Тема: Ученые-медики и их вклад в развитие медицины. Множественное число имени существительного.


Множественное число имени существительного

Старые формы

child – children (ребенок – дети)

foot – feet (нога – ноги)

goose – geese (гусь – гуси)

louse – lice (вошь – вши)

man – men (мужчина – мужчины)

mouse – mice (мышь – мыши)

ox – oxen (бык – быки)

tooth – teeth (зуб – зубы)

woman – women (женщина – женщины)

2. форма единственного числа совпадает с формой множественного:

sheep – sheep

swine – swine

deer – deer

grouse – grouse

series – series

species – species

3. только в единственном числе: gold, silver, oil, music, the Thames

4. обе формы: advice (совет/советы), progress (успех/успехи), knowledge (знание/знания)

Задание №1

Составьте список изобретений и достижений Н. И. Пирогова в области медицины.

Задание №2

а) Поставьте существительные в скобках в множественное число.

1. These (person) are protesting against the president.

2.The (woman) over there want to meet the manager.

3.My (child) hate eating pasta.

4.I am ill. My (foot) hurt.

5.I clean my (tooth) three times a day.

6.The (student) are doing the exercise right now.

7.The (fish) I bought is in the fridge.

8.They are sending some (man) to fix the roof.

9.Most (housеwife) work more than ten hours a day at home.

10. Where did you put the (knife)? - On the (shelf).

11. (Goose) like water.

12. (Piano) are expensive

13. Some (policeman) came to arrest him.

14. Where is my (luggage)? - In the car!

б)Выберите правильную форму существительного.

1. I have three (child, children).

2. There are five (man, men) and one (woman, women).

3. (Baby, Babies) play with bottles as toys.

4. I put two big (potato, potatoes) in the lunch box.

5. A few men wear (watch, watches).

6. I put a (memo, memos) on the desk.

7. I saw a (mouse, mice) running by.

8. There are few (bus, buses) on the road today.

Задание №3

Ответьте на вопросы по теме «История сестринского дела в России. Н .И . Пирогов ».

1. When and where was Pirogov born?

2. What was he?

3. What was he famous for?

4. What did he invent and develop?

5. What can you say about his activities in the Crimean War?

6. What did he do after the Crimean War?

7. What happened to the body of Pirogov after his death?

Задание №4

Посмотрите на название текста и скажите, о чём он. Просмотрите текст и выпишите слова и выражения, относящиеся к теме занятия.

The Most Prominent Russian Scientists-Doctors

Many great Russian scientists-doctors made their contribution into development of native and world science. 

Prominent scientists- doctors in Russia of XVIII c.:

P.Z. Condoidi (1710 -1760) was a prominent manager in Russian medical business. His name was connected with first medical library (1756). 

A.P. Protasov (1724-1796) was a first Russian professor – anatomist, physiologist, and academician of Petersburg academy of science, one of the first initiator of Russian anatomic terminology.

C.I. Schepin (1728-1770) - first Russian teacher in Moscow hospital school.

S.G. Zybelin (1735-1802) - first student of Moscow University and first professor of medical faculty of this University.

D.S. Samoilovich (1744-1805) - founder of domestic epidemiology. He paid attention on teaching of medical personnel.

N.M. Maximovich –Ambodic (1744-1812). He was one of first initiator of Russian obstetrics, pediatrics and pharmacognosy. He published first original Russian manual “Art of midwife’s business or science about womanish business”.

A.M. Shumlyansky (1748-1795) had great place in histology. In his work “About kidneys” (Strasburgh, 1782) he described peculiarities of kidneys structure.

Prominent scientists- doctors in Russia of XIX c:

E.O. Mukhin (1766-1850) was anatomist and physiologist, hygienist and judicial doctor. He contributed to Russian anatomical nomenclature. His works: “The beginning of science of bonesetter” (1806), “Description of surgical operations” (1807), Manual on anatomy in 8 volumes (1818).

