In the following chapters, we will see time and again how the     four stages of cue, craving, response, and reward   influence     nearly everything     we do each day. But before    we do     that, we need to transform   these four steps into a   practical     framework that we can use to    design    good habits    and     eliminate bad ones.

I refer to this framework as the Four Laws of Behavior Change,     and it provides a   simple   set of rules for creating good     habits    and breaking bad  ones. You can think of each law as     a   lever that influences human behavior. When    the levers     are in the right positions, creating good habits     is     effortless. When    they are in the wrong    positions, it  is     nearly impossible.

How to    Create a     Good Habit
The 1st  law (Cue): Make it     obvious. The 2nd law (Craving):  Make it     attractive. The 3rd law (Response): Make it     easy. The 4th  law (Reward):  Make it     satisfying.

We    can invert    these laws to learn how to break a   bad habit.

How to    Break a     Bad Habit
Inversion   of    the  1st  law (Cue): Make it     invisible. Inversion   of    the  2nd law (Craving):  Make it     unattractive. Inversion   of    the  3rd law (Response): Make it     difficult. Inversion   of    the  4th  law (Reward):  Make it     unsatisfying.

It would    be irresponsible  for me to claim that these four     laws are an exhaustive framework for changing any human     behavior, but I   think they’re   close. As you will soon see,     the Four Laws of Behavior Change apply to nearly    every     field, from sports    to politics, art to medicine, comedy    to     management. These    laws can be used no matter   what challenge you are facing.   There    is  no need for completely     different strategies  for each habit.

Whenever  you want to change  your behavior, you can simply     ask yourself:

1. How can I   make it  obvious?

2. How can I   make it  attractive?

3. How can I   make it  easy?

4. How can I   make it  satisfying?

If you have ever wondered, “Why don’t I   do what I   say I’m     going to do?    Why don’t I   lose the weight   or stop smoking     or save for retirement or start that side business? Why do I     say something is  important but never seem to make time for it?”   The answers to those questions can be found somewhere in     these four laws. The key to creating good habits and breaking     bad ones is  to understand these fundamental   laws and how to     alter them to your specifications. Every goal is  doomed to     fail if it goes against  the grain of human  nature.

Your habits    are shaped   by the systems in your life. In     the chapters that  follow,   we will discuss  these laws one by     one and show how you can use them to create    a   system     in which    good habits    emerge  naturally and  bad habits     wither   away.


Chapter Summary

 A    habit is  a   behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic.

 The ultimate purpose of habits    is  to solve the problems of life with as  little energy   and effort as possible.

 Any habit can be broken  down into a   feedback loop that involves four   steps:    cue, craving, response, and reward.

 The Four Laws of Behavior Change  are a   simple   set of rules we can   use to build better    habits.   They are (1) make it  obvious, (2) make it  attractive, (3) make it  easy, and (4) make it  satisfying.


Make It Obvious


The Man Who Didn’t Look Right

THE PSYCHOLOGIST  GARY Klein once told me a   story about     a     woman  who attended a   family    gathering. She had spent     years working as a paramedic    and, upon arriving at the     event,    took one look at her fatherin-law    and got very     concerned.

“I don’t like the way you look,”     she said.

Her   father-in-law, who was feeling   perfectly fine, jokingly replied,

“Well,    I   don’t like your looks,     either.”

“No,” she insisted. “You need to go to the hospital now.”

A few hours     later, the man was undergoing lifesaving surgery     after an examination   had revealed that he had a     blockage to a   major    artery and was at immediate risk of     a   heart attack.   Without his daughter-inlaw’s intuition, he     could have died.

What did the paramedic see? How did she predict  his     impending heart attack?

When major    arteries  are obstructed, the body focuses  on     sending blood to critical   organs   and away from peripheral     locations near the surface of the skin. The result     is  a     change  in the pattern  of distribution of blood in the     face. After many years of working with people   with heart failure,     the woman  had unknowingly  developed the ability    to recognize this pattern  on sight. She couldn’t explain  what it     was that she noticed  in her father-in-law’s face, but she     knew something was wrong.

