№                     position pronunciation examples exceptions
 1 A [ə] library, alive, delegate  
 2  before L at the end isn’t pronounced signal [ˈsıgnl]  
 3  AGE at the end  ACE at the end ATE at the end of verbs [ıʤ] [əs] или [ıs]  [eıt] courage [ˈkʌrıʤ]; palace to delegate  garage [ˈgærɑ:ʒ]
 4   E [ı] pocket, escape cafe [ˈkæfeı]
 5 in the combinations EL /EN at the end isn’t pronounced seven [ˈsevn], parcel [ˈpɑ:sl]  
 6 I [ı] rabbit, invite  
7  in IL at the end isn’t pronounced evil [ˈi:vl]  
8 O [ə] pilot  
9 O at the end [ɜʊ] potato  
10  in OL / ON at the end isn’t pronounced lesson [ˈlesn]  
11 U [ə] difficult  
12 U+ consonant + mute E at the end    [ju:] institute minute ['mınıt]
13 Y at the end of verbs    Y, EY, LY at the end of adjectives, adverbs and nouns [aı]   [ı] to classify, to multiply, to analyse   pretty, city, early monkey   ally ['ælaı]
14  digraphs: in the suffix OUS AI / EI [ə] [ə] or  [ı] famous mountain, foreign  


15     AR ER / RE OR /OUR UR / YR        [ə] collar, teacher, theatre doctor, colour Arthur, martyr  
16 SION SSION SURE SSURE [ʒn] [ʃn] [ʃn] [ʒə] [ʃə] illusion, pension expression pleasure pressure  
17 TURE TION TIAL [ʧə] [ʃn] [ʃəl] picture revolution essential  

Ex. 18. Transcribe the words and read them. Mind unstressed vowels.

meagre, grammar, kindness, partial, decision, mansion, mention, measure, nature, melon, devil, donkey, photo, motor, motto, bulbous, money, multitude, minute, mixture, distant, metre, author, substitute, parlour, honey, afraid, beggar, likeness, rapid, mirror, marrow, director, manager, lifeless, division, aggression, treasure, sure, puncture, even, coffee, cafe.


Ex. 19. Read the words. Mind the stress.

correct, historic, operation, galaxy, satisfaction, tendency, funeral, synthetic, comic, determination, ecology, nature, natural, nation, national, international, typical, advert, advertise, advertisement, cleanliness, unique, universe, university, generation, realistic, amuse, result, television, intensify, experiment, apologize, industry, industrial, logic.


Ex. 20. Read the words.

choir, sandwich, suite, cleanliness, chute, answer, sword, sausage, height, nephew, sew, donkey, mon­key, year, were, where, wear, biscuit, busy, clerk, engineer, journalist, housewife, lawyer, drawing, photographer, auxiliary, soldier, salesman, usual, clothes, cloths, colleague, college, south, southern, course, cause, close, to close, Santa Claus, fiancé, handsome, moustache, surprise, eyebrows, image, magazine, hotel, Christmas, desert, dessert, house, houses, cough, though.


Ex. 21. Read the words.

Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, Tokyo, Japan, Japanese, Oslo, Polish, Egypt, Danish, Sweden, Swedish, Spanish, Switzerland, the Sahara, the Mediterranean, Australia, the Thames, Panama, the Suez Canal, the Channel, the Baltic Sea, the Canaries, the Bahamas, the Himalayas, the Bermudas, the Caucasus, the Crimea, the Urals, Helsinki, Europe, Asia.


Ex. 22. Find the odd man out.

1. most host  cost toast coast;

2. great threat head said  breath;

3. aren’t aunt laugh heart fault;

4. foam soul shoulder broad load;

5. bull bush push pull fuss;

6. chain chute cheat chief chat;

7. call laugh raft draught rough;

8. tough     rough love cough tuft;

9. steak make straight eight height;

10. through brought caught naughty raw;

11. soldier gym gift jacket wages;

12. steer real seal here fear;

13. there where were     their bear;

14. heir hour honesty honour hostel;

15. few sew view suit flute;

16. fable table able baffle maple;

17. low cow crown shout bough;

18. phone pheasant Philip nephew philosophy;

19. chaste paste fast haste waist;

20. oven love move glove dove;

21. plead suite heed mete build;

22. good foot boot wood stood;

23. flood food hood soot toot;

24. was wax wall what wand;

25. water ought autumn sausage quartet;

26. folk coke oak balk soak;

27. worm ward word work worth;

28. these geese rose ease advise;

29. tour moor sour bluer sure;

30. beauty newt through cute foot;

31. year were sir fur pear;

32. Thames taste tear castle Thomas;

33. whistle thistle castle cattle bustle;

34. single singer longer English finger;

Ex. 23. Find the rhymes.

