United Kingdom Medical Education




Николаева Т.В., Исакова Е.В., Ковалькова М.В., Омелич О.К.


Первая часть)

Учебно-методическое пособие по иностранному языку для студентов первого курса, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 31.05.01. «Лечебное дело», 31.05.02. «Педиатрия», 31.05.03. «Стоматология»

Издание одобрено и рекомендовано

центральным методическим советом

Смоленского государственного медицинского университета

в качестве учебного пособия для обучающихся

по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык»



ББК 81.2 Англ

УДК 811.111

У 912


Рецензенты:  и.о. заведующего кафедрой русского языка СГМУ, к.ф.н., Альдингер П.П., заведующий кафедрой философии, биоэтики, истории медицины и социальных наук, д.м.н., доцент СГМУ Остапенко В.М.

Николаева Т.В., Исакова Е.В., Ковалькова М.В., Омелич О.К.

«MEDICAL ENGLISH»(первая часть): учебное пособие / Т.В. Николаева, Е.В. Исакова, М.В. Ковалькова, Омелич О.К. – Смоленск: Изд-во СГМУ, 2017.- 78 с.

Целью освоения учебной дисциплины является формирование у обучающихся общепрофессиональных компетенций для профессиональной деятельности в соответствии с федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом (ОПК 2) - готовность к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на иностранном языке для решения задач профессиональной деятельности.

Данное методическое пособие предназначено для практических занятий по иностранному языку для студентов первого курса, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 31.05.01 «Лечебное дело», 31.05.02. «Педиатрия», 31.05.03. «Стоматология».

Учебное пособие одобрено и рекомендовано центральным методическим советом ФГБОУ ВО СГМУ Минздрава России № 1 «26» октября 2016 г.

ББК 81.2 Англ

УДК 811.111

У 912


©Т.В. Николаева, Е.В. Исакова, М.В. Ковалькова, Омелич О.К. 2017

©ФГБОУ ВО СГМУ Минздрава РФ, 2017

Medical Education                                


Pronounce correctly: future profession, favorite subject, make diagnoses, treat patients, modern research, bad accidents, injured people.


faculty university scientist surgery surgical surgeon therapy therapeutic therapist pediatrician pediatric pediatrics obstetrics obstetrician hygiene hygienic hygienist pharmacology pharmaceutical physiology physiological physiologist chemistry chemical chemist to graduate a graduate graduation

1. Work with the partner. Under each heading note down the words listed above.

Noun (science) Adjective Noun (profession)
Surgery surgical surgeon


2. Note down the words which do not fit in the table.______________________________________________________________
3. Work with a partner. Discuss and write down any derivatives of the following words.

To found founder foundation
To prepare
To prevent  

I am a medical student



to be responsible for to master to make a mistake to obtain a period practical classes research outlook ambition to make a diagnosis to treat patients to administer drugs

3. Work with a partner. Look at the verb phrases.

Ask your partner questions with What time do you….?

4. Think about your daily life. What time do you:
a) come to the University? ______________
b) have practical classes?________________
c) have lectures?______________________
d) have lunch?_________________________
e) go home after classes?________________


1. Read the article and decide if it is true for you.

We are medical students now. And we differ greatly from other students because when we become doctors we shall be responsible for a person’s life no matter whether it is an adult’s or a child’s one. And it means a lot. We should work hard because we have no right to make a mistake – it may cost a human life. There is a lot to do now – we learn to make diagnoses, to treat patients, to administer drugs.
All these things require a lot of knowledge which can be obtained at lectures, tutorials, practicals and labs.
We usually have 4 periods a day: 1 lecture and 3 practical classes or 2 lectures and 2 practicals. After the second period we have a long break during which we can go to the canteen or just have a rest. After the classes are over we usually go to the library. Reading or skimming the latest medical journals both in Russian and in English widens our medical outlook, makes us get to know modern research in different fields of medicine.
A physician who lacks modern techniques of treating, who is not familiar with up-to-date drugs, who is not interested in recent medical problems is not a true doctor.
Bearing all these things in mind, I do my best to study all branches of medicine: therapy, surgery, gynecology, and obstetrics.
I don’t know yet what I am definitely going to take up but nothing studied can be useless. At present I’m keen on physiotherapy. A physiotherapist deals with patients who had bad accidents or were injured. It is a hard job to take care of these patients, who can sometimes neither bend their legs nor stretch their legs. And what can give a physician more satisfaction than seeing his patients fit!
I am sure a lot of problems will face me, but I’ll never be sorry for my choice. To be a good doctor is my ambition in life.

