Make up questions to Text 2. Ask your classmates to answer them.

Give Russian equivalents for the following phrases.

Large-scale paintings; limestone caves; to represent animals; surviving tribal cultures; to gain control; by means of representation; the painted chambers; sanctuary for magical or religious rituals; to do the paintings; to derive colours from minerals; to apply the broad black oulines; paint blown from a tube; colour-stained tubes of bone; soft colour; the naturalistic treatment of the animals.

Give English equivalents for the following phrases.

Известняковые пещеры; изображать животных, дошедшая до нас традиционная культура; огромные картины; расписные залы пещер; наскальная живопись; пещерная живопись; святилище для магических обрядах, натуралистическое изображение животных; создавать картины; получать краски из минералов; контуры; посредством изображения; анатомическое строение; пещеры, открытые в 1940 году; кисти; мягкий цвет.

Match the following .

1. limestone a) святилище
2. site b) неприемлемый
3. sanctuary c) известняк
4. untenable d) тур, зубр
5. wick e) стоянка
6. auroch f) фитилек

Substitute the Russian words and phrases with their English equivalents from the box. Translate the text into Russian. Give the gist of it.

painters; image; understanding; painted animals; concept; signs and symbols; painted; cave paintings; caves; early artists; prehistoric art; reproduces

Our (восприятие) of painted animals cannot be different from that of the people who (изобразили) them so many thousands of years ago. Until we learn to decipher the (знаки и символы) appearing in the (пещерная живопись) we have no real clue as to what may have been going through the minds of the (художники). The expressions of the (изображенные животные) are so intense, the outlines are painted with force and freedom. Perhaps (доисторические художники) experienced deep creative pleasure in what they were doing. (Концепция) of action is essen­tially action. This (изображение) identifies, then, the artist's move­ments of arm and hand with those of the animals the artist (создает). The fact that the individual images were so often (писали) right over one another would in itself show that the moment of creation, whether reli­gious, magical, or some mysterious combination of both, was more im­portant than the final (доисторическое искусство) and its survival.

Complete the following sentences.

It has been sug­gested that these paintings …

Most of the paintings are found ….

The painted chambers are accessible only by ….

The paintings could only have been done with the aid of ….

The paintings have always been described ….

The animals float as if by ….

The cave of Altamira in Spain was the first to ….

Al­though artists of periods later in human history analyzed ….

The cave of Lascaux in France is ….

The low ceiling of the so-called Hall of Bulls at Lascaux is ….

In an­other chamber is ….

Insert the missing articles. Rewrite and retell the text.

… disappearance of … great glaciers and … consequent rise in tem­perature brought early humanity out of … caves and fostered … gradual transition to … farming society of … Neolithic period (New Stone Age). … intermediate stage, known as … Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), is far less rewarding artistically than … Palaeolithic. Paintings were made on … walls of open shelters on rocky cliff faces. More than sixty sites have been located in eastern Spain, but … small-scale paintings of ani­mals lack not only … size but also … vigor of … cave paintings, and were usually done in … single tone of red. … example from El Cerro Felio shows … group of male and female hunters, greatly sche­matized but nonetheless pursuing at remarkable speed … antelope that seems to have eluded their spears and arrows. Mesolithic rock paintings of … similar style are scattered from … Scandinavia to … South Af­rica. By all means … most striking works of art from … Mesolithic period are … brilliant series of outline drawings of human figures and animals discovered in 1952 on … walls of … small cave at Addaura, just outside Palermo, Sicily.

Put the world history period names in the chronological order.

Mesolithic _____________________________________


Neolithic _____________________________________

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 175; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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