Positive     Compounding
Productivity compounds. Accomplishing one extra task is     a     small       feat on   any given day, but      it     counts for   a     lot       over an   entire career. The effect of    automating an   old       task or    mastering a new skill can be   even greater.       The more tasks you can handle without thinking,      the  more your brain is     free to    focus on   other areas. Knowledge compounds. Learning     one new idea won’t make you a       genius, but  a commitment to    lifelong learning      can be       transformative.       Furthermore, each book you read not only       teaches      you something  new but  also opens up   different       ways of    thinking       about old ideas.    As   Warren       Buffett       says, “That’s how knowledge  works. It     builds up,  like       compound interest.” Relationships       compound. People reflect your behavior     back to       you. The more you help others, the  more others want to       help you. Being a     little bit   nicer in    each interaction       can result in       a     network      of    broad and strong       connections over time.
Negative    Compounding
Stress compounds. The frustration   of    a     traffic jam. The weight of       parenting    responsibilities. The worry of    making       ends meet.       The strain of    slightly high blood pressure.    By   themselves, these common     causes of    stress are  manageable. But  when they       persist for   years, little stresses compound  into serious health issues. Negative    thoughts   compound. The more you think of    yourself       as   worthless,   stupid, or    ugly, the     more you condition       yourself      to    interpret      life  that way. You get  trapped       in    a     thought       loop. The    same is     true for   how       you think about others. Once you fall  into the  habit of       seeing people as    angry, unjust, or    selfish, you see those kind of       people everywhere. Outrage     compounds. Riots, protests,     and mass movements are       rarely the  result of    a     single event. Instead,      a     long       series of    microaggressions   and daily aggravations slowly multiply       until one      event tips  the  scales and outrage       spreads       like  wildfire.


Imagine that you have an ice cube sitting    on the table in     front of you. The room is  cold and you can see your breath.     It  is  currently twentyfive degrees. Ever so slowly,   the     room begins   to heat up.

Twenty-six degrees.



The   ice cube is  still sitting    on the table in front of you.

Twenty-nine degrees.



Still,  nothing has happened.

Then, thirty-two degrees. The ice begins   to melt. A  one-degree   shift, seemingly no different from the temperature     increases before    it, has unlocked  a   huge change.

Breakthrough moments are often the result     of many previous actions, which    build up the potential required to unleash a     major change. This pattern  shows    up everywhere.    Cancer     spends   80 percent of its life undetectable, then takes over     the body in months. Bamboo can   barely    be seen for     the first five years as it  builds    extensive root systems     underground  before    exploding ninety    feet into the air     within six weeks.

Similarly,   habits    often appear   to make no difference until     you cross a   critical   threshold and unlock   a   new level of     performance. In the early and middle   stages    of any     quest,    there is  often a   Valley    of

Disappointment. You expect   to make progress in a   linear fashion     and it’s  frustrating how ineffective changes can seem during     the first days, weeks,    and even months. It  doesn’t  feel     like you are going anywhere. It’s a   hallmark of any     compounding process: the most powerful outcomes are delayed.

This  is  one of the core reasons  why it  is  so hard to     build habits    that last. People   make a   few small changes,     fail to see a   tangible result,    and decide to stop. You     think,    “I’ve been running every day for a   month,  so why     can’t I   see any change  in my body?”   Once this kind of     thinking takes over, it’s easy to let good habits    fall by     the wayside. But in order to make a   meaningful difference,     habits    need to persist   long enough  to break through     this plateau—what I   call the Plateau of Latent     Potential.

If you find yourself struggling to build a   good habit or break a     bad one, it  is  not because you have lost your ability    to     improve. It  is  often because you have not yet crossed     the Plateau  of Latent   Potential. Complaining about     not     achieving success  despite  working hard is  like complaining     about     an ice cube not melting when you heated   it     from twenty-five to thirty-one degrees. Your work was not wasted;     it  is  just being stored.   All the action    happens at     thirty-two degrees.

When you finally    break through the Plateau  of Latent     Potential, people will call it  an overnight success. The outside     world only sees the most dramatic event rather    than all that     preceded it. But you know that it’s  the work you did long     ago—when it  seemed  that you weren’t making any progress—that makes    the jump today possible.

It is  the human  equivalent of geological pressure. Two tectonic plates    can grind against  one another for millions of years,     the tension slowly building all the while.    Then,     one     day, they rub each other once again, in the same fashion  they     have for ages, but this time the tension is too great.     An     earthquake erupts.  Change  can take years—before it happens all     at once.

Mastery requires patience. The San Antonio Spurs,   one of     the most successful teams    in NBA history,  have a   quote     from social reformer Jacob Riis hanging in their locker    room:     “When   nothing seems    to help, I    go and look at a     stonecutter     hammering    away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much     as a   crack showing in it.     Yet at the hundred   and first blow it  will split in two,     and I   know it  was not that last blow that did it—but   all     that had gone before.”

Дата добавления: 2019-09-02; просмотров: 209; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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