In November 2012, I   began    publishing articles  at For years, I   had been keeping notes about     my personal experiments   with habits and I   was finally     ready to share some of them publicly. I   began by publishing a     new article    every Monday and Thursday. Within   a   few months, this simple   writing  habit led to my first one     thousand email subscribers,   and by the end of 2013 that     number had grown    to more than thirty thousand people.

In 2014, my email list expanded to over one hundred thousand subscribers,    which    made it  one of the fastest-growing     newsletters on the    internet. I   had felt like an impostor     when I   began    writing  two years earlier,   but now I     was becoming known   as an expert   on habits—a new label that excited  me but also felt uncomfortable. I   had never considered myself   a   master   of the topic, but rather     someone who was experimenting  alongside my readers.

In 2015, I   reached two hundred thousand email subscribers     and signed a   book deal with Penguin Random House   to     begin writing  the book you are reading  now. As my     audience grew, so did my business opportunities.    I   was     increasingly    asked to speak at top companies about the science     of habit formation, behavior change, and continuous improvement.     I   found     myself   delivering keynote speeches at conferences     in the United   States    and Europe.

In 2016, my articles  began    to appear   regularly in major     publications like Time,    Entrepreneur, and Forbes.  Incredibly,     my writing  was read by  over eight million   people   that     year. Coaches in the NFL, NBA, and MLB began    reading     my work and sharing  it  with their teams.

At the start of 2017, I   launched the Habits   Academy, which     became the     premier training platform for organizations     and individuals interested in building better    habits    in     life and work.*   Fortune 500 companies and growing start-ups began    to enroll     their leaders   and train their staff. In     total, over ten thousand leaders,  managers, coaches, and teachers     have graduated from the Habits   Academy, and my  work with     them has taught   me an incredible amount about     what it takes to make habits    work in the real world.

As I   put the finishing touches on this book in 2018, is    receiving millions of visitors  per month     and nearly    five hundred thousand   people   subscribe to     my weekly   email newsletter—a number that   is  so far     beyond  my expectations   when I   began    that I’m not     even sure what to think of it.


The entrepreneur  and investor Naval Ravikant has said, “To write a great book, you must first become the book.”   I   originally learned     about the ideas mentioned here because I   had to live them.     I   had to rely on small habits    to rebound from my     injury,   to get stronger in the gym, to perform at a     high level on the field, to become a   writer,   to build a successful business, and simply   to develop  into a   responsible     adult. Small    habits    helped   me fulfill my potential, and     since you picked   up this   book, I’m guessing you’d like to     fulfill yours as well.

In the pages that follow,   I   will share a   step-by-step   plan for     building better habits—not for days or weeks,   but for a     lifetime. While    science supports everything I’ve written, this     book is  not an academic research paper; it’s an operating     manual. You’ll find wisdom and practical advice front and center     as I   explain  the science  of how to create    and change  your habits    in a   way that is  easy to understand     and apply.

The   fields I   draw on—biology,   neuroscience, philosophy, psychology,    and more—have    been around  for many years.     What I   offer you is  a   synthesis of the best ideas smart     people   figured  out a   long time ago as well as the     most compelling discoveries scientists have made recently. My     contribution,  I   hope, is  to find the ideas that matter     most and connect them in a   way that is  highly     actionable. Anything wise in these pages you should   credit     to     the many experts  who preceded me.

Anything foolish,  assume  it  is  my error.

The   backbone of this book is  my four-step model    of     habits—cue, craving, response, and reward—and   the four laws of     behavior change that    evolve    out of these steps.     Readers     with a   psychology background may recognize some of these terms     from operant conditioning,  which was first proposed as     “stimulus, response, reward” by B. F. Skinner in the     1930s    and has been popularized    more recently as “cue,     routine, reward” in The Power   of Habit    by Charles     Duhigg.

Behavioral  scientists like Skinner realized  that if  you offered     the right reward   or punishment,   you could get people   to     act in a   certain way.    But while Skinner’s model    did an     excellent job of explaining how external  stimuli   influenced     our habits,   it  lacked    a   good explanation    for how     our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs    impact   our behavior.     Internal states—our moods   and emotions—matter,  too. In     recent    decades, scientists   have begun    to determine the     connection between our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This     research will also be covered in these pages.

In total, the framework I   offer is  an integrated model    of     the cognitive  and behavioral sciences. I   believe   it  is     one of the first models of human  behavior to accurately     account for both the influence of external stimuli   and internal     emotions on our habits.   While    some of the     language     may be familiar, I   am confident that the details—and     the applications of the Four Laws of Behavior Change—will     offer a   new way to think about     your habits.

Human behavior is  always   changing: situation to situation,     moment to moment, second   to second.  But this book is     about     what doesn’t change. It’s about     the fundamentals of     human  behavior. The lasting principles you can rely on year     after year. The ideas you can build a business around, build a     family    around, build a   life around.

There is  no one right way to create    better    habits,     but this book describes the best way I   know—an approach     that will be effective regardless  of where    you start or     what you’re    trying    to change. The strategies I   cover     will be relevant to anyone  looking  for a   step-by-step system   for improvement, whether your goals center    on health,     money, productivity, relationships, or all of the above.    As     long as human behavior is  involved, this book will be your     guide.



Why Tiny Changes Make a Big Difference


Дата добавления: 2019-09-02; просмотров: 223; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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