Similar stories   exist in other fields.     For example, military     analysts can    identify  which    blip on a   radar screen   is     an enemy   missile   and which one is  a   plane from their     own fleet even though  they are traveling   at the same speed,     flying at the same altitude, and look identical  on radar in     nearly    every respect. During  the Gulf War, Lieutenant     Commander   Michael Riley saved an entire    battleship when he     ordered a   missile   shot down—despite the fact that it     looked   exactly like the battleship’s own planes    on radar.     He made the right call, but even his superior officers  couldn’t     explain  how he did it.

Museum    curators have been known   to discern  the     difference between  an authentic piece of art and an expertly     produced counterfeit even though  they can’t tell you precisely     which    details    tipped    them off. Experienced radiologists can     look at a   brain scan and predict  the area where a   stroke     will develop  before    any obvious signs are visible    to     the untrained eye. I’ve even heard of hairdressers    noticing     whether a   client is pregnant based only on the feel of     her hair.

The   human  brain is  a   prediction machine. It  is     continuously  taking in your surroundings  and analyzing the     information    it  comes    across. Whenever    you experience     something repeatedly—like a   paramedic seeing     the face of a     heart attack    patient  or a   military analyst   seeing    a missile   on a   radar screen—your  brain begins   noticing what is important, sorting  through the details    and highlighting    the     relevant cues, and cataloging that information    for future     use.

With enough  practice, you can pick up on the cues that     predict certain outcomes without consciously thinking about     it.     Automatically, your brain encodes the lessons  learned  through     experience. We can’t always    explain  what it  is  we are     learning, but learning is  happening all along the way, and     your ability    to notice    the relevant cues in a   given situation is  the foundation for every habit you have.

We    underestimate how much     our brains    and bodies     can do without thinking.    You do not tell your hair to     grow, your heart to pump,   your lungs to breathe, or your     stomach to digest.   And yet your body handles all this and     more on autopilot. You are much     more than your conscious self.

Consider     hunger. How do you know when you’re    hungry?     You don’t necessarily have to see a   cookie    on the counter     to realize    that it  is  time to  eat. Appetite and hunger     are governed nonconsciously. Your body has a   variety   of     feedback loops that gradually alert you when it  is  time to     eat again and that track what is  going on around  you and     within    you. Cravings can arise thanks   to hormones and     chemicals circulating through your body. Suddenly, you’re    hungry     even though  you’re    not quite sure what tipped    you off.

This  is  one of the most surprising insights about     our     habits:   you don’t need to be aware    of the cue for a     habit to begin.    You can notice    an opportunity and take     action    without dedicating conscious attention to it. This is     what makes    habits    useful.

It’s    also what makes    them dangerous. As habits    form, your     actions come  under    the direction of your automatic and     nonconscious mind. You fall into old patterns before    you     realize    what’s    happening. Unless someone points    it  out,     you may not notice    that you cover your mouth with    your     hand whenever you laugh,    that you apologize before    asking     a question, or that you have a   habit of finishing other people’s     sentences. And the more you repeat    these patterns, the less     likely you become to question what you’re    doing and why you’re     doing it.

I once heard of a   retail clerk who was instructed to cut up     empty    gift cards after customers had used up the balance  on     the card. One day, the clerk cashed   out a   few customers in     a   row who purchased with gift cards. When    the next person     walked   up, the clerk swiped   the customer’s actual    credit     card, picked   up the scissors, and then cut it  in half—entirely  on autopilot—before     looking  up at the stunned     customer and realizing what had just happened.

Another woman  I   came across    in my research was a     former preschool     teacher  who had switched to a     corporate job. Even though she was now working with adults,     her old habits    would    kick in and she kept asking     coworkers if  they had washed  their hands    after going to     the bathroom. I   also found     the story of a   man who     had spent years working as a   lifeguard and would     occasionally    yell “Walk!” whenever he   saw a   child running.

Over  time, the cues that spark our habits    become so     common that they are essentially invisible: the treats     on     the kitchen  counter, the remote control  next to the couch,     the phone    in our pocket.  Our responses to these cues     are so deeply    encoded that it  may feel like the urge to     act comes    from nowhere. For this reason,  we must begin     the process of behavior change  with awareness.

