Ex. 2. Mark the stress and read the words.

abstain, abroad, admit, advise, advance, attract, attack, attach, attend, appear, approach, appoint, apply, achieve, assume, accuse, amuse, agree, assist, avoid, annoy, announce, allow, amount, account, arouse, ar­rive, arrest, address, affair, acute;


begin, become, believe, belong, betray, because, besides,

concern, contain, conclude, construct, confirm, consist,

command, commit, complain, correct, corrupt;


defend, depend, demand, detain, defeat, describe, depress, depict, devote, debate, detect, deceive, deserve, delight, decide, destroy, deny, delay, declare,

expect, express, explain, expose, explode, extend, expand, expire, explore,

forbear, forbid, forget, forgive, forsake;


result, report, regret, remind, rely, reply, respect, reflect, reject, retreat, reform, resort, receive, relieve, re­quest, require, regard, refresh, reduce, reserve, remain, repair, restore, resist, react, refuse, repeat, revise, re­proach, recite, rewrite, reread, reopen, retranslate, rebuild, recharge, re-elect, refill.

Mark the stress and read the words.

Ex. 3

dominate, demonstrate, complicate, confiscate, advertise, recognize, criticize, mineral, criminal, cultural, general, radical, typical, hospital, terrible, medical, sensible, national, factory, sympathy, liberty, ministry, in­dustry, memory, enemy, tendency, colony, contrary, gallery, innocent, incident, benefit, regiment, interest, in­valid, instrument, diplomat, president, ambulance, popular, primitive, politics, optimist, pessimist.

Ex. 4

economy, ecology, monopoly, apology, humanity, formality, stability, publicity, ability, facilities, activities, responsible, invincible, political, professional, particular, capitulate, commemorate, intensify, incompetent, conservative, eliminate, experiment, development.

Ex. 5

historic, specific, comic, fanatic, clinic, idiotic, classic, synthetic, traffic, democratic, economic, systematic, atomic, diplomatic, patriotic, realistic, terrific, pathetic, cynic, rhetoric, patronymic, hectic, erotic, hysteric, static, dogmatic, melodic, dramatic, erratic, photographic, hypnotic, ethic, pragmatic, acrobatic, geographic, problematic, anatomic, exotic, despotic, mechanic, astronomic, botanic, agnostic, sceptic, mystic.

Ex. 6

delegation, operation, irritation, indignation, domination, destination, decoration, transformation, conversa­tion, population, complication, demonstration, transportation, relaxation, reputation, generation, cancellation, compensation, opposition, competition, corporation, satisfaction, adaptation, situation, constitution, televi­sion, congratulation, accommodation, determination, interpretation, examination, negotiation, imagination, consideration.


№                     position pronunciation example exception  
 1 BT (at the end) [t] debt, doubt    
 2 C before A, O, U before consonants [k] cat, come, cut, act, class, accuse      
 3 C before E, I ,Y [s] cell, city, cycle, accept [ʃ] in the suffix CIAN musician [mju:'zıʃn]  
 4 CH in Greek words in French words [ʧ] [k] [ʃ]  chat school, ache, chemistry chef, chute, Michigan, Chicago [ʃı'kɑ:gɜʊ]   choir [kwaıə]   sandwich [ˈsænwıdʒ]  
 5  DG [dʒ] edge, bridge, judge      
 6 G before E, I, Y [ʤ] gentleman, gin, gym [g] get, girl, give, gift, geese etc.  
 7 G before A, O, U [g] gate, got, gut    
 8 GH at the beginning after vowels [g]   isn’t pronounced ghost   bright, thought    
 9   GN at the beginning and  at the end [n] gnat [næt]      sign [saın]    
 10 NG at the end   with added grammar inflexions   in degrees of comparison [ŋ] [ŋg]                          [ŋg] sing, singer, singing   English, language, angry finger   longer, longest     
 11 H   sometimes [h]   isn’t pronounced hello, honey   hour, honest, heir [ɛə]    
 12 KN [n] know, knee    
 13 NK [ŋk] bank, ink    
 14 L   in the combinations ALM, ALF, ALV,ALK     isn’t pronounced could [kʊd] would [wʊd] should [ʃʊd]   calm, half, halves, walk


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