Универсальность и неотъемлемость

Принцип универсальности прав человека – основа международного права в области прав человека. Этот принцип, который впервые приобрел особое значение с принятием Всеобщей декларации прав человека 1948 года, стал постоянно фигурировать в многочисленных международных конвенциях, декларациях и резолюциях, относящихся к сфере прав человека. Так, например, на Всемирной конференции по правам человека 1993 года в Вене было отмечено, что поощрение и защита прав человека и основных свобод - это обязанность государства, не зависящая от его политической, экономической и культурной системы.

Каждое государство ратифицировало хотя бы один из основных договоров в области прав человека, а 80% государств ратифицировало четыре и более таких договоров, что отражает всеобщее согласие среди государств по данному вопросу, накладывающее на них правовые обязательства, и подтверждает принцип универсальности. Некоторые базовые нормы в области прав человека закреплены обычным международным правом.

Права человека неотъемлемы. Человека нельзя лишить их, за исключением редких случаев и согласно надлежащей правовой процедуре. Так, например, право на свободу может быть ограничено, если человек в судебном порядке признан виновным в совершении преступления.


Task 4. Look back at Dialogue 2. Produce your own dialogue about the various methods to protect human rights using Supporting materials. Make a full use of the underlined helpful phrases from Dialogue 2.

Supporting Materials

Rights Protection Methods

Various methods to advance and protect human rights are available:

  • During violent conflict, safe havens to protect refugees and war victims from any surrounding violence in their communities can sometimes help to safeguard human lives.
  • As violent conflict begins to subside, peacekeeping strategies to physically separate disputants and prevent further violence are crucial. These measures, together with violence prevention mechanisms, can help to safeguard human lives.
  • Education about human rights must become part of general public education. Technical and financial assistance should be provided to increase knowledge about human rights. Members of the police and security forces have to be trained to ensure the observation of human rights standards for law enforcement. Research institutes and universities should be strengthened to train lawyers and judges.
  • Dialogue groups that assemble people from various ethnicities should be organized to overcome mistrust, fear and grief in society. Getting to know the feelings of ordinary people of each side might help to change the demonic image of the enemy group.
  • Truth commissions are sometimes established after a political transition. To distinguish them from other institutions established to deal with a legacy of human rights abuses, truth commissions can be understood as "bodies set up to investigate a past history of violations of human rights in a particular country -- which can include violations by the military or other government forces or armed opposition forces.
  • International war crimes tribunals are established to hold individuals criminally responsible for violations of international human rights law in special courts.
  • Various democratization measures can help to restore political and social rights. For sustainability and long-term viability of human rights standards, strong local enforcement mechanisms have to be established.
  • Humanitarian aid and development assistance seeks to ease the impact that violent conflict has on civilians. During conflict, the primary aim is to prevent human casualties and ensure access to basic survival needs. These basics include water, sanitation, food, shelter and health care. Aid can also assist those who have been displaced and support rehabilitation work. Once conflict has ended, development assistance helps to advance reconstruction programs that rebuild infrastructure, institutions and the economy. This assistance helps countries to undergo peaceful development rather than sliding back into conflict.



Дата добавления: 2019-11-25; просмотров: 731; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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