Before we can effectively build new habits,   we need to get a     handle on our current  ones. This can be more challenging than it     sounds because once a   habit is  firmly    rooted   in your     life, it  is  mostly nonconscious and automatic. If  a   habit     remains mindless, you can’t expect    to improve it. As     the psychologist   Carl Jung said, “Until    you make the     unconscious   conscious, it  will direct     your life and you     will call  it  fate.”


The Japanese railway  system   is  regarded as one of the     best in the world. If  you ever find yourself riding    a     train in Tokyo,   you’ll notice that the conductors have a   peculiar     habit.

As each operator runs the train, they proceed through a   ritual of pointing at different objects  and calling   out commands.     When    the train approaches a   signal,    the operator will     point at it  and say, “Signal  is green.” As the train pulls     into and out of each station,  the operator will point at     the speedometer  and call out the exact speed.    When    it’s     time to  leave, the operator will point at the timetable and     state the time. Out on   the platform, other employees are     performing similar   actions. Before each train departs, staff     members will point along the edge of the     platform and declare,     “All clear!”   Every detail is  identified, pointed at, and named     aloud.*

This  process, known   as Pointing-and-Calling, is  a   safety     system designed to reduce   mistakes. It  seems    silly, but it     works    incredibly well. Pointing-and-Calling reduces errors    by     up to 85 percent and cuts accidents by 30 percent.     The MTA subway  system   in New York City adopted   a     modified version  that is  “point-only,”  and “within  two     years of implementation, incidents of incorrectly berthed subways     fell 57 percent.”

Pointing-and-Calling    is  so effective because it  raises the     level of awareness   from a   nonconscious habit to a   more     conscious level. Because the train operators must use their eyes,     hands,   mouth,  and ears, they are more likely to notice     problems before    something goes wrong.

My    wife does something similar.  Whenever we are preparing to walk out the door for a   trip, she verbally calls out the most     essential items in her packing list. “I’ve got my keys. I’ve     got my wallet.   I’ve got my   glasses.  I’ve got my     husband.”

The   more automatic a   behavior becomes, the less likely we     are to consciously think about     it. And when we’ve done     something a thousand times before,   we begin to overlook things.     We assume  that the next time will be just like the last.     We’re    so used to doing what we’ve always   done that we     don’t stop to question whether it’s the right thing to do at     all. Many of our failures  in performance  are largely attributable    to a   lack of self-awareness.

One   of our greatest challenges in changing habits    is     maintaining awareness of what we are actually doing.    This     helps explain  why the consequences    of bad habits    can     sneak up on us. We need a   “point-andcall” system   for     our personal lives. That’s    the origin    of the Habits Scorecard, which    is  a   simple   exercise you can use to     become more aware    of your behavior. To create    your     own, make a   list of your daily habits.

Here’s a   sample  of where    your list might    start:

Wake up

Turn off alarm

Check my phone

Go to the bathroom

Weigh myself

Take  a   shower

Brush my teeth

Floss my teeth

Put    on deodorant

Hang up towel to dry

Get    dressed Make a cup of tea

. .    .    and so on.

Once you have a   full list, look at each behavior, and ask     yourself, “Is this  a   good habit,     a   bad habit,     or a     neutral  habit?”  If  it  is  a   good habit, write     “+”     next to it. If  it  is  a   bad habit,     write “–”. If  it     is  a   neutral  habit, write     “=”.

For    example, the list above     might    look like this:

Wake up =

Turn off alarm     =

Check my phone    – Go to the bathroom =

Weigh myself   +

Take  a   shower  +

Brush my teeth +

Floss my teeth +

Put    on deodorant +

Hang up towel to dry =

Get    dressed  =

Make a   cup of tea +

The   marks    you give to a   particular habit will depend  on     your situation and your goals. For someone who is  trying    to     lose weight, eating a   bagel with peanut   butter    every morning     might    be a   bad habit. For someone who is  trying    to     bulk up and add muscle, the same behavior might    be a     good habit.     It  all depends on what you’re    working toward.*

Scoring your habits    can be a   bit more complex for another     reason   as well.  The labels “good     habit”    and “bad habit”     are slightly  inaccurate. There    are no good habits    or     bad habits.   There    are only effective habits. That    is,     effective at solving   problems. All habits    serve you in     some way —even the bad ones—which   is  why you repeat     them.    For this exercise, categorize your habits    by how     they will benefit   you in the long run. Generally speaking,     good habits    will have net positive outcomes. Bad habits have     net negative outcomes. Smoking a   cigarette may reduce stress     right now (that’s    how it’s serving  you), but it’s not a     healthy long-term   behavior.