Close up
2. In pairs, find one mistake in each sentence.
1) We are a medical students now.
2) We have no right to make mistake.
3) We learn to treat the patients.
4) I do my best to study all branches of the medicine.
5) I’m going to be physiotherapist.
6) I will never be sorry for my the choice.


3. Complete the sentences with a/an/ the or nothing.
1)I am _____medical student now.
2)I will be responsible for _____people’s life.
3)_____ physician must know well modern methods of treatment.
4)Doctors have no right to make_______mistake.

4. Put in a/an or the in these sentences where necessary.
 Would you like an apple?

a) Could you close door, please? ________________________
b) I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. It was mistake.____________
c) Excuse me, where is bus station?_____________________
d) I’ve got problem. Can you help me?___________________
e) We live in small flat near city centre.__________________


LANGUAGE REFERENCE: articles – a and the  
The indefinite article a or an  is used with singular countable nouns to refer to a thing or an idea for the first time. We have a laptop and a computer. There is a hospital in Adam Street. The definite article the is used with singular and plural, countable and uncountable nouns when both the speaker and the listener know the thing or idea already. We have a cat and a dog. The cat is old, but the dog is just a puppy. I’m going to the supermarket. Do you want anything? (We both know which supermarket.)
The indefinite article is used: The definite article is used:
1) with professions I’m a doctor. 2) with some expressions of quantity a pair of , a little , a couple of,    a few 3) in exclamations with what + a count noun What a lovely day! What a pity!   1) before seas, rivers, hotels, pubs, theatres, museums and newspapers the Atlantic ocean, the British Museum , The Times ,        the Ritz 2) if there is only one of something the sun the Queen the Government 3) with superlative adjectives He’s the richest man in the world. Jane’s is the oldest in our class.

                                                  No article

There is no article:
1) before plural and uncountable nouns when talking about things in general.
I like potatoes.
Milk is good for you.
2) before countries, towns, streets, languages, magazines, meals, airports, stations I had lunch with John.
I bought Cosmopolitan at Paddington Station.

3) before some places and with some forms of transport

At home in/to bed at/to work at/to school/university by bus by plane by car by train on foot

She goes to work on foot.
I was at home yesterday evening.
4) in exclamations with what + an uncountable noun
What beautiful weather!
What loud music!
In the phrase go home, there is no article and no preposition
I went home early.


 5. Fill in the gaps with pronouns from the article in 1.
a) ______am a medical student now.
 b) ________life now differs greatly from my school years.
 c) First-year students study a great variety of subjects. ________are Human Anatomy, Histology, Chemistry, Latin, a foreign language, Philosophy and others.
 d) _______( medical students) attend lectures and practical classes every day, except Sunday.

6. Work with a partner. Fill in the gaps.

singular Plural singular plural

(before verbs, as subjects)

(after verbs, as objects)

______________ You ______________ She It We ______________ ______________ Me You Him ________________ It  ________________ ________________ them

7. Think about your:
a) best friend_____is_______________________________________________
b) mother_____is_________________________________________________
c) group-mates______are____________________________________________
d) Institute_______is_______________________________________________
e) studies______are________________________________________________
Note down sentences about them. You can write about their profession, character, etc. Start your sentences with a pronoun.