1. bear          knight

2. hearth       sour  

3. here          tour 

4. could        hawk 

5. shoe          though

6. sew           bath

7. blues         through 

8. fork          fear   

9. hall           care

10. were       floor  

11. tower      sweet 

12. sore         wood 

13. moor       crawl

14. suite        sir

15.height lose     lose


Ex. 7. B, C, D

bɒm, ˈæmbə, sel, ʧæt, wıʧ, ˈʧerı, daʊt, tu:m, ˈsıtı, ʃıˈkɑ:gɜʊ, ˈkælındə, ˈdægə, ˈsılındə, lım, klık, fækt, məˈʃi:n, eık, ʧest, ˈsɜʊlʤə, ˈsɜ:kl, ˈkændı, keıʤ, kɜʊm, klıf, θʌm, ˈsaıkl, ˈskɒlə, ˈmıʃıgən, ʧɑ:m, ˈʧærıtı, bæʤ, ʧɜ:ʧ, ˈæbs(ə)nt, sku:l, ʃu:t, ˈsınımə, klaım, ˈɔ:kıstrə, ˈsænwıʤ, ʧɑ:t, saıt, det, krʌm, sent, kɑ:t, ʃık, ʧık, ækt, ˈkærəktə, ˈkæfeı.


Ex. 8. G, H

gıft, gæs, ˈfıŋgə, ˈʤentl, ʤım, gılt, grɑ:nd, haık, bıˈgın, ʤın, hɑ:p, gɒd, gʌlp, təˈgeðə, ˈli:gəl, bæŋ, reıʤ, ræg, geım, hɑ:m, ˈɒnıst, heı, aʊə, ˈkwaıə, gʌm, pæŋ, gɜʊst, ˈhærı, greıs, gıv, ˈʤıpsı, ʤent, geız, ʧeıs, ʧın, ˈlæʧ, ˈhæŋə, gæg, ɛə, fæŋ, gæp, gɑ:d, ʃef, sæŋ, ʧek, ʤɜ:m, ˈɒnə, gʌlf, ˈʤendə, gɒŋ, hæt, ˈkemık(ə)l, peıʤ, benʧ, ˈgetɜʊ, ˈgɑ:lık, kæʧ, ˈmæʤık, dıʧ, peg, næg, eıʤ, ˈgeıbl, ʤem, get, ʤet, heık, hen, feın.              

Ex . 9. K , L , M , N

dæm, nıt, nʌm, plʌm, ˈkɒləm, næk, tæŋk, neıv, pıŋ, ˈsɒləm, ˈkıŋdəm, ʧıŋk, ʤæm, ˈnæpsæk, nɒt, ˈketl, keg, nɒk, tæŋ, fræŋk, prık, lım, læm, stıŋ, ræŋk, ˈnıkl, ˈmægı, nel, ˈtæŋgl, kıŋk, skɜ:t, hım, ˈlæŋgwıʤ, ˈrıdl, ˈaıdl, sæŋk, smæk, klaım, ˈmægnıt, ˈmedl, ın, naıt, sıŋk, kaıt, ʤeıl, sæk, lıŋk, ʤæz, mɑ:ʤ, tɜ:m, ˈnænı, plæŋk, ˌnævıˈgeıʃn, ʤeıd, nɒb, ˈlıtərəsı, ˈmeıpl.                             

Ex . 10. P , R

ˈpærı, flɒks, ˈrɒm, ˈpærət, fıl, ˈpjænɜʊ, ˈfɑ:məsı, ˈræpsədı, ˈdɒlfın, ˈfɜʊtəgrɑ:f, ˈfɜʊnı, rıðm, raım,      

ˈpʌpıt, plənˈteıʃn, 'rıpl, rıˈtɔ:t, freız, ˈpɒplə, pæʧ, ˈfæntəm, ˈfɜʊbıə, ˈprızn, spæn, ˈrætl, nımf, rɛə, rıə,

rıəl, feız, pi:t, plʌmp, prıˈpɛə, praıd.

