Translate the following into English.

Первые произведения искусства каменного века были созданы около XXV тыс. до н.э. Это человеческие фигурки, в основном женские, вырезанные из бивня мамонта или мягкого камня. Нередко их поверхность испещрена углублениями, означавшими, вероятно, меховую одежду. Помимо «одетых» статуэток встречаются обнаженные женские фигуры. Это так называемые «Венеры каменного века». Интересны прически статуэток, порой достаточно сложные и пышные. К этому же периоду относятся вырезанные из кости или камня фигурки животных. Для произведений искусства древнекаменного века, или палеолита, характерна простота форм и цвета и его оттенков.


Summarize the texts to give a comprehensive picture of prehistoric sculpture.

Write a composition on one of the topics.

1. Prehistoric «Venuses" are Paleolithic masterpieces.

2. The earliest representations of animals.

3. Techniques for animal painting.

Unit 4

The earliest images


Learn the following words. Use them in your own sentences.

akin [ə'kɪn] – похожи binder ['baɪndə] – связующее вещество brush [brʌʃ]– кисть clay [kleɪ] – глина crayon ['kreɪɔn] – цветной мелок ingenuity [,ɪnʤɪ'nju:ətɪ] – мастерство mortar ['mɔːtə] – ступка polychrome ['pɔlɪkrəum] – разноцветная окраска rhinoceros [raɪ'nɔs(ə)rəs] – носорог slate sleɪt] – аспидный сланец

Skim Text 4 to insert the following sentences.

1. All kinds of devices and implements were used to aid art.

2. There was no shortage of pigment.

3. Humans are also portrayed but these instances are rare.

4. On the cave floors only few clay engravings have survived.

5. Then came engraving, by far the commonest method, using flakes of sharp flint and in some cases stone picks.


Cave art portrays large numbers of animals in different activities such as woolly rhinoceros, geometric figures and signs. a) _____. The early painters used various methods and materials. The earliest and most rudimentary images are finger drawings in soft clay on the rock surface, the artist following the example of claw marks made by animals. b) _____. Different types of rocks were used to give variety, add colour and produce depth, so that some of these engravings are akin to sculptural low reliefs. Fine engraving is rare and late c) _____. As for painting, the first colours were red and black. White was used occasionally. Other colours available to Magdalenian painters were yellow and brown. Great ingenuity was displayed by the early artists. At Lascaux mortars have been found in which colours were mixed, together with no less than 158 different mineral fragments from which the mixtures were made. d) _____ Shells were used as containers. Cave water was used as mixers, and vegetable and animal oils as binders. The artists had primitive crayons and they applied the paint with brush tools, though none has survived. e) _____. Important lines were preceded by dots, which were then joined up. Sometimes paint was sprayed. Stencils were used. Blow pipes made from bird bones served as tubes for applying paint. By these means, the more experienced Magdalenian painters were able to produce polychrome art.


Copy Text 4 in your notebook.

Make up five questions to the text. Ask your classmates to answer them.

Put down 6 adjectives from Text 4. Make up as many word combinations as possible with them. Look through other texts of Unit I to enlarge your list.

Summarize Text 4 in 50 words in writing.


Skim Texts 1-4 to have a comprehensive picture of cave painting.

Put down words and word combinations connected with.

a) methods of painting___________________________

b) material of painting___________________________

c) colours_____________________________________

d) objects of painting____________________________

e) devices and implements of painting ______________

f) time of painting _______________________________


Put down 9 adjectives from Texts 1-4. Make with them as many word combinations as possible. Use them in the story of your own.

Make up as many word combinations as possible with the following words.

Cave, figures, images, surface, clay, lines, painters, art


Re-write the text, dividing it into sentences. Mind the capital letters and punctuation mark.

cave art was difficult and expensive to produce in the first place it required lighting some examples of palaeolithic lamps have been found inside caves artists usually worked by torchlight second some of the best cave paintings especially at altamira were painted by artists standing up or in some cases lying down or squatting others required elaborate scaffolding some of the paintings were done on a gigantic scale or at heights many feet from the cave floor in the pyrenees an immense horse is found 14 feet above floor level at bernifal the mammoths are painted 20 feet up some of the bulls at lascaux are over 20 feet long the famous painting of a woolly rhinoceros at font de gaume is found high up on a huge cave wall the big cave vault at lascaux known as the picture gallery is over 100 feet long and 35 feet wide

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 172; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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