If you’re    still having   trouble  determining   how to rate a     particular habit, here is  a   question I   like to use: “Does     this behavior help me become     the type of person   I     wish to be? Does this habit cast a   vote for or against  my     desired  identity?” Habits   that reinforce your desired identity     are usually   good. Habits   that conflict  with your desired identity  are usually   bad.

As you create    your Habits   Scorecard, there is  no need to     change anything at first. The goal is  to simply   notice     what is  actually going on. Observe    your thoughts and actions     without judgment or internal criticism.    Don’t blame    yourself     for your faults.    Don’t praise    yourself for your successes.

If you eat a   chocolate bar every morning, acknowledge   it,     almost   as if you were watching someone else. Oh, how     interesting that they would     do such a  thing.    If  you     binge-eat, simply   notice    that you are eating more calories     than you should.  If  you waste time online,   notice that you     are spending your life in a   way that you do not want to.

The   first step to changing bad habits    is  to be on     the lookout  for them. If  you feel like you need extra help,     then you can try Pointingand-Calling in your own life. Say     out loud the action    that you are thinking    of taking     and what the outcome will be. If  you want to cut back on     your junk food habit but notice    yourself grabbing another cookie,   say out loud, “I’m about     to eat this cookie,   but I     don’t need it. Eating it  will cause me to gain weight   and     hurt my health.”

Hearing your bad habits    spoken  aloud makes    the consequences seem more real. It  adds weight   to the action    rather    than     letting yourself mindlessly slip into an old routine. This     approach is  useful even if  you’re    simply   trying    to     remember a   task on your to-do list. Just saying out loud,     “Tomorrow,   I   need to go to the post office after lunch,” increases the odds that you’ll actually do it. You’re   getting     yourself to acknowledge the need for action—and    that can     make all the difference.

The   process  of behavior change  always   starts with     awareness. Strategies like Pointing-and-Calling and the Habits     Scorecard are focused on getting  you to recognize your habits     and acknowledge   the cues that trigger   them,    which     makes    it  possible to respond in a   way that benefits     you.


Chapter Summary

 With enough  practice, your brain will pick up on the cues that predict    certain   outcomes without consciously thinking about     it.

 Once our habits    become automatic, we stop paying attention to what  we are doing.

 The process  of behavior change  always   starts with awareness. You need to be aware    of your habits    before you can change  them.

 Pointing-and-Calling raises your level of awareness from a nonconscious   habit to a   more conscious level by verbalizing your actions.

 The Habits   Scorecard is  a   simple   exercise you can use to become more aware    of your behavior.


The Best Way to Start a New Habit


N    2001, RESEARCHERS   in Great Britain   began    working with     248 people to build better    exercise habits    over the course     of two weeks.   The

subjects were divided   into three groups.

The   first group    was the control  group.   They were simply     asked to track how often they exercised.

The   second   group    was the “motivation”   group.   They     were asked not only to track their workouts but also to read     some material on the benefits    of exercise. The researchers     also explained to the group    how exercise  could reduce     the risk of coronary heart disease   and improve heart health.

Finally, there was the third group.   These    subjects received     the same presentation   as the second   group,   which     ensured that they had equal levels of motivation. However, they     were also asked to formulate a   plan for when and where     they would    exercise over the following week. Specifically,     each member of the third group    completed the following sentence: “During the next week, I   will partake  in at least 20     minutes of vigorous exercise on [DAY]    at [TIME]  in     [PLACE].”

