Internal parts of the Human Body

The abdomen is the largest cavity of the body. It is bounded above by thorax or chest and below by two pelvic bones which meet in front. From the cavity of the thorax it is separated by the great muscle of respiration – the diaphragm. Laterally and in front it is enclosed by the lower ribs and abdominal muscles. Behind, it is supported by the spinal column.

The organs of the abdominal cavity are the liver, the gall-bladder, the stomach, the intestines, the pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys and the bladder. The liver lies under the right ribs and extends across to the left of the epigastrium. The liver is a large organ that weighs about 1.5 kg. It plays a very important role in the vital activities of the organism. It is the liver that secretes bile which participates in the digestive process and has a defensive function. Some toxic substances detoxified in the liver.

The gall-bladder lies beneath the right lobe of the liver. It serves as a bile reservoir.

The stomach lies under the left ribs and extends across to the right. It is known that its smaller end situates in the epigastrium. The stomach serves as a container of food, which is a partly digested in it. The size and shape of the stomach vary with any amount of food that is consumed and the extent of contraction of its wall. Ъ

The intestinesoccupy chiefly the central portions of the abdominal cavity. From the stomach the food passes in small portions into the small intestine.

Задание №5

Исправьте следующие утверждения .

1. The stomach lies under the right ribs and extends across to the left.

2. The diaphragm serves as a container of food, which is a partly digested in it.

3. The spleen serves as a bile reservoir.

4. The kidneys occupy chiefly the central portions of the abdominal cavity.

5. The size and shape of the bladder vary with any amount of food that is consumed and the extent of contraction of its wall.

6. Some toxic substances detoxified in the stomach.

7. The small intestine is a large organ that weighs about 1.5 kg.

Задание №6

Выберите правильный вариант .

1. My grandmother likes flowers/the flowers very much.

2. I love flowers/the flowers in your garden.

3. See you on Friday/the Friday..

4. I always listen to music/the music in the morning.

5. Alex goes to work by bus/the bus.

6. Don't be late for school/the school.

7. Listen! Dennis is playing guitar/the guitar.

8. We often see our cousins over Easter/the Easter.

9. She has never been to Alps/the Alps before.

10. What about going to Australia in February/the February?


Контрольные вопросы:

1. Какие существительные определяет определенный артикль «the»?

2. Когда употребляется определенный артикль «the»?

3. Как употребляется артикль «the» с именами собственными?

Практическое занятие №1 8

Тема: Скелет человека. Отсутствие артикля.

Отсутствие артикля (нулевой артикль).

1. Перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе (в тех случаях, когда в единственном числе следует употребить неопределенный артикль): My father and my uncle are doctors. - Мой отец и мой дядя врачи.

2. При обобщении (обычно используется множественное число или неисчисляемое существительное без артикля): Carrots are my favourite vegetable. - Морковь — мой любимый овощ.

3. В выражениях с собственным существительным в притяжательном падеже: John’s coat - пальто Джона

4. Перед существительным в функции определения: guitar lessons - уроки игры на гитаре

5. Перед названиями континентов, стран, штатов, городов, улиц, озер: I’ve been neither to South Africa nor to North America. - Я не был ни в Южной Африке, ни в Северной Америке.

6. Перед неисчисляемыми (абстрактными) существительными: This is important information.

- Это важная информация. I need advice. - Мне нужен совет.

7. В некоторых сочетаниях существительного с предлогом, когда все сочетание имеет характер наречия: to / at / from school, university, college; to / in / into / from church; in time; at / from home; by car, bus, bicycle, plane, train, metro, boat etc.; for breakfast и т. д.: You can get there in time if you go by train. - Вы можете добраться туда вовремя, если поедете поездом.

8. Перед именами и фамилиями людей: My name is Bond, James Bond. - Меня зовут Бонд, Джеймс Бонд.

Задание №1

Используя анатомическую таблицу, кратко опишите работу внутренних органов на английском языке.

Задание №2

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. I often go to …. theatre.

a) a

b) the

c) -

2. What's …. highest mountain in the world?

a) a

b) the

c) -

3. I'm in …. good mood.

a) a

b) the

c) -

4. We went to …. sea.

a) a

b) the

c) -

5. …. rich can afford lots of things.

a) a

b) the

c) -

6. I was near …. Kremlin.

a) a

b) the

c) -

7. I like working with …. creative people.

a) a

b) the

c) -

Задание №3

Ответьте на вопросы по теме «Внутренние органы человека».

1. What is the largest cavity of the body?

2. What are the organs of the abdominal cavity?

3. Where does the liver lie?

4. What participates in the digestiveprocess and has a defensive function?

5. What serves as a bile reservoir?

6. What does the stomach serve as?

7. What occupy chiefly the central portions of the abdominal cavity?

Задание №4

Посмотрите на название текста и скажите, о чём он. Прочитайте текст, выпишите слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, и переведите их.

The Skeleton

The human adult skeleton consists of more than 200 bones. The distribution of bones is as follows: skull-26 bones, spinal column-32-34 vertebrae, chest (thorax)-24 ribs and the breastbone, upper extremities-64 bones, lower extremities-62 bones.

Skeleton is the framework of the body and it serves as a means of attachment for the skeletal muscles. It also protects delicate structures such as the brain, the heart and the lungs.

The joints give the bones mobility.

The most important part of the skeleton is the spinal column, for as we know, naturalists divided all animals into 2 classes- those which have the spine and those which haven’t any.

There are cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral vertebrae and the coccyx in the human spine.

At the upper end of the spine there is the bony structure we call the skull.

Another strong cage- the chest is in front of the spine. It consists of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs of ribs.

Shoulder and pelvic girdles serves to connect upper and lower extremities to the trunk.

Задание №5

Дополните предложения словами из текста «The Skeleton».

1. There are 32-34 ... in the spinal column.

2. Chest consists of 24 ribs and the....

3. ... is the most important part of the skeleton.

4. There are more than 200... in the skeleton.

5. The lower extremity includes..., leg and foot. 

Задание №6

Заполните пропуски, вставив определённый артикль ( the) или нулевой артикль ( X).

The Skeleton

…. parts of … human body are …. head, …. trunk and …. extremities. …. skull is …. bony framework of …. head, it protects …. brain and supports …. face.

…. skeleton of …. trunk consists of …. spinal column (the spine), …. 7 cervical, …. 12 thoracic, …. 5 lumbar, …. 5 sacral vertebrae and …. coccyx.

…. shoulder and …. pelvic girdles belong to …. upper and …. lower extremities.

…. upper extremity consists of …. arm, …. forearm and …. hand.

There are …. four fingers and one thumb in each …. hand. …. lower extremity has …. thigh, …. leg and …. foot.

…. skeleton gives …. upright strength to …. body. …. bones serve as a storehouse for …. calcium and …. phosphorus releasing these minerals to …. blood when …. organism needs them.     


Контрольные вопросы:


1. Что такое «нулевой артикль»?

2. Когда употребляется нулевой артикль?

Практическое занятие № 19

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