I. Згрупуйте подані нижче слова за частинами мови.

Іменник Прикметник Дієслово
temperature smaller become

Define, range, temperature, body, smaller, fast, shape, wide, diversity, fascinating, shark, hatch, become, deal with, ancient, tendency, Romans, evolve, modern, reptile, diverse, highest, energy, oxygen, demand, occupy, tropical, show.

II. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях, використовуючи слова у дужках.

1.Ichthyology is usually … as “the study of fish” or “that branch of zoology dealing with fish”.

2.The … vertebrates evolved in the sea 480 million years ago.

3.… were around long before amphibians, reptiles, birds or mammals.

4.The diversity of fish is larger than of … other vertebrate group.

5.The shapes of fish are also ... diverse.

6.The brain is the organ with the highest … and oxygen demand.

7.Tropical fish show … to be smaller and faster growing than their cold-water counterparts.

8.Fish are beautiful. They have beautiful colors, … body shapes, one of the reasons why people keep them in aquaria.

(fish, fascinating, energy, defined, any, tendency, extremely, first)

III . Складіть речення.

1. The first vertebrates 1.is usually defined as “the study of fish” or “that branch of zoology dealing with fish”
2. Tropical fish 2.produce a large number of small eggs which become a part of the plankton.
3. Fish 3.is the organ with the highest energy and oxygen demand
4. Ichthyology 4.show tendency to be smaller and faster growing than their cold-water counterparts.
5. Brain 5.were fish, amphibians, reptiles

IV . Відкрийте дужки і поставте дієслова у правильному часі.

1. Ichthyology (to have) a long documented history. 2. The first vertebrates (to evolve) in the sea 480 million years ago. 3. Fish (to be) around long before amphibians, reptiles, birds or mammals, but they (to be) not like modern fish. 4. The shapes of fish (to be) also extremely diverse. 5. Tropical fish (to show) a tendency to be smaller and faster growing than their cold-water counter-parts. 6. Fish (to have) beautiful colors and fascinating body shapes. 7. Fish (to produce) a large number of small eggs. 8. We just (to receive) the latest biochemical magazine. Our students (to study ) it. 9. We (to be interested) in new methods of treatment both people and animal diseases. 10. This medicine (to be) of high quality. Our laboratory just (to start) producing it and we already (to receive) a lot of orders for this medicine.

V. Перекладіть слова в дужках, використовуючи слова (few або a few).

During our last practice we have discussed (декілька) business matters. 2. I have (мало) German books. 3. There are (мало) plants in my native city.4. I have written (декілька) letters to my former schoolmates. 5. My brother has read (мало) English books this year. 6. We have (декілька) foreign students in our college. 7. There were very (мало) people there. 8 Many students were invited but (декілька) came. 9. He has (мало) friends.

VI. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ними.

Зразок 1. А: Ichthyology is usually defined as “the study of mammals”.

           Do you agree with me?

           В: No, that’s wrong. Ichthyology is usually defined as “the study of fish”

Зразок 2. А: Ichthyology has a long documented history.

            Do you agree with me?

            B: Yes, you are right. Ichthyology has a long documented history.

1. The first vertebrates evolved in the forests 480 million years ago.

2. The diversity of fish is smaller than for any other vertebrate group.

3. The brain is the organ with the highest energy and oxygen demand.

4. Tropical fish show a tendency to be smaller and faster growing.

5. The shapes of fish are not diverse.

6. Fish have a wide diversity of food and feeding habits.

7. The maximum size of fish can range from one meter in Philippine gobies, to 13-15 centimeters in the Whale shark.

8. Fish are ugly. They never have beautiful colors or fascinating body shapes which is why people don’t like keep them in aquaria.

VII . Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Іхтіологію, зазвичай, визначають як “науку про риб” або “галузь зоології, яка вивчає риб”. 2. Іхтіологія має давню історію, яка нараховує тисячоліття. 3. Перші хребетні з’явились у морі 480 млн. років тому. 4. Перші риби існували задовго до амфібій, рептилій або пташок, але вони не були схожі на сучасних риб. 5. Різноманітність риб набагато більша, ніж будь-якої іншої групи хребетних. 6. У природі існує понад 25.000 видів риб. 7. Форми риб надзвичайно різноманітні. 8. Максимальний розмір риби може коливатися від одного сантиметра до 15 метрів. 9. Тропічні риби більше виявляютьтенденцію до швидкого росту, ніж їх холодноводні “родичі”. 10. Риби виробляють велику кількість ікри, яка стає частиною планктону. 11. Риби мають гарний колір і привабливі форми тіла – це одна із причин того, чому ми тримаємо їх в акваріумі.

VIII.Замість крапок вставте модальні дієслова (must, may, can, could, need).

1.He … do it himself. 2.She … speak English. 3.She … attend lectures because she is ill. 4. … he come here? No, he … not come so early. 5. He … swim very well when he was young. 6. They … go there tomorrow. 7. You … take my dictionary. 8. … I come in? 9. He … know her address. 10. I don’t … your book any longer. 11. Does he … my help? 12. He … not find him there. 13. I … do it now. 14. You … consult your dean. 15. … I translate these documents? No, you … not. 16. … I smoke? No, you … not. 17. You look very tired. I think you … have a long rest.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 158; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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