In the first and second   groups,  35 to 38 percent of     people   exercised at    least once per week. (Interestingly, the     motivational   presentation given   to the second   group     seemed  to have no meaningful impact   on behavior.)  But 91     percent of the third group    exercised at least once per week—more   than double   the normal  rate.

The   sentence they filled out is  what researchers     refer to as     an implementation intention, which    is  a   plan you make     beforehand about when    and where    to act. That is, how     you intend   to implement a particular     habit.

The   cues that can trigger   a   habit come in a   wide range of     forms—the feel of your phone    buzzing in your pocket,     the smell of chocolate chip cookies,  the sound    of     ambulance sirens—but the two most common cues are time and     location. Implementation intentions leverage both of these cues.

Broadly speaking, the format   for creating an implementation intention    is:

“When situation X  arises,    I   will perform response Y.”

Hundreds   of studies   have shown   that implementation     intentions are effective    for sticking to our goals, whether it’s     writing  down the exact time and date of when you will get a     flu shot or recording the time of your  colonoscopy     appointment. They increase the odds that people   will stick     with habits    like recycling, studying, going to sleep early, and stopping smoking.

Researchers have even found     that voter turnout increases when people   are forced    to create    implementation intentions by     answering questions like: “What   route are you taking    to     the polling   station? At what time are you planning to     go? What bus will get you there?”  Other successful government     programs have prompted citizens  to make a clear   plan to     send taxes in on time or provided directions on when and where    to pay late traffic    bills.

The   punch    line is  clear: people   who make a   specific     plan for when and where    they will perform a   new habit     are more likely to follow through. Too many people   try to     change  their habits    without these basic details    figured     out. We tell ourselves, “I’m going to eat healthier” or   “I’m     going to write more,”   but we never say when and where     these habits    are going to happen. We leave it  up to     chance   and hope that we will   “just remember to do it” or     feel motivated at the right time. An implementation intention     sweeps  away foggy notions  like “I  want to work out more”     or “I  want to be more productive”    or “I  should     vote” and transforms them into a   concrete plan of action.

Many people   think they lack motivation when what they really lack is     clarity.   It  is  not always   obvious when and where    to     take action.   Some people  spend    their entire    lives waiting     for the time to be right to make an improvement.

Once an implementation intention has been set, you don’t have to wait for inspiration to strike.    Do I   write a  chapter today     or not? Do I meditate this morning or at lunch?   When     the moment of action occurs, there is  no need to make a     decision. Simply   follow    your predetermined plan.

The simple   way to apply this strategy to your habits is  to fill out   this sentence:

I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME]  in [LOCATION].

Meditation. I   will meditate for one minute  at 7   a.m. in my kitchen.

Studying.   I   will study Spanish for twenty   minutes at 6 p.m. in my bedroom.

Exercise.    I   will exercise for one hour at 5   p.m. in my local gym.

Marriage.   I   will make my partner  a   cup of tea at 8 a.m. in the kitchen.

If you aren’t     sure when to start your habit,     try the first     day of the week, month,  or year. People   are more likely to     take action    at those times     because hope is  usually     higher.  If  we have hope, we have a reason to take action.     A  fresh start feels motivating.

There is  another benefit   to implementation intentions. Being specific  about     what you want and how you will achieve  it     helps you say no    to things    that derail progress, distract     your attention, and pull you off   course.  We often say yes to     little requests because we are not clear enough  about     what we need to be doing instead. When    your dreams are     vague,    it’s easy to rationalize little exceptions all day long     and never get around  to the specific  things    you need to     do to succeed.

Give  your habits    a   time and a   space to live in the     world.    The goal is to make the time and location so obvious     that, with enough  repetition, you get an urge to do the     right thing at the right time, even if  you can’t say why. As     the writer    Jason     Zweig    noted,    “Obviously you’re     never going    to just work out without conscious thought.     But like a   dog salivating at a   bell, maybe   you start to     get antsy around  the time of day you  normally work out.”

There are many ways to use implementation intentions in your     life and  work. My favorite  approach is  one I   learned     from Stanford professor  BJ Fogg and it  is  a   strategy I     refer to as habit stacking.

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