8. Work with a partner. Give more information about the people and things from 7. Use possessive pronouns.

b) _______________________________________________________________



9. Work with a partner. Ask questions and fill in the card. Note down the missing questions.

10. Fill in the gaps.
My name __________ Max. I ________ a medical student now. Last year I _______a schoolboy and worked hard to pass the Unified State Examination. I _________the first in Physics and Chemistry in class. My best friend entered the SSMU last year. So he _______a second-year student now. I _____sure he _______a good doctor. And I truly hope I _________a good doctor too!

LANGUAGE TOOLBOX: to be, to have

To be

To have


past future present past future
I am

I, he, she –was

Plural - were



shall be (I, we)
will be


(he, she, it)


will have

shall have (I, we)

You,we,they are



11. Work with a partner. Fill in the gaps with prepositions below

at on in for of  to   into    above   after  below  with  


12. Work with a partner. You are going to make a similar story about the place you study at.
Be sure to use prepositions from 11.

13. Add 3 sentences to the description in 12. Start with There is…., There are….
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________

1. Think about your studies. You are going to tell your partner about it. Think about what you will say and what language you will use. Speak about the following:

your Academy your curriculum
group-mates your free time

1. Read the article and discuss the following questions. Work in small groups.
a) What are the Russian equivalents for the following:
  independent higher learning institution -
  the Medical Faculty-
  the Faculty for Preventive Medicine-
  the Pharmaceutical Faculty-
  the Higher Nursing Faculty-
  the Stomatological Faculty-
  the Military Medicine Faculty-
  post-graduate Health Care Management Faculty-
  the Faculty for Advanced Training of Doctors and Pharmacists-
b) How many faculties are there at the University now?

c) How long does the course of training last?                      

The Sechenov First Moscow Medical University

The Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, one of the oldest and biggest medical schools in Russia, was formerly the Medical Faculty of the Moscow University, founded by the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. The University had 3 faculties: Philosophical, Law and Medical and only thirty students studied at these faculties. The students were taught by three professors of natural history, anatomy and chemistry, respectively. In 1930 the Medical Faculty of the Moscow University was reorganized into an independent higher learning institution.
At present there are many more faculties at the University: the Medical Faculty, the Faculty for Preventive Medicine, the Pharmaceutical Faculty (with an evening division), the Nursing Faculty, the Stomatological Faculty, the Military Medicine Faculty, as well as the post-graduate Health Care Management Faculty and the Faculty for Advanced Training of Doctors and Pharmacists.
The course of training is divided into junior and senior levels. There is a six-year course of study at the Medical, Preventive Medicine, Stomatological and Military Medicine Faculties. At the Pharmaceutical Faculty the students are trained for 5 years. The course of training at the Nursing Faculty is four years. Over 9,000 students study at these faculties.
The curriculum includes all the basic and clinical subjects which are necessary for the training of highly qualified physicians, surgeons, nurses and pharmacists. At the end of each term (or semester) the students take examinations. The undergraduates do the practicum at the clinics and teaching hospitals of the University. The students have all the facilities to carry on their research under the supervision of their professors. The students’ scientific society plays an important role in the training of would-be health care specialists.

2. Tick (√) the subjects that the article mentions. Put a cross by the reasons the article doesn’t mention.
a) the founder of the University
b) the departments of the Medical Faculty of the Moscow University
c) the staff of the Medical Faculty of the Moscow University
d) outstanding doctors who worked at the Faculty
e) the number of faculties at the University nowadays
f) the duration of the course of training
j) sports and recreation
h)the students’ practicum
i) the students’ scientific society

Complete the following sentences with words from the text above.
a) The Smolensk State Medical University was ____founded____ in 1920 as a department of the Smolensk University.
b) The SSMU has 8 ____________________________.
c) The course of _____________ is divided into junior and senior levels.
d) The ________________ includes basic and clinical subjects.
e) At the end of each _____________________the students take examinations.