I. V. Buyalsky (1789-1866) was world known great anatomist and surgeon. He developed many new surgical operations and created new surgical tools. First in Russia he made bandage of nameless arteries.

M.Y. Mudrov (1776-1831) was a founder of native clinical teaching and clinical therapy. He followed the Hippocratic credo "to treat not a disease but a patient". His working out of inquire methods of sick person, schemes of writing of case records. He contributed into medical hygiene.

I.E. Dyadkovskii (1784-1841) was a prominent therapeutics – clinicist, pathologist – thinker. Main method of cognition was experience, observation and common sense.

N.I. Pirogov (1810-1881) – founder of topographical and surgical anatomy, military-field surgery, anatomical- physiological approach in surgery. He reformed in organization of surgical departments (division into “clean” and “purulent” departments), consummation of antiseptics, working out of teaching about prophylaxis of surgical infections. He in fact created a new medical science, field surgery, and suggested new, rational principles for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded. His, work, "Fundamentals of Field Surgery" (1864), had soon become a reference book for field surgeons in all countries. He paid attention on hygiene as a science which can help to save humanity from diseases. He considered that future belong to preventive medicine.

Prominent representatives of clinical medicine in Russia of second half of XIXc.: S.P. Botckin (1832-1889), G. A. Zakharian (1829-1897), А. А. Ostroumov (1844-1908) – founders of clinical schools .

S.P. Botckin (1832-1889), was a founder of the biggest scientific therapeutic school in Russia. He developed clinical experimental direction in medicine. He opened first laboratory of experimental medicine in Russia, and first discovered nature of catarrhal jaundice (co-called “Botckin’s disease”, 1866) he was great teacher, during his 28 professor’s activity he had 106 residents among them 87 persons became doctors and 45 – professors of high school.

G.A. Zakharian (1829-1897) was a founder of big clinical school. He developed original method of anamnesis – questions to patient. He described zones of perception disorders at the internal diseases; these zones had got name “zones of Zakcharian - Ged”. He got fame of the best doctor; his “Clinical lectures” became classical and was republished many times.

A.A. Ostroumov (1845-1908) – representative of Russian clinical medicine of second half of XIXc. In his lectures he spoke about synthesis of treatment and prophylactic medicine.

Development of native physiology is connected with activities of I.M. Sechenov (1829-1905), his researches: physiology of higher nervous activity and labor physiology. He was known as the Father of Russian physiology. He introduced electrophysiology into laboratories and also into teaching. His life work was always concentrated on neurophysiology. He wrote a major classic “The Reflexes of the Brain” (1863). He also maintained that physiochemical factors in the environment of the cell are of equal if not greater importance. He will also be remembered for his intellect and his knowledge, as well as for his scientific achievements. He founded physiological school of Russia; his successor was N.I. Wedensky (1852-1922). Wedensky introduced notion about lability and created study of parabiosis in his work “Excitation, slowdown, narcosis” (1907).

Ideas of Sechenov were continued by Great Russian scientist I. P. Pavlov.

I. P. Pavlov (1849-1936) – founder of first-rate physiological school and opening of method of conditioned reflex.

Pavlov's main area of research throughout his scientific career was on the digestive process, which brought on a series of experiments exploring the correlation between the nervous system and the autonomic functions of the body. Pavlov experimented with dogs, studying the relationship between salivation and digestion. By applying stimuli to the animals in a variety of ways, using sound, visual, and tactile stimulation, he was able to make the animals salivate whether they were in the presence of food or not; a phenomenon he called the conditioned reflex (1901).

Pavlov was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1901. His famous work “Lecture about work of main digestive glands“(1897), for this work he was awarded by Nobel Prize in 1904. He was also elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1907, given an honorary doctorate at Cambridge University in 1912, and awarded the Order of the Legion of Honour in 1915, the recommendation of the Medical Academy of Paris. Pavlov‘s works on study high nervous activity showed that conditioned reflex produced in cortex of big cerebral hemispheres – the great achievement of XX c.

