Your identity  emerges out of your habits.   You are not born     with preset beliefs. Every belief,    including those about     yourself,     is  learned  and conditioned through experience.*

More precisely, your habits    are how you embody your identity. When    you make your bed each day, you embody the identity  of     an organized   person.  When    you write each day, you embody     the identity of a   creative person.  When    you train each     day, you embody the identity of an athletic  person.

The   more you repeat    a   behavior, the more you reinforce     the identity associated   with that behavior. In fact, the word     identity was originally derived from the Latin words    essentitas,     which    means   being,    and identidem, which    means     repeatedly.    Your identity  is  literally  your “repeated     beingness.”

Whatever   your identity  is  right now, you only believe   it     because you have proof of it. If  you go to church     every Sunday  for twenty   years,     you have evidence that     you are religious. If  you study biology  for one hour every     night,    you have evidence that you are studious. If  you go     to the gym even when it’s snowing, you have evidence that     you are committed to fitness.  The more evidence you have for     a   belief,    the more strongly you   will believe   it.

For    most of my early life, I   didn’t consider myself   a     writer.   If  you were to ask any of my high school     teachers or college   professors, they would tell you I   was an     average  writer    at best: certainly not a   standout. When I     began    my writing  career,   I   published a   new article     every Monday and Thursday for the first few years.     As     the evidence grew, so did     my identity  as a   writer.   I     didn’t start out as a   writer.   I   became one through     my habits.

Of course,  your habits    are not the only actions  that     influence your identity,  but by virtue    of their frequency     they are usually   the most important ones. Each experience in     life modifies your self-image, but it’s   unlikely you would     consider yourself a   soccer    player    because you kicked a     ball once or an artist because you scribbled a   picture. As     you repeat these actions, however, the evidence accumulates     and your selfimage begins   to change. The effect of one-off     experiences    tends to fade away while the effect of habits     gets reinforced with time, which    means your    habits     contribute most of the evidence that shapes   your identity. In     this way, the process  of building habits    is  actually     the process  of becoming   yourself.

This  is  a   gradual  evolution. We do not change  by     snapping our fingers and deciding to be someone entirely     new. We change  bit by bit, day  by day, habit by habit.     We are continually undergoing microevolutions of the self.

Each habit is  like a   suggestion: “Hey, maybe   this is  who I     am.” If  you finish a   book, then perhaps you are the type of     person   who likes reading.  If  you go to the gym, then     perhaps you are the type of person who    likes exercise. If     you practice playing  the guitar,   perhaps you are the     type of person   who likes music.

Every action    you take is  a   vote for the type of person     you wish to become. No single     instance will transform your     beliefs,   but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of     your new identity. This is  one reason why meaningful change     does not require  radical   change. Small habits can make a     meaningful difference by providing evidence of a   new identity.     And if  a   change  is  meaningful,    it  actually is     big. That’s    the paradox    of making  small improvements.

Putting this all together, you can see that habits    are the     path to changing    your identity. The most practical way to     change  who you are is to change  what you do.

Each time you write a   page, you are a   writer.

Each time you practice the violin,    you are a   musician.

Each time you start a   workout, you are an athlete.

Each time you encourage your employees, you are a   leader.

Each habit not only gets results   but also teaches  you     something far more important: to trust yourself. You start to     believe   you can actually accomplish these things.   When     the votes mount   up and the evidence begins to change,     the story you tell yourself begins   to change  as well.

Of course,  it  works    the opposite way, too. Every time you     choose   to perform a   bad habit,     it’s a   vote for that     identity. The good news is  that you don’t need to be perfect.     In any election, there are going to be votes for both sides.     You don’t need a   unanimous vote to win an election; you     just need a   majority. It  doesn’t  matter   if  you cast a     few votes for a bad behavior or an unproductive  habit.     Your goal is  simply   to win the majority   of the time.

New  identities require  new evidence. If  you keep casting     the same votes you’ve    always   cast, you’re    going to get     the same results   you’ve always  had. If  nothing changes,     nothing is  going to change.

It is  a   simple   two-step process:

1. Decide  the type of person   you want to be.

2. Prove   it  to yourself with small wins.

First, decide    who you want to be. This holds at any level—as     an individual,  as a   team, as a   community,    as a     nation.   What do you want to  stand for? What are your     principles and values?  Who do you wish to become?

These are big questions, and many people   aren’t     sure where     to begin —but     they do know what kind of results   they     want: to get six-pack abs or    to feel less anxious or to     double   their salary.    That’s    fine. Start there and work     backward from the results   you want to the type of person who could get those results.  Ask yourself, “Who     is  the type of     person that     could get the outcome I   want?”   Who is     the type of person   that could lose forty pounds? Who is     the type of person   that could learn a new     language? Who is     the type of person   that could run a   successful start-up?

For    example, “Who     is  the type of person   who could     write a   book?” It’s probably someone who is  consistent and     reliable. Now your focus shifts from writing  a   book (outcome-based)   to being the type of person who    is  consistent and     reliable  (identity-based).

This  process  can lead to beliefs    like:

“I’m  the kind of teacher  who stands    up for her students.”

“I’m  the kind of doctor   who gives each patient  the time and empathy  they need.”

 “I’m the kind of manager who advocates for her employees.”

Once you have a   handle   on the type of person   you     want to be, you can begin taking    small steps to reinforce     your desired  identity. I   have a friend  who lost over 100     pounds  by asking    herself,  “What   would    a healthy     person   do?” All day long, she would    use this question as     a guide. Would   a   healthy  person   walk or take a     cab? Would   a   healthy person order a   burrito  or a     salad?    She figured  if  she acted like a   healthy person     long enough, eventually she would    become that person.     She was right.

The   concept of identity-based habits    is  our first     introduction   to another key theme    in this book: feedback     loops.    Your habits    shape your identity, and your identity     shapes   your habits.   It’s a   two-way street. The formation of     all habits    is  a   feedback loop (a concept we will explore  in depth     in the next chapter), but it’s important to     let your values,    principles, and identity  drive the loop rather     than your results. The    focus should   always   be on     becoming that type of person,  not getting a   particular     outcome.

Дата добавления: 2019-09-02; просмотров: 242; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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