2. Work with a partner. Note down any similarities and differences between the The Sechenov First Moscow Medical University and the Smolensk State Medical University.




admission multiple-choice test. curriculum interns graduation the degree of Doctor of Medicine obligatory medical residency

1. Read the responses in this conversation. Who is Samuel Brown?

Hi. My name’s Samuel. 1. are from Where you? I am from New-York. 2. you a Are student? Yes, I am. 3. you study Where do? I study at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine. 4. How students for schools medical are selected? In most cases candidates are required to pass the admission test. This is a national multiple-choice test. 5. subjects does test the Questions in what include? It includes questions in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and English. 6. curriculum Is the from different ours? No, it isn’t. The basic subjects are taught during the first two years of medical studies. And the curriculum of the final years includes clinical subjects. 7. work the students after Must interns graduation as? Yes, they must. At the end of four years all students receive the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Then they must work for one year as interns. 8. Is the obligatory of medical residency for all graduates period? Yes, it is. The period of medical residency is obligatory for all medical graduates. Generally, it lasts for three or four years. 9. graduate When license is the granted a to practice? After the residency the graduate is granted a license to practice and he may work either in government service or private practice.


2. Write the words in the questions in 1 in the correct order.

3. Work with someone you don’t know very well. Interview them using the appropriate questions from 2 and add more questions of your own.


What’s your favourite …? Are you interested in …? Have you ever …? How often do you …?


What’s it like? What does it look like?
1. Look at the following questions. Choose the only possible answer: a, b or c.

What’s your University like?
a) Yes, I do. b) It’s well-equipped. c) The students.

2. Think of three other possible ways of answering the question in 1.


3. Match the questions with the most appropriate response.

a) What’s the weather like? b) What’s the music like? c) What are the people like? d) What are the neighbors like? 1 It’s popular. 2 They are really friendly. 3. They are too noisy. 4. It’s hot and humid.


happy successful sad bad strong nice interesting lucky  far  wet   

1. Test your comparatives! Look at the adjectives in the box and put them in the correct column according to how the comparative is formed. There are three adjectives in each column.


+ -er/ -r double letter + -er -y + -ier irregular more +adjective
kind- kinder   thin - thinner funny - funnier good - better famous -more famous


2. Work with a partner and complete the following tasks.
a) Write out the superlative form of the following groups of adjectives.
b) In each group, underline the superlative adjective which is formed in a different way from the other three.

adjectives superlative forms
1. old/ rich/ exciting/ great    
2. valuable/ big/ hot/ thin    
3. bad/ far/ good/ talented    


Nouns: countable/uncountable

1. Look at the nouns and complete the table.

Nouns Countable Uncountable Singular form Plural form
a) weather - + weather -
b) music        
c) people + - person  
d) neighbours        


2. Continue the table in 1 with the nouns in the box. Decide if the nouns are countable or uncountable. Write down the singular form in each case and add the plural form if the noun is countable.


traffic     restaurant    nightlife     public transport park      cinema


3. Work with a partner. Discuss the questions.
a) Which countable noun in the table in 1 has an irregular plural form?

b) How do you make plural forms of these irregular countable nouns:
a man____________________________________________________
a woman__________________________________________________
a child____________________________________________________
a foot____________________________________________________
a tooth___________________________________________________

c) How do you make plural forms of regular countable nouns?

4. Work with a partner. Note down the names of two cities you know well. Combine nouns from 1 and 2 with the appropriate question frame below to ask each other questions about the places you have notes down.
a) “What’s the _________like?” “It’s__________”.
b) “What are the _______ like?” “They are ______”.
5. This table categorises the quantity expressions. Choose a suitable heading for each category (A,B,C): Use with countable and uncountable nouns; Use with countable nouns; Use with uncountable nouns.