Ex 11. S, T

ˈræʃlı, ˈsælərı, spelt, ði:, ðɛə, ʃıp, ˌsætısˈfækʃn, ðɛə, θʌm, ˈfæʃn, ˌkɒnvəˈseıʃn, ˈgɒsıp, ˈsılvə, ˈrætl, kənˈfju:ʒn, rısˈtɔ:, sɒb, ˈtɑ:tən, əˈkeıʒn, depθ, ʃɑ:k, ˈesəns, ˈtɒməs, træp, ˈkɑ:sl, əˈdıʃn, ˈbʌsl, ˈtıptɜʊ, skɔ:, ˈsınıstə, ˈtıkl, rıˈzıst, pəˈmıʃn, θɜ:st, ðaı, ˈɑ:θə, ski:m, tempˈteıʃn, sens, sǝkˈses, ˈtɒlərənt, θi:m, ði:z, temz, θæʧ, ði:, ʃɛə, splæʃ, ðen.

Ex. 12. V, W, X, Z

rek, ɔ:g'zıljərı, ˈvaʊəl, wɔ:d, hu:z, ˈekstrækt, wɜʊ, ˈeksıt, ˈfızı, ˈresl, ıkˈsept, vɜ:b, ˈwıtı, saız, wıp, ˈwɔ:tə, ıgˈzækt, mıks, hɜʊl, zest, ıksˈtri:m, ıkˈsaıt, zıp, ıgˈzɒtık, dwɔ:f, ˈzɜʊdıæk, hu:, rıŋ, ıksˈkju:s, weıl, ˈzi:brə, ˈræŋglə, reks, ıgˈzæm, ˈeksaıl, sɔ:d, ˈvɜ:gɜʊ, vɑ:z, ˈeksəsaız, ˈzıərɜʊ, hu:m, i:v, wıŋk, rıst, ıksˈpreʃn, ˈzɒmbı, mæks. 

Ex. 13

leın, ˈdʌbl, heı, jɑ:d, fɜʊm, steık, pɜʊʧ, ɔ:t, brɔ:d, ˈɔ:kʃn, lʊk, ɑ:nt, jes, ˈkɔ:ʃn, staʊt, tɜʊst, lɑ:f, veın, sɜʊp, kɒf, su:p, kʊk, sju:t, swi:t, greıt, jet, dreın, peıl, ˈaıðə, si:, dıˈsi:v, saʊθ, blʌd, ˈweðə, ˈfeðə, rɜʊm, plæt, lɜʊf, sed, ʃaʊt, li:d/ led, stɛə, zu:, sez, ˈɔ:drı, ʤi:, wʊd, ˈmedɜʊ, def, ki:, rʌf, tɜʊd, flʌd, aʊt, bu:, ˈtɔ:rəs, brest, rıˈli:f, ʧi:t, daʊt;                

Ex. 14

di:n, beıt, kɔ:z, du:m, rıəl, bɜʊst, breık, ˈdeızı, deθ, di:l, laʊd, ˈsi:lıŋ, gri:t, li:n, greı, dred, jel, haıt, ˈgri:dı, sɔ:s, bıld, bi:ʧ, tʌf, tri:t, kaʊnt, ˈkʌntrı, pɔ:z, ʃʊd, tɔ:t, θru:, ðɜʊ, rʊk, rɜʊd, ˈʃɜʊldə, rıˈsi:v,si:z, reın, drɑ:ft, draʊt, brɔ:t, ju:l, hɔ:nt, paʊnd, mu:, aʊʧ, tʊə, ʤu:s, ʤɔı, ji:ld, wi:l, fu:l, traʊt, ˈpri:ʧə, səˈlu:n, ˈnaıðə, helθ, tɔıl, frend.       


