Write a letter to a friend in which you describe your experience of visiting one of the caves in which you have seen cave paintings. Insert the following sentence.

 “The superb paintings found at Bedeilhac in the Pyrenees during the First World War disappeared completely within six months of the cave’s discovery”


The sentences of the Text are jumbled in the exercise. Rewrite the following sentences to make a comprehensive text. Retell it.

1. Non utilitarian theories see the art as shamanistic, or magical or religious.

2. The best artists were professionals, they required support and materials provided by the community, the art galleries they created in caves were communal possessions, to be visited.

3. In the 20th century many art historians paid much attention to formulating, elaborating and proving theories devoted to Magdalenian art.

4. Thus cave art was thought provoking, and the thoughts it provoked provided the impetus for men and women to lay the foundations of theories of life, and of the universe, it became the father of religion.

5. The utilitarian theory has been most generally held.

6. There is nothing in these art works as such to suggest religious purpose.

7. But if the art was designed to teach the science of hunting, why did it include creatures that were never hunted?

8. The most likely reason why these societies devoted so much attention and resources to cave art is that they found satisfaction in it.

9. All these theories are contradictory and often mutually exclusive and none of them fits all of the facts.

10. Art created by gifted individuals seems to have been the work of one artist on behalf of the entire settlement was also an intellectual instrument, which tells of exploits and the history of the community.

Translate the following into English.

В начальной стадии развития первобытное изобразительное искусство не знало законов пространства и перспективы, а также композиции. Сначала животные на рисунках выглядели неподвижными, но позднее первобытные ''художники'' научились передавать движение. На пещерных рисунках появились фигуры животных, полные жизни: олени бегут в паническом страхе, лошади мчатся в ''летучем галопе'' (передние ноги поджаты, задние выброшены вперед). Кабан страшен в ярости: он скачет, оскалив клыки и ощетинившись. Пещерные росписи имели ритуальное назначение – отправляясь охотиться, первобытный человек рисовал мамонта, кабана или лошадь, чтобы охота была удачной, а добыча – легкой. Это подтверждается характерными наложениями одних рисунков на другие, а также их многочисленностью. Рисунки сохранились в пещерах Испании и Франции благодаря их особому микроклимату.


Translate the following into Russian.

The Chauvet Cave is one of the most famous prehistoric rock art sites in the world. Located in the Ardeche region of southern France, along the bank of the river Ardeche near the Pont-d'Arc, this cave was only discovered as recently as 1994, happened upon by a small team of cavers led by Jean-Marie Chauvet. Chauvet Cave's importance is based on two factors: firstly, the aesthetic quality of these Palaeolithic cave paintings, and secondly, their great age. With one exception, all of the cave art paintings have been dated between 30,000 & 33,000 years ago. The fact that these cave paintings were executed so skillfully yet so deep within prehistory has forced us to abandon the prevailing view that 'early art was naive art'. Not only is the Ice Age art of the Chauvet Cave extremely old, it is also very extensive and highly varied. And one other factor intrigued prehistorians around the world eagerly awaiting news from the research team; the Chauvet Cave and its Palaeolithic paintings were more or less perfectly preserved. Hundreds of cave paintings of animals have been recorded, depicting at least 13 different species, including those which have rarely or never been found in other Ice age paintings. Rather than the more usual animals of the hunt that predominate in Palaeolithic cave art, such as horses, cattle and reindeer, the walls of the Chauvet Cave are covered with predatory animals - lions, panthers, bears, owls, rhinos and hyenas. As one would expect, there are no human figures, except at the very end of the lowest and farthest gallery in the Chauvet cave system, where there appears to be a female figurine and a human figure with the lower body of a man abd the upper body of a bison, now referred to as 'The Sorcerer'.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 146; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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