A_________________________ B_________________________ C_________________________
How many? Too many a few How much? Too much a little not enough a lot of lots of

6. Underline the correct quantity expression in each of the sentences.
 a) I don’t eat much/many bread.
b) I eat a few/lots of fruit.
c) I drink too much/many Pepsi.
d) I don’t eat much/enough vegetables.
e) I eat a lot of/a little cakes.
f) I don’t drink enough/many water.

7. How many sentences in 6 are true for you?
Re-write the sentences so that they are all true for you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Compare the sentences with your partner.

8. Work with a partner. Use the question frame below to ask each other questions about daily habits. Add your own nouns and verbs to make different questions.
Pattern: How much meat do you eat every day? How many e-mails do you get every day?

  Nouns   Verbs  
How much How many chocolate   e-mails bad TV programs sleep money wine friends coffee people meat do you eat drink watch have get make phone see send spend every day?


LANGUAGE REFERNCE: What’s it like?; nouns and quantity.

What’s it like? What does it look like? This question asks about the characteristics of people or things. You usually answer it with an adjective or adjective phrase. ”What’s Madrid like ? ” “ It’s big and exciting”. ”What are the people in your city like?” “They are very friendly”. Countable nouns. These refer to things which can be counted. You use them with a/an or put a number in front of them. You usually form the plural by adding –s,-es,-ies a car-500 cars a church- 3 churches a country – 12 countries Note: A few common countable nouns have irregular plural forms. A child- two children A foot-two feet a man – two men A mouse-two mice A person-two people A tooth- two teeth A woman-two women Uncountable nouns. These refer to things which cannot be counted. You cannot use a/an or put a number in front of them. Advice  Food Furniture          Information Love     Music     Rain                  Traffic Travel  Weather Work Quantity. These are ways you can talk about quantity. If you can’t or don’t want to use the exact number.   With countable nouns: a few/ too many/How many…? There were only a few people who saw them. How many e-mails do you get every day? With uncountable nouns: a little/too much/How much…? There’s a little wine left but no beer. How much sleep do you get at night?   With countable and uncountable nouns: a lot of/lots of/not enough There are a lot of problems with this plan. He didn’t give me enough information.


Questions: word order

1. Work with a partner. Look at the table and discuss the questions.



subject (Auxiliary) verb (Auxiliary) verb subject
You You You are… can… study… → → → Where Are Can do you…? you…? you…? Are you married? Can you speak German? Where do you study?


a) What is the difference in word order between a statement and a question in English?

b) When do you need to use the auxiliary verbs do, does, did to form a question?

c) How do you form questions in your language? Is it the same as in English?

2. Change the following statements into questions. Then ask your partner the questions.
a) You are a student.__________________________________________________
b) You smoke.______________________________________________________
c) You can play the guitar.____________________________________________
d) You’ve been abroad._______________________________________________
e) You live in Moscow._______________________________________________
f) Your favourite subject is Chemistry.___________________________________
g) You finished school in 2013.___________________________________________

3. Rewrite these questions in the correct order.
a) you are old how? __________________________________________________
b) you do want be to surgeon a? ________________________________________
c) why enter the did SSMU you? _______________________________________
d) at what subject favourite school was your? _____________________________


4. Work in small groups. Take turns to ask and answer the questions above. 

Subject questions

1. Look at questions A and B below.

M.V.Lomonosov founded the Sechenov First Moscow Medical University. subject         verb                             object  



Question A is an object question because the answer (
the Sechenov First Moscow Medical University) is the object of the verb.
Question B is a subject question because the answer (
M.V.Lomonosov) is the subject of the verb.
Do you use an auxiliary with a subject question? __________


Word order

Subject questions.

To form a question in English you put an auxiliary verb before the subject.
In the present simple you use the auxiliary do or does.
In the past simple you use the auxiliary did.
With the verb be you put am, is, are, was or were before the subject.

When the question word is the subject you do not use do, does, or did.
A subject question has the same word order as a statement.

Question word (Auxiliary) verb subject   subject verb  
- - Where Why Is Does do did your sister she they she a surgeon? study? live? leave? Who Who founded lives the University? here?