Ex. 15

hɔ:, aʊə, pɜ:l, ˈɜ:nıst, bıəd, fıə, hıə, hɜ:d, hɑ:t, pɔ:, ˈbju:tıfʊl, bɛə, bıə, snıə, dɔ:, ʧɔıs, ʃıə, jıə /jɜ:, fɔ:, tıə / tɛə, ıə, ɜ:n, ɛə, spıə, ɛə, ðɛə, gri:f, nıə, dıə, klıə, dıə, gɜʊl, kɔ:s, əˈpıə, hɔ:s, stɛə, sɜ:ʧ, ˈdɛərı, ʧɛə, bɔ:, bʊə, ʧıə, pɛə, ˈdrıərı, θrɜʊt, rıˈtri:t, aʊə, wɛə, pʊə, saʊə, ɔ:, rɔ:, ˈtʊərıst, stıə.           


Ex. 1 6

swɒmp, swæm, rɑ:ft, wɔ:d, vɑ:st, kɔ:l, ʃæl, ʃɔ:l, pæl, peıl, fɔ:l, pɑ:s, rɔ:, mæs, ʧɑ:ns, brɑ:nʧ, 'pæsıv, wɒnd, kɑ:m, ˈkwɔ:tə, læs, sɔ:, mɔ:l, sɑ:m, swɒn, weık, mɑ:sk, weıst, streınʤ, hɑ:f, tɔ:l, skwɒʃ, lɑ:ns, ˈswɒlɜʊ, ˈdeınʤə, mɑ:st, mʌst, wɒsp, ˈkwɒrı, wɔ:n, ˈɔ:kwəd, fɑ:st, dɑ:ns, æs, bɑ:m, heıst, ıgˈzɑ:mpl, ˈæltıtju:d, bɑ:θ, bɑ:ðz, beıð, lɑ:st, drɑ:ft, pɑ:m, stɔ:k, ˈgæðə, pɔ:, ɔ:, wæks, reınʤ, mıˈtælık, wæg, ˈklæsık, klɑ:s, ˈbɔ:ltık, bɔ:l, kɑ:f, ʧeınʤ.

Ex . 17

fju:, sɜʊ, naʊ, sɜʊ, ges, ʧu:, faınd, snɜʊ, saın, ˈsıgnl, ˈsıgnıʧə, rıˈmaınd, nju:z, dju:, kru:, ˈfɑ:ðə, ˈmʌðə, mɒθ, hɜʊst, maıld, gılt, grɑ:nt, baınd, pɑ:θ, raıt, rɜʊl, sʌn, gɑ:d, kwık, sɜʊld, tekˈni:k, hɔ:k, bıˈhaınd, saı, kaınd, hɜʊld, bıˈlɜʊ, wɔ:, wɜ:k, ɔ:l, dɔ:n, daʊn, gest, wınd / waınd, dıˈzaın, haʊl, haınd, hınt, slaıt, fɜʊld, pɜʊl, gaıd, mɒsk, mu:v, dʌv, stɜʊv, lʌv, mɜʊ, krɜʊ, bɔ:ld, bɜʊld, fɒnd, wɜ:θ.                        


Ex. 18

ˈmi:gə, ˈgræmə, ˈkaındnıs, ˈpɑ:ʃəl, dıˈsıʒn, ˈmænʃn, ˈmenʃn, ˈmeʒə, ˈneıʧə, ˈmelən, ˈdevl, ˈdɒŋkı, ˈfɜʊtɜʊ, ˈmɜʊtə, ˈmɒtɜʊ, ˈbʌlbəs, ˈmʌnı, ˈmʌltıtju:d, ˈmınıt, ˈmıksʧə, ˈdıstənt, ˈmi:tə, ˈɔ:θə, ˈsʌb­stıtju:t, ˈpɑ:lə, ˈhʌnı, əˈfreıd, ˈbegə, ˈlaıknıs, ˈræpıd, ˈmırə, ˈmærɜʊ, d(a)ıˈrektə, ˈmænəʤə, ˈlaıflıs, dıˈvıʒn, əˈgreʃn, ˈtreʒə, ʃʊə / ʃɔ:, ˈpʌŋkʧə, ˈi:vn, ˈkɒfı ˈkæfeı.

