Exercise 3. Find a mistake if any and give the right variant.

1. At the international level, human rights norms exists as long as treaties that have

                   A                                                                    B                       C

turned them into international law.


2. Such a n ambitious young man like Mr.Bradd will easily be tempted away by

                            A                                                                      B

another firm if ABC Ltd. do not make it worth his while to stay.

                                                  С                                D   

3. They will pay the bonus providethe job is completedon time.

              A                       B                      C           D

4. Even if people are born with God-given natural rights, we need explain how get

                    A                          B                                         C

from those general and abstract rights to the specific rights found in contemporary


declarations and treaties. 

5. In the US, Switzerland and Australia the powers of the regional governments is

                                                         A                                          B

those that remain after the powers of the central government have been enumerated

                    C                                                                                D

in the constitution. 

6. Although not explicitly mention in the U.S. Constitution, a right to privacy has

                                 A                                                                         B

been held to be implicit in the Bill of Rights, providing protection from

                          C                                                        D

unwarranted government intrusion into areas such as marriage.

7. She is a miserable creature; she’s goingto leave home as soon as she will be old

    A                                          B        C                                       D



8. As far as I know human rights refer to a wide variety of values and capabilities

            A                                   B

reflecting the diversity of human circumstances and history.

    C                                                          D

9. Providing that we get up early, we reach the place of destination in time.

          A                     B              C                                            D


Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Если вы прочтете этот документ внимательно, вы поймете, о чем идет речь на переговорах.

2. Любая классификация прав человека в известной степени будет условна, если мы примем во внимание тот факт, что некоторые права с примерно равными основаниями могут быть отнесены к разным видам и должны охватывать друг друга.

3. Если Вы захотите, чтобы мы расследовали этот вопрос быстрее, сообщите нам дату отправленного письма как можно скорее.

4. Пожалуйста, разрешите нам обратиться с просьбой получить доступ ко всем документам как можно скорее, если Вы хотите, чтобы мы разрешили эту проблему без задержки.

5. Мы сможем распорядиться фондами при условии, что Вы предоставите нам полную свободу действий.

6. Если фотокопия Билля о правах человека не может быть получена, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с отправителем еще раз.

7. Если компания неожиданно понесет крупные убытки, мы должны будем действовать быстро.

8. Политические права и свободы будут отличаются от личных, социальных, экономических и других прав, тем, что как правило, они тесно связаны с принадлежностью к гражданству данного государства.

9. Если они обсудят все важные вопросы на ближайшем заседании Совета, их представитель сможет огласить коммюнике уже в среду.

10. Он собирается открыть школу для детей с ограниченными возможностями как только подпишет все необходимые документы.




Ask yourself these questions when checking unreal present or future conditionals:


When do we use this structure?

Basic form:

if + past simple + would + infinitive without to

(This structure is often called the ‘second conditional’)

We use this structure to talk about unreal or improbable present or future situation - things that will probably not happen, situations that are untrue or imaginary. We use a past tense in the if-clause and would + infinitive in the other part of the sentence (even though the meaning is present or future) to ’distance’ our language from reality.

If I knew the head office address, I would contact them.

(but I don’t know)

If I had the full name of the bank, I would execute payment .

(but I don’t have it)

If I earned a lot of money, I’d start my own business.

(it is an imaginary situation)

The past form e.g. earned, knew does not have a past meaning in sentences like these; it has a hypothetical present or future meaning.


Exercise 1. Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

1. If you _______ (to have) any problems concerning your legal right, we could provide you with urgent assistance.

2. If members _____(not to meet) annually for a session, they wouldn’t take decisions important issues by voting.

3. If you _______ (to send) us the letter, we would check the information mentioned in your fax.

4. If the Board of Directors made a positive decision, they              (to summon) me.

5. If you ______(to work) a bit harder, you'd be really good at your job.

6. If you ______ (to pay) more attention in meetings, you'd know what was going on.


2. Can we use were instead of was after if?

a. We often use were instead of was after if especially in a more formal style.

If I were at the Board of Directors, I would support you.

I’d investigate the matter without any delay, if I weren’t so busy.


b. We often use if I were you to give advice and if you were me to ask for advice.

What would you undertake, if you were me?

If I were you, I’d buy extra shares.


Exercise 2. If the underlined word or words are used incorrectly, make correction.

1. If there were no international organizations working to formulate and enforce legal rights of individuals, victims of human rights violations will appeal to heaven.

2. We could investigate this matter further if you supply us with a complete description of each item.

2. If the Board will appoint a Managing Director, he or she would be directly responsible to them as a member of the Board.

3. If you looked into the matter once again and inform us of the present situation we could close the matter in our books.

4. If I was made President of this company, I had made quite a few changes.

5. If I come to the Hague, I’d visit International Court of Justice.


3. Can we use the modal verbs might or could instead of would in the main clause?


Yes, we can use these modal verbs instead of would.

If I earned a lot of money, I might start my own business.

I could lend money to you, if you needed it.

Дата добавления: 2019-11-25; просмотров: 492; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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