1. Look at the verbs in the box. How can you arrange the verbs into 2 groups?

to work, to come, to write, to translate, to teach, to consist, to think, to become, to know, to do, to include, to say, to take, to decide, to find, to occur, to discuss, to make, to test, to go, to use, to feel, to put, to speak, to attend, to enter, to begin, to complain


1 2



3. Work with the partner. Write down questions you are going to ask your partner about yesterday. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.

to get up early to go to the university to be in time for the lessons to write down lectures to study English to have lunch at the canteen to come home after the lessons to watch TV to do homework to listen to music to attend lectures Did you get up early yesterday?______________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


Medical Education in Russia


internship patient gynecology scholarship epidemiological post-graduate qualification specialization

Note down the verbs the derivatives are formed from.


noun Verb
Information Achievement Examination Selection Instruction Training Supervision Introduction Attendance  


1. Read the article and discuss the following questions.
Why are Medical Universities prestigious establishments?

How is the highest level of medical education ensured?

Who shares knowledge and experience with colleagues and students?

What faculties do Universities have? What specialists do they train?

How long does the course of study last?

Does the training include lectures and practical classes?

Why is medical education divided into preclinical and clinical studies?

What disciplines do students study during the first 2 years?

What subjects are students taught at the 3rd course?

Why do senior students attend clinics?

In what fields of medicine do they gain necessary knowledge and experience?

When will the graduates be awarded the Doctor of Medicine degree and receive their Diplomas?

Are students trained after graduation from the University?

What kind of buildings do all medical universities have nowadays?



Public Health Ministry to be a prestigious establishment to provide to be ensured by best-qualified personnel academicians corresponding members highly-skilled teachers to share experience physician, a pharmacist, a pediatrician to include lectures further ['fɜ:ðə] training the following senior courses to attend clinics internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry  to have (get) access to periodicals medical databases in-patient department scholarship intern internship resident residency post-graduate post-graduate training thesis   after completion of graduates to be awarded the Doctor of Medicine degree the internship  residency  the postgraduate course to improve skills to work on a thesis

Medical Education in Russia

Medical Education system in Russia plays an outstanding role on the world stage. Medical Universities of the Russian Federation are functioning under the control of Public Health Ministry.

Today Medical Universities are very prestigious establishments, which provide the best medical education and research. The highest level of education in all medical specialties is ensured by best-qualified personnel. Among the staff of any medical university there are academicians, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Highly - skilled teachers share their knowledge and experience with their young colleagues and students.

Every University has some faculties and trains highly qualified specialists: physicians, pharmacists, pediatricians, dentists, surgeons who successfully work not only in Russia, but in many other countries.

Curricula of medical universities include a six-year course in medicine or a five-year course in dentistry and pharmacy.

The medical course is divided into the pre-clinical course and the clinical course.

The pre-clinical course lasts two years. Each academic year is divided into two terms. During their pre-clinical course students attend lectures, seminars and tutorials on the basic medical sciences such as anatomy, histology, physiology and biochemistry. They also have practical classes in these subjects. In addition, their curriculum includes, for instance, biology, chemistry, physics and languages. All these subjects are compulsory for the students.

During the following senior courses (3 years) students attend clinics where they get serious practice and gain experience in working with patients. They are trained in various fields of medicine such as internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, surgery and dentistry. In addition they also attend courses in diagnostics, therapy and prophylactics. Apart from their theoretical education they have the opportunity to take case histories and to perform physical examinations. They assist doctors on the wards, in the operating theatre and in out-patient departments. The 6-th year of medical studies is spent at a hospital. The students gain more experience of the main clinical subjects — internal diseases, surgery and obstetrics and gynecology. They take a specialty in which they are interested.

After completion of the 6th year and passing the state examinations the graduates will receive their Diplomas. After graduation from the University students can have residency and take the postgraduate course in different branches of medicine. They get specialization, improve their knowledge and skills and work on their theses.