Ex. 19

kəˈrekt, hısˈtɒrık, ˌɒpəˈreıʃn, ˈgæləksı, ˌsætısˈfækʃn, ˈtendənsı, ˈfju:nərəl, sınˈθetık, ˈkɒmık, dıˌtɜ:mıˈneıʃn, ıˈkɒləʤı, ˈneıʧə, ˈnæʧərəl, ˈneıʃn, ˈnæʃənəl, ˌıntəˈnæʃənəl, ˈtıpıkl, ˈædvɜ:t, ˈædvətaız, ədˈvɜ:tısmənt, ˈklenlınıs, ju:ˈni:k, ˈju:nıvɜ:s, ˌju:nıˈvɜ:sıtı, ˌʤenəˈreıʃn, rıəˈlıstık, əˈmju:z, rıˈzʌlt, ˈtelıvıʒn, ınˈtensıfaı, ıkˈsper­ımənt, əˈpɒləʤaız, ˈındəstrı, ınˈdʌstrıəl, ˈlɒʤık.


Ex. 20

kwaıə, ˈsænwıʤ, swi:t, ˈklenlınıs, ʃu:t, 'ɑ:nsə, sɔ:d, ˈsɒsıʤ, haıt, ˈnevju:, sɜʊ, ˈdɒŋkı, ˈmʌŋkı, jıə/jɜ:, wɜ:, wɛə, wɛə, ˈbıskıt, ˈbızı, klɑ:k, ˌenʤıˈnıə, ˈʤɜ:nəlıst, ˈhaʊswaıf, ˈlɔ:jə, ˈdrɔ:ıŋ, fəˈtɒgrəfə, ɔ:gˈzıljərı, ˈsɜʊlʤə, ˈseılzmən, ˈju:ʒʊəl, klɜʊðz, klɒθs, ˈkɒli:g, ˈkɒlıʤ saʊθ, ˈsʌð(ə)n, kɔ:s, kɔ:z, klɜʊs, tə klɜʊz, ˌsæntə ˈklɔ:z, fıˈɑ:nseı, ˈhæns(ə)m, məsˈtɑ:ʃ, səˈpraız, ˈaıbraʊz, ˈımıʤ, ˌmægəˈzi:n, hɜʊˈtel, ˈkrısməs, ˈdezət, dıˈzɜ:t, haʊs, ˈhaʊzız, kɒf, ðɜʊ, θru:, θɔ: t.

Ex. 2 1

ʧaıˈni:z, ˌpɔ:tjʊˈgi:z, ˈærəbık, ˈtɜʊkıɜʊ, ʤəˈpæn, ˌʤæpəˈni:z, ˈɒzlɜʊ, ˈpɜʊlıʃ, ˈi:ʤıpt, ˈdeınıʃ, ˈswi:dn, ˈswi:dıʃ, ˈspænıʃ, ˈswıʦələnd, ðə səˈhɑ:rə, ðə ˌmedıtəˈreınıən, ɔ:sˈtreılıə, ðə temz, ˈpænəmɑ:, ðə ˈsu:ız kəˈnæl, ðə ˈʧæn(ə)l, ðə ˈbɔ:ltık si:, ðə kəˈnɛərız, ðə bə'hɑ:məz, ðə hıməˈleıəz, ðə bəˈmju:dəz, ðə ˈkɔ:kəsəs, ðə kraıˈmıə, ðə ˈjʊərəlz, hel'sɪŋkɪ, 'juərəp, ˈeɪʃə / ˈeɪʒə.

Ex. 2 2

1. cost; 2. great; 3. fault; 4. broad; 5. fuss; 6. chute; 7. rough;

8. cough; 9. height; 10. through; 11. gift; 12. seal; 13. were; 14. hostel;

15. sew; 16. baffle; 17. low; 18. nephew; 19. fast; 20. move; 21. built;

22. boot; 23. flood; 24. wax; 25. sausage; 26. balk; 27. ward; 28. geese;

29. sour; 30. foot; 31. pear; 32. castle; 33. cattle; 34. singer; 35. biscuit.


Ex. 23

1. bear – care; 2. hearth – bath; 3. here – fear; 4. could – wood; 5. shoe – through;

6. sew – though; 7. blues – lose; 8. fork – hawk; 9. hall – crawl; 10. were – sir;

11. to wer – sour; 12. sore – floor; 13. moor – tour; 14. suite – sweet; 15. height – knight.




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