения в том, что касается его намерений

No doubt – без сомнения: she will no doubt cope with work

All this doubt and uncertainty made her very unhappy.


Ø Сомневаться, быть неуверенным, колебаться:

To doubt the truth of smth. – ставить под сомнение правдивость ч-л.

To doubt the facts – сомневаться в фактах

To doubt smb.’s ability to do smth. – ставить под сомнение чью-л. способность сделать ч-л.

Do you doubt his honesty? – Ты сомневаешься в его честности?

To doubt if/whether smth. is correct/true/wrong / smb. will do smth.: I doubt whether he will come

Not to doubt that



Ø Неуверенный, сомневающийся, неопределённый; сомнительный, вызывающий подозрения:

The weather looks very doubtful – похоже, погода не определилась.

He is a doubtful character – у него сомнительная репутация

To be (feel) doubtful as to – не знать: I’m doubtful as to what I ought to do – я не знаю, что мне делать

Ant. doubtless

       Doubtless, by this time, they are well on their way in quite another direction.

8.    Select


Ø Отбирать, избирать:

To select for superior qualities – отбирать по превосходным качествам

To select a gift – подбирать талант

To select a suitable person – выбрать подходящего человека

To select the best singers

To select the most typical cases – отобрать наиболее типичные случаи

To select the best samples – выбрать наилучшие образцы

To select a site for the monument – выбрать место для памятника

A series of Italian views decked (украшать) the walls, a connoisseur ( ценитель, знаток) had selected them, they are genuine and valuable.

The party was admirably selected – свита была блестяще отобрана

Syn. to choose, to pick

       The small girl chose the biggest apple in the dish.

       I picked this way because it is the shortest.



Ø Выбор, отбор, подбор:

Natural selection – естественный отбор

Artificial selection – искусственный отбор, селекция

A selection from Shakespeare/Russian composers – сборник, выборка произведений Шекспира/русских композиторов

Poetry, prose selections – сборники поэзии, прозы

A good selection of paintings (goods, etc.) – хороший подбор, набор картин/товаров

9.    Size


Ø Размер:

It was about the size of a pea-nut.

Ø Размер (одежды, обуви):

What size shoes/gloves/collar do you wear? – Size 36 shoes.

I want a hat a size larger/smaller.

They bought him a coat a size (two sizes) too large/small for him.

They are both of a size – они оба крупные


adj (in compounds)

Ø Определённого размера:

Medium-sized – среднего размера

A life-sized portrait – портрет в натуральную величину

A fair-sized maple tree – большой клён

10.  Effort


Ø Усилие:

A heroic/tremendous (колоссальный)/last/strong/great/desperate effort

Continued/constant/vain (тщетный) efforts

With an almost visible effort the young man regained his control.

He made an effort to rise but his legs wouldn’t support him.

With a strong mental effort Dir Lawrence tried to place himself in a like (сходный, похожий) dilemma

It was such an effort to get up on those dark winter mornings.

To do smth. with an effort / without effort:

       He collected himself with an effort – он с усилием взял себя в руки/опомнился, пришёл в себя

       He lifted the box without effort.

To make an (every, no) effort: I will make every/no effort to help him.

To cost smb. much effort to do smth. – потребовать многих усилий: It cost me much effort of will to give up tobacco.

To spare no effort(s) – не жалеть сил: the police promised to spare no effort(s) in their search/searching for the missing child.


Word combinations and phrases

To be in a good (bad) shape

At a great sacrifice to one’s health – ценой больших жёртв здоровьем, принеся в жертву здоровье

To take up art (painting)

To avert the disaster – предотвратить катастрофу

To look at smb./smth. appraisingly – оценивающе смотреть на к-л., ч-л.

A box of water-colours

A tube of oils

To send smth. to the cleaner’s

To become involved in smth.

To execute a picture (a statue) – создавать, ваять картину (статую)

To exhibit smth. in a show

A lifetime dream – мечта всей жизни

A mature artist – зрелый художник

To become a laughing-stock – стать посмешищем

To be accepted for the show – пройти на выставку

An inconspicuous place – неприметное место

To blush to the top of one’s ears

The close of the exhibition

To award a prize (a medal) – присудить награду/приз (медаль)


Speech patterns

1.    Выманить обманом:

You tricked that blockhead out of them. George always managed to trick Tom out of some money. At the market I was cheated out of three roubles. I did not give Ann the tickets, she tricked me out of them.

2.    Не из тех, с кем можно / на кого можно:

I am not to be trifled with (с кем можно шутить, кого можно не принимать всерьёз). I am not to be shouted at. He is not to be interfered with. She is not to be laughed at.

3.    Дать волю, предаваться [эмоции]:

Lady gave way to her temper. Never give way to your despair. She gave way to her tears. Don’t give way to panic.

4.    Кто [ты] такой, чтобы …?:

Who are you that you should presume to speak to me in that coarse way? Who are you that you should shout at me? Who is she that we should wait for her? Who is she that she should order us about?

5.    Как раз в тот момент, когда ...:

The moment he takes them, she hurries across to the other side of the room. The moment he saw Jane, he rushed to her. The moment he turns up, send for me. The moment you need me, I’ll come.

6.    Стоить, требовать, потребовать:

It will cost nothing to give it to me. It cost him a lot of trouble to help us. It required me much effort to move the furniture. It will take you little time to do the job.

7.    Из злобы/отчаяния/страха/неприязни:

It has been sent to you out of sheer malice. I did it out of despair. She acted out of fear. He contradicted her out of sheer spite.

8.    Почему бы не ...?:

Then why not send it to her husband? Why not go there at once? Why not open the window? Why not tell her the truth?



The man of destiny – избранник судьбы

A little inn in North Italy – маленькая гостиница в Северной Италии

To put somebody under arrest

A dispatch (dispatch) – депеша (дип.)

He said that an unknown youth had tricked him out of the letters and dispatches

A tall and extraordinary graceful Lady with a delicately intelligent face – высокая элегантная Леди с лицом, на котором написан утончённый ум

Character in the chin – нрав виден по подбородку

All keen, refined, and original – предельно проницательный, благородный и [самобытный] не поддающийся влиянию

She’s very feminine, but by no means weak – она очень женственная, но никоим образом не слабая

…, my lad.

To disguise oneself as smb. – нарядиться кем-л.

To affright – испугать

To be highly indignant at [his] having dared to touch [her] – чрезвычайно негодовать, что [он] посмел дотронуться до [неё]

To appeal to smb. – обращаться с призывом, взывать

Дата добавления: 2018-02-15; просмотров: 685; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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