Nowadays all Medical Universities have a complex of buildings, research laboratories, a large sports hall and hostels. Every University has a large library where students have access to books and periodicals. The library is fully computerized and students can get access to the Internet and the medical databases.

2. Rearrange the words below to make six statements. You have been given the first word.
a) Any … may has school who a complete to Russia secondary citizen apply of medical education
b) All … entrance are take required the competitive examinations to applicants
c) The… is students attendance all compulsory for
d) The… course subjects years 6 and basic of study covers lasts clinical.
e) Beginning… introduced special year are subjects with the clinical third.
f) Senior … a in out-patient practicum students do departments also
Secondary education is a phrase from the article above. Match words from column A with words from column B to make similar phrases.

entrance finish higher group practical the course of pre-clinical internal direct doctor-patient out-patient receive communication department schools instruction classes medicine study the diploma examination school subjects

Close up
Modal verbs
1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate modal verbs from the article.
a) Any citizen of Russia who has a complete secondary education ________apply to medical school.
b) Most Russian applicants ___________________ take entrance competitive examinations.

LANGUAGE TOOLBOX: modal verbs and their equivalents.

Can = to be able to May = to be allowed to must = to have to, to be to

2 . What’s true for you? Make sentences about your life.
I have to…        I don’t have to… I can’t…. I can….
-get up early    -attend practical classes -do homework    - go to school -study at weekends
3. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

Don’t have to have to had to  Do you have to  didn’t have to

 a) I ____________________________________________work very long hours.
 b) ______________________________________________work at the weekend?
 c) I___________________ _____________________________work outside.
 d) We______________________________________________learn the basics.
 e) I___________________________________________wait too long to get a job.

4. Imagine you are a doctor. Make true sentences about your work. Use modal verbs and their equivalents.
b) _______________________________________________________________.
c) _______________________________________________________________.
 5.Work with a partner. Think about your studies. Complete the table. Use the following:


Subject Modal verb Verb Object
I My group-mate We Our teachers My best friend The Government Can could must  had to may will be allowed to    

1. Work with a partner. You are going to read a conversation between Ann (A) and Max (M). Complete the conversation with an appropriate word.

M: Hi, Ann! Have you ________ your ________examinations?
A: Finally! Yes, I did. Now I am a ________year student.
M: Congratulations! Is it difficult for you to study?
A: You know, the _________ is over-loaded with basic _________.
M: I know. Besides, the attendance is ___________.
A: It is. We have 2 lectures and one __________class every day.
M: And the homework. Oh, I wouldn’t bear it.
A: But you know one must work hark to become a ____________.You have no right to make a mistake. It can cost a human life.
M: You are quite right. Good luck!

2. Work with a partner. Do you think Ann and Max are typical young men? Whose opinion do you share?

3. Work with a partner. You are both 6-th year students. This time you are going to speak about your studies. Use the following:


the final year of medical training to do a practicum at the hospital to specialize in surgery to assist at operations to treat patients to attend clinical conferences to take final state examinations

4. Do you agree? 

Start with the following to express agreement. I agree with you that…, I think you are right in saying that…,

a) There are many medical schools all over Russia.
b) After the third year medical students perform the duties of nurses.
c) Higher medical education includes six years of general training, one year of specialized training in internship or two years of specialized training in residency.

5. Think about medical education in Russia. You are going to tell your partner about it. Choose from the list below the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and what language you will use.

Entrance competitive examinations Basic, clinical and pre-clinical subjects
The instruction at higher schools Practical course
Our academic year Final state examination
The course of study Post-graduate training


1. Work with a partner. Think about The Smolensk State Medical University and answer the questions.

a) When was the SSMU founded?
b) How many faculties are there in the University?
c) How long does the course of training last?