He wrote “Letter to youth” (1935) as testament to young people who devoted themselves to science.

Second half of XIX c. was marked by development of new branch – bacteriology (latest it became microbiology). Prominent scientists I. I. Mechnicov (1845-1916) - biologist, pathologist, immunologist and bacteriologist, founder phagocytes theory, he was awarded Nobel Prize in 1908y.; Gabrichevsky (1860-1907) – founder of first course on microbiology in Moscow University (1892), organizer of antidiphtheric serum‘s production in Moscow;; D. K. Zabolotny (1866-1929) – initiator of epidemiology(1922), he organized Institute of epidemiology and microbiology in Ukraine N.F.; Gamaleya (1859-1949) – founder of bacteriological station (Odessa, 1896), initiator of prophylaxis hydrophobia, cholera, smallpox, plague and typhus.

Задание №5

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Pavlov‘s works on study high nervous activity showed that conditioned reflex produced in cortex of big cerebral hemispheres –  the great achievement of XX c.

2. Ideas of Sechenov were continued by Great Russian scientist I. P. Pavlov.

3. Second half of XIX c. was marked by development of new branch – bacteriology (latest it became microbiology).

4. S.P. Botckin (1832-1889), was a founder of the biggest scientific therapeutic school in Russia.

5. A.M. Shumlyansky (1748-1795) had great place in histology. In his work “About kidneys” (Strasburgh, 1782) he described peculiarities of kidneys structure.

6. Prominent representatives of clinical medicine in Russia of second half of XIXc.: S.P. Botckin, G. A. Zakharian, А. А. Ostroumov – founders of clinical schools.

7. Many great Russian scientists-doctors made their contribution into development of native and world science. 

8. N.I. Pirogov in fact created a new medical science, field surgery, and suggested new, rational principles for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded.

9. I.M. Sechenov was known as the Father of Russian physiology.

10. I. V. Buyalsky (1789-1866) was world known great anatomist and surgeon. He developed many new surgical operations and created new surgical tools.

Задание №6

Используя текст «The most prominent Russian scientists-doctors», подберите информацию, составьте таблицы и схемы для презентации по теме «Ученые-медики и их вклад в медицину».

Задание №7

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. There are five … and fifteen … in the basket.

a) appls, plumes

b) apples, plums

c) appls, plums

d) apples, plumes

2. Peter has two …

a) childs

b) childrens

c) childes

d) children

3. Do … clean their … ?

a) mouses, tooths

b) mice, toths

c) mice, teeth

d) d mouses, teeth

4. How many … have two … got?

a) wifes, mans

b) wifes, mens

c) wives, man

d) wives, men

5. Mike needs five … of … for his party.

a) boxes, potatoes

b) boxes, potato

c) boxs, potatoes

d) boxs, potatos

6. There are many … in the library.

a) dictionarys

b) dictionaries

c) dictionaryes

d) dictionaries

7. What's the plural of child?

a) children

b) childs

c) childrens

d) childes

8. What's the plural of sheep?

a) sheeр

b) sheeps

c) ship

d) sheepes

9. What's the plural of dog?

a) dig

b) dogs

c) dogues

d) doggie

10. What's the plural of lady?

a) ladys

b) ladyes

c) ladies

d) lady

11. What's the plural of boy?

a) boys

b) boyes

c) boies

d) boy

12. What's the plural of box?

a) boxs

b) boxes

c) boxies

d) box

13. What's the plural of knife?

a) knifes

b) knifies

c) knives

d) knive

14. What's the plural of potato?

a) potatos

b) potatoes

c) potats

d) potates

Контрольные вопросы:

1. Как образуется множественно число имен существительных в общем случае?

2. Как образуется множественное число, если слово заканчивается на –f/-ef?

3. Как образуется множественное число, если слово заканчивается на шипящую?

Практическое занятие №1 6

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