Make up questions to Text 1. Ask your classmates to answer them.



Unit 1

The first artists


Learn the following words and phrases .

ancestor ['ænsəstə] – предок; common ancestor – общий предок. Syn: forefather, progenitor, forebear anthropologist [ˌæn(t)θrə'pɔləʤɪst] – антрополог bison ['baɪsn] – 1) зубр. Syn: wisent ['wiːzənt]; амер., бизон. Syn: buffalo brow [brau] – бровь Cro-Magnon man [krouˈmæɡnənmæn] – кроманьонец extensive [ɪk'sten(t)sɪv] – громадный, большой. Syn: vast, spacious figurative art – изобразительное искусство flint [flɪnt] – кремень flake [fleɪk] – слой Glacial age ['gleɪsɪəl eɪʤ] – ледниковый период   Neanderthal [nɪ'ændətɑːl] – 1. неандертальский 2. неандерталец Palaeolithic [ˌpælɪə'lɪθɪk] – 1) палеолит (древнекаменный век; первый период каменного века с 3 млн. лет назад – 10 тыс. лет назад; 2) палеолитический; Pal(a)eolithic age – палеолит; Pal(a)eolithic man – человек эпохи палеолита pigment ['pɪgmənt] – краситель, красящее вещество roam [rəum] – бродить. Syn: wander species ['spiːʃiːz] – род человеческий stage [steɪʤ] – период, этап; at a stage – на стадии subhuman [ˌsʌb'hjuːmən] – нечеловеческий utility [juː'tɪllətɪ] – польза

Make sure you know how to pronounce the following.

Neanderthal [nɪ'ændətɑːl]; Magdalenian [,magdə'li:nɪən]; Palaeolithic [,pælɪə'lɪθɪk]; Europe ['juərəp]; Europeans [,juərə'pi:ən]; anthropologists [,ænθrə'pɔləʤɪst]; France [frɑːns]; Cro-Magnon [krouˈmæɡnən]; British Isles ['brɪtɪʃ'aɪlz]; Balkans ['bɔːlkənz]; Portugal ['pɔːtjəg(ə)l]; Levallois [lə'valwɑː]; Cantabrian [kæn'tæbrɪən]; ancestor ['ænsəstə]; period ['pɪərɪəd].

Give Russian equivalents for the following phrases.

Human beings; to take a significant step; to have evidence of; human artistic production; at a very early stage; subhuman groups; to make works of art; the ancestors of modern Europeans; to roam over Europe; glacial period; brow ridges; early humans; the Upper Palaeolithic period; the Magdalenian art system; glacial cap; human history; history of art; stone tools; figurative art; cave art.

Give English equivalents for the following phrases.

Верхний палеолит; ледниковый период; создавать произведения искусства; изобразительное искусство; каменные орудия труда; первобытные люди; ледниковый период; бродить по Европе; надбровная дуга; многочисленные свидетельства; род человеческий; на раннем этапе развития; красящее вещество; кроманьонец; антропологи; на стадии; история человечества.

Make up a story of your own, using expressions given in ex. 1.

Ask your classmate to answer the following questions.

1. What evidence of early human artistic production do we have?

2. Who could create cave paintings?

5. When was the first cave art discovered?


Read and translate Text 1.


We do not know when or how human beings took the significant step of making objects for their own interest and enjoyment rather than for pure utility. But we have extensive evidence of human artistic production at a very early stage. Such subhuman groups as the Neanderthal did not make works of art. The first artists were the ancestors of modern Europeans, the Cro-Magnon people, who roamed over Europe, equipped with stone tools and weapons, during the last glacial period. Northeastern Europe, and most of the British Isles were covered deep in glacial ice. Yet, early humans left us remarkable works of art on open air rocks or on the walls and ceilings of caves. They were created during the Upper Palaeolithic period (50,000 to 10,000 BCE), and the best were done by the so-called the Magdalenians, peoples who flourished in Europe from 18,000 to 10,000 BCE. Such works have a unity, and can be described as the Magdalenian art system, the first in human history. In any history of art the Magdalenian system occupies an important place. The first cave art was discovered in the 1860s, and it was not until 1902 that it was accepted as a fact by anthropologists and art historians. By the end of the twentieth century, there were 277 agreed examples in Europe, 142 in France, 108 in Spain, 21 in Italy, 2 in Portugal, 2 in Germany and 2 in the Balkans. Most of these works of art are extremely fragile and inaccessible and this is a real obstacle to unlocking the secrets of the Magdalenian art system. These caves are no longer open to the public.


Make up questions to Text 1. Ask your classmates to answer them.

Match the following.

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