2. Read the article and check your answers.
Smolensk State Medical University
 Smolensk State Medical University is one of the oldest higher medical schools in Russia. In 2015 it celebrated its 95th anniversary. It was founded in 1920 as a department of Smolensk University. In 1930 the Medical Department of Smolensk University was reorganized into Smolensk State Medical Institute. At present SSMU has got 8 departments: General Medicine Faculty, Pediatric Faculty, Pharmacy Faculty, Dentistry Faculty, Foreign Students Training Faculty, Psychological and Social Training Faculty, Advanced Professional Training Faculty, and the new Biomedical and Humanities Training Faculty, which was opened in 2016.
The course of training lasts 4 years for future social workers and speech therapists while other students study 5 or 6 years depending on their future profession. During this period the students master theoretical and practical medicine. The students have at their disposal a great number of classrooms, halls and laboratories equipped with all sorts of facilities. The library contains thousands of books on different subjects and has access to Internet. Much attention is paid to recreation and sports activities. The students have excellent opportunities both for professional training and for development of their singing, dancing, acting and other talents.

3. Complete the following sentences with the words from the text above.
a) SSMU was founded in 1920 as a __________________ of Smolensk University.
b) There is a special faculty for foreign  _________________________.
c) The course of training ________________________ 4 years for social workers.
d) During this period the students master _____________and _________medicine.

4. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
a) What is the full name of your University?
b) Where is it situated?
c) How many faculties are there in your University?
d) What specialty does your faculty provide?
e) How long does the course of study last?
f) What subjects do you study in the first year?
g) What subjects do medical students study in the senior years?
h) What does post-graduate training include? Which one will you choose?

Think about the University you study at. You are going o tell your partner about it. Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and what language you will use.


The date of foundation of SSMU The subjects taught at the University
The number of faculties Equipment of SSMU
The course of training Sports and recreation

Medical Education in Great Britain


academic year basic sciences to write out prescriptions medical studies teaching hospitals preclinical training Medical school “Certificate of Experience” mastership MS (Master in Surgery) MB (Bachelor of Medicine) BS (Bachelor of Surgery) MD (Doctor of Medicine) medical practitioner


United Kingdom Medical Education

Medical education in the UK includes educational activities in training of medical doctors, from entry-level training to continuing education of qualified specialists. Medical school in the UK generally refers to a department within a university involved in the education of future medical practitioners.

In the UK students usually begin their medical studies without any preliminary higher education typically at the age of 18 or 19. Entry to British medical schools is very competitive. The medical education takes five years which consist of 2 years of preclinical training in an academic environment and 3 years of clinical training at a teaching hospital. Medical schools and teaching hospitals are closely integrated.

Applications for entry into medical school are made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. Applicants are allowed to apply for four places for medical courses at different universities. Most UK medical schools also require applicants to sit additional entrance tests such as the United Kingdom Clinical Aptitude Test.

Traditionally the delivery of medical education has been divided into two types: problem-based learning (PBL) and lecture based teaching. PBL encourages the students to work in groups (10 students) on solving clinical and ethical cases with little input from tutors in the form of lectures. PBL was introduced into the UK medical school curriculum because medical students were required to learn unnecessary scientific subjects instead of clinical practical ones. But there is an opinion that PBL is more suitable for teaching graduate students as they can benefit from it due to basic knowledge of academic subjects (Anatomy, Physiology), and unsuitable for less able students and undergraduates.

Traditional or Lecture-based Learning (LBL):

More traditional courses are conducted in the form of lectures, whichare divided into preclinical or theoretical teaching (Anatomy, Physiology, and Microbiology) and clinical teaching (communication, diagnosis, etc.).

There is the need for balance between PBL and LBL.

Graduating from the medical school all students receive the Bachelor of Science Degree. If they spend an additional year studying clinical subjects they are offered Master’s Degree. After graduation they work for another year under high supervision and cannot legally practice independently. A doctor’s further training may include such fields as Pediatrics, Obstetrics or General practice, etc